Dragon Ball Super

It'll get leaked anyways by Monday but here's a rough translation from JP->ENG if you haven't been informed of this.

- ToP Arc will consist of 34 episodes (excl. this episode). There will be one filler/flashback during this arc, as well as one break (ie. no episode 27 weeks from now if no issues arise).

- There will be a new OC scene (two, the first will be the third version of the current and presumably will alter only the scene of Goku powering up as well as replacing the scene with Gohan and Piccolo (the exact wording isn't clear); while the new one will take effect on/after(?) Episode 28.

- Order of knock-outs for U7:
Roshi -> Tien/Krillin (simultaneously) -> #18 -> Piccolo -> #17 -> Vegeta -> Goku -> Frieza -> Gohan

- zamasu appe- jk there will be a flashback/filler episode regarding Dohoji(?) in regards to U10. I don't have any other information or translation except that this has something to do with GodTube and the purpose of this episode is unknown.

- There will be two deaths in the ToP, and four disqualifications, as the third and fourth disqualification will be abused due to the nature of the ToP rules.

- U4 will be erased in Episode 27 by Zeno-Oh (of the Present).

Other urls found in this thread:


Yaffsquad's got this!

why are they so cute and sexy?

So does this mean pic related is happening?


OP here

Also Cell returns as one of the unrevealed fighters of U6. He has a new form with no spots.

Glad the shitty ED was finally replaced

disregard that, I suck cocks


>no earth
>no red ribbon army
>no dr. gero
>no lust for revenge

No Cell


Be honest. Would draw something after I get the results

The TOP is probably only the second tournament I can think of in their entirety of Dragonball/z/super that doesn't have Bulma in the stands repeatedly punching Oolong. The other being the Otherworld Tournament

>can't vote for all three

What the fuck are you on about?


>All these new furries at the end of DB after they pretty much had been shunned post namek saga

Thank fuck I could kiss Toyotaro for this

I miss those Toriyama dinosaurs though I wish one of the fighters was one of them

i hope they just release a book for dragon ball because im tired of waiting episode to go on air

I'm sure they'll be there by the end.

Bassil is already not wearing pants he's the fuck boi of the group Bergamo is the ALPHA

>decide on a 80 man battle royale
>be surprised when it turns into a clusterfuck, not having any idea who is where, who's doing what and who's fighting who

toei are utter morons

Friendly reminder that Toppo is actually Daddy Walrus from Astroboy

"Vegeta, don't kill him!"

and the worst part is that a fan animation looks more interesting than the real DBSuper arc

>basil is winning

fuck you and your shit taste Sup Forums

>lel better animation than super meme.
You're honestly autistic if you're trying to pull this shit with that garbage.

more 2ch bullshit?

gas yourself kike.

Reminder that both Son Goku and Son Gohan are beautiful.

Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.

>Lavender fag


Yes, literally 1 guy can do a better job with writing and animation.

Toei Philippines is terrible.

My waifu is better than yours.

She looks exactly like Cabba but with different hair.

still not juicy enough.

I'm a bergamofag

>s-stay together guys
>half the team just runs off



that's the worst thing I've ever seen.

dbz fans are retarded.

I expected U10 to be jobber fodders but the pig sumo guy was actually interesting

Oh proceed, Bergamo is for getting fucked by not being a bitch boi

I'd think a Bergamo fag would know better

>I'm gonna make you the team leader Gohan!
>Instantly abandons his son to be looked after by Piccolo, yet again.

Whis can solo any GoD, turn back time and pop a baby out of Bulma like it's nothing. Why couldn't he wake up Buu again?
Also, Beerus should have hakai'd Buu if he really gave a shit. Terrible writing.

I don't like caulifla. Her proportions are weird, her hairstyle is dumb, she dresses like a harlot, and her personality is shit.

well I think the poll is more into which one would you have sex with

>Whis can solo any GoD, turn back time and pop a baby out of Bulma like it's nothing. Why couldn't he wake up Buu again?
Buu is too op

> absolutely retarded OC
> it's made by a spic

like clockwork

It's not a competition, they are all top tier

>I don't like caulifla
Opinion discarded, wasted dubs.

At least Tien didn't get eliminated yet


>Beerus should hakai the 10th member and basically doom U7 if he really gave a shit. Terrible writing.


You didn't see the episode leaks yesterday?
Tien vs Jiren coming up in the coming weeks.

>will never be poisoned by Lavender
>weakened, powerless, defenseless
>completely at his mercy
>will never be forced to obey him to the letter without thought or hesitation in return for the antidote
>will never be trained by him to the point where you don't even need the poison to obey

>Roshi -> Tien/Krillin (simultaneously) -> #18 -> Piccolo -> #17 -> Vegeta -> Goku -> Frieza -> Gohan



What did he mean by this?

arya kills littlefinger
jon and dany have sex
viserion is killed and bought back as the night's king dragon
euron destroys yara's fleet and kills the sