Give her the Deku
Boku no hero academia
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>My point being he never initiates conflict with Bakugou or tries to impress him.
That doesn't mean he isn't idolizing and chasing after Katsuki. Deku himself says he idolizes him.
He followed Katsuki around as a kid despite Katsuki being a dick because he wanted to be like him. He was envious and clung to him. Which is something he never stopped doing.
Deku rising to Bakugou's challenge in that race is still him following in his footsteps, trying to be on even footing. He says as much during their last fight. It's the same thing during the hero/villain training.
When Katsuki gets kidnapped, he was pretty fucked up about it. He literally tried to follow him through that portal. Pretty much anytime Katsuki is in trouble, he comes running exactly like when he was caught by that sludge villain.
He literally literally says this during that final fight. Part of the reason Katsuki is annoyed with him is because of that. Always chasing him, always reaching out.
Deku has been on Katsuki's dick for years. There;s at least a bit of infatuation there. He cares too much for it not to be
I've got to 114 and one thing that's weird to me is that literally no one in this manga is dating. I understand if the author wanted to keep it lose for the main characters, but not even any of the class B background characters or characters from other schools have partners.
I don't know about anyone else but from personal experience the vast majority of friends/acquaintances in high school dated at least one other person during the time.
Ochako is basically the only character who's even thinking about dating someone, and even she treats it like an alien discovering humanity. Maybe it's a Japanese thing, but just ask the guy out god damn.
Great manga though. Bakugou and Todo are a snorefest however. Wish other characters in the class got a bigger focus instead of the 5th arc of "Bakugou is mad" or "Todo is haunted by his father's painful parenting". Like yeah, okay, we get it dudes. Can we get an arc with Kaminari or Crowboy or Tsuyu(sp? Frog girl) now?
>Bakugou and Todo are a snorefest however.
>Chapter 114
Buddy, if you can stomach 5 more chapters dedicated to Bakugou, you are good to go
I bet Todoroki has some weirdass dreams now that are just Midoriya whispering "Imagine the microwave" in his ear.
Are you trying to imply Deku has a crush on Bakugou, his bully? The same guy he wished he were not on his class in the beginning of the series? The one that everytime he talked to Deku before chapter 117 always made Deku flinch in fear? Also. the same Deku who has been shown to like girls?
The reason he cares when people are in trouble is because he's a good person unlike Bakugou.
He didn't need to almost get killed trying to protect Eri but he did it anyway before Mirio stopped him.
Same with protecting AM, Tsuyu, Kouta, Ochako.
I think you're missing the point here.
He did the same thing with Todoroki and he hardly knew him. Yet you wouldn't say he's chasing after him.
Think what you like, far be it for me to destroy someone's headcanon.
>Are you trying to imply Deku has a crush on Bakugou, his bully?
where do I imply he has a crush? Infatuation doesnt only mean love
>He cares too much for it not to be
Thats Deku in a nutshell, friend. He would die for someone he just met if it mean he'd save them. Don't think too hard about it.
It's very much a Japanese thing for kids to treat it like a weird foreign concept, not that there probably aren't teens fucking in Japan, I assume there is, but culturally they're very slow moving it seems in the dating department.
>Wish other characters in the class got a bigger focus
Do you like Kirishima?
>A girl who is 11/10 on the adorable scale will never have a debilitating crush on you
Im not thinking overly hard about it m8, his actions and words speak for him. His bully is his ideal of victory
it's not headcanon if he says it himself. I went and tracked it down. Go read pretty much all of chapter 119
He's a cool dude, and I'm happy to see he just passed while Bakugou and Todo failed. Sadly, that also probably means they'll be getting even MORE focus in the future. But yeah Kirishima is cool, it's just sad that he seems to be Bakugou's shadow instead of his own character. It seems like every scene he's in, Bakugou has to be there too. Kaminari (I suck at names, the electric guy) is almost the same but at least he has Jirou (earjack girl) to bounce off sometimes too.
and 120. Actually starting at 117 would be more complete
Well, if you don't mind spoilers, Kirishima pretty much gets upgraded to main character status in the next arc, and he gets a lot of character outside of Bakugou
Good shit good shit. Sadly I've stopped for the night, heading off to bed. That twist at the end of 114 though god damn. Didn't see it coming but I should have.
Kirishima and Kaminari are basically just pallet swaps in my mind.
I don't really find either of them very interesting because kiri reminds me of Kiba from Naruto who I fucking hated and Kaminari at least has his retarded mode which is amusing but beyond that has nothing i could care about.
It's a shame really, I like side characters getting more spotlight for the sake of world building but at the same time most side characters usually aren't my kind of characters to begin with so I could give a fuck about what they do.
yeah, I think it's a pretty big element of deku's character that is he is legitimately a good person, it's the whole reason AM picks him in the first place.
I got wet when he say that
All I see in this is that surpassing Bakugou is a goal for him right now to be worthy of OfA.
Nowhere do I see infatuation or obsession.
I do think Bakugou will continue to have a role in the future but I don't think it'll be on the same level. Instead I think he'll try and become a more worthy hero instead of a stronger one. That's what I got from this.
I have a question about Midoriya's fight with Todoroki.
Cemetoss bloacked the path between their final blows but when they unleashed their attacks, Cemetoss' cement got blown away into perfect cubes.
Why is that?
Would Stain approve of Rappa, if Rappa was a hero? Is hero whose sole motivation isn't to protect or save anyone, but just to fight a pure soul or fake poser that needs to be removed?
The next arc is fun, it introduces a lot of fun and interesting characters that I really like, something I think the License Exam was a little weak on. also neither Bakugou or Todoroki are part of it, so you are good to go
It is just yutapon style
he literally says that he's always following him and has caught up to him and has been doing so since they were children
If you can't parse that then I have no idea what else to tell you. I cannot further explain why followng your bully for 10+ years is weird and obsessive
Easier to draw/animate i think.
oh shit. I didnt know that had a name nor did I realize that was what it was supposed to be
Neat. Though I was hoping it was some weird science thing
Nope and nope
Rappa is a fighter and all he is
You haven't seen much anime, have you?
I'm sorry, i mean yutaka nakamura storyboarder
It's not weird for Deku because he's a good person.
And he's not following him, but has him set as a goal to surpass.
You don't see him chasing him around asking to eat at the same table and be friends, because he's not a Naruto style doormat.
>That doesn't mean he isn't idolizing and chasing after Katsuki. Deku himself says he idolizes him.
Its a Bakugoufag says something stupid episode
Ive seen plenty but admittedly it's been awhile. BNHA is the first anime/manga ive watched/read seriously in years
read the last 5 pages of chapter 119
Please don't acossiate bakugoufags with him.
Great now I only have to put on my Bakufag brain-melting machine to know what the fuck you're thinking when reading that.
What a dandy
He's a lady killer
o shit
nope he's a ouiaboo admiring bubblegum's fabulous hair
so, gay
It's really just Hori trying to shove a shitty DESTINED RIVUHLS thing in there because of the Jump editors.
The entire thing is contrived faggotry of the highest order and makes everyone involved in that thing seem like wierd creeps.
yes I agree that Hori is oddly obsessed with Izuku dick-riding
I also never did get the "you two need each other" thing, because Deku focused on rescuing and Bakugou on defeating villains. But this is rather sudden, considering that this imply a problem in Deku's way thats not really shown before. In fact, its stated by several characters saving people and giving hope is the main job of a hero. Thats also considering Deku has successfully defeated two major villains while Bakugou has not
Is it possible to get a fetish for black sclera?
probably because Deku throws himself in without thinking and Bakugou does the same and they would benefit from absorbing from eachother
If that shit stays limited to OVA's I don't mind.
Fortunately Bakushit has been very much put aside right now.
Depends whom they are on.
>tfw you like vanilla
Through a huge moment of autism i decided who in class 1A was sexualized straight a least once in exhentai
And the verdict is that shouji and aoyama simply doesnt exist as is seems and todoroki except a genderbender deku is exclusively gay
I need pictures!
Pictures of ponies!
You didn't look hard enough. There's like two straight orgy doujins in which Shouji and Aoyma and Todoroki appear . Every Class A student has been in a straight doujin. Well, the closest you could come to is Kirishima, who only appears in one, where Midnight and Mt.Lady rape the boys. He's absent in the other two orgy doujins
>Kirishima, who only appears in one, where Midnight and Mt.Lady rape the boys. He's absent in the other two orgy doujins
This will never stop being funny to me desu.
Fuck you bested me
Beside this do you have the source of the orgy?
I like Vanilla too, user. Well actually I just like things that make sense.
Fuck off Todomomokek. Trying to shove your shit pairing in there with 3 popular ones.
Here's the ORIGINAL that has all 4 popular / canon ones.
I don't actually. Maybe somebody else has it here?
Remember to report ban evaders!
Did Hori reveal at what percentage we are?
I seriously doubt even he knows.
Although I'm sure he has a rough idea.
Is it actually a good mainstream manga? Or is it
another Naruto/Bleach/Dragonball but with le epic children superheroes this time??
>Kirishima, who only appears in one, where Midnight and Mt.Lady rape the boys. He's absent in the other two orgy doujins
How can a character comes off so gay that even straight artist who draw orgys (with even Aoyama!) don't include him?
>Meme la Meme
yeah you'll probably hate it with your kind of taste
S-Sorry, it was random reaction pic. But c'mon Kilakil wasn't that bad.
You know
If All Might would just reveal that his body's been fucked up by a villain, a fan of his would probably show up that has magic organ regeneration powers and he'd be healed and bulking in no time
I'm not going to enter that debate but if you're not hooked on the first episode (20 minutes of your pathetic life) then just drop it.
Wouldn't work. All Might is the symbol of peace, which genuinely means something in-universe. He HAS to appear invincible, otherwise he can't deter crime just by existing.
B-but I wanted to read manga...
that doesnt apply anymore. NOW he could do it
then read the fucking manga holy shit
I'm done now.
She is stinky like throw up
O-okay...S-sorry for being annoying...
I will find you irl and cut out your throat and watch you die slowly and in agony. Redditor numale cuck.
MHA is a Naruto rip off with Western influences.
Kirishima "mysteriously" disappears. Also it's the only one i haven't managed to fap to yet, always end up laughing.
Too virtuous for orgies
Birb needs a love interest!
>mfw i can't hear "Dance, *whatever*, dance" without thinking that one boss fight
I hate it.
My headcanon is Miidnight imagined him going to Tetsux4 since she ships them, thats why he's not there
Not going to lie, these threads made me uninterested in the series. Can any of you get me into being interested in this series again?
Stop reading these threads then.
No only reddit can
How's the Boku no Hero Academia subreddit like, anyway?
I think MHA is great, so far it's avoiding most of the BS of previous shonen stuff.
I will say though I didn't "get" into it until the Sports Festival arc. I just didn't really care for the hero thing at first but that arc was great on multiple levels.
Bakugou should've ended up in Class B.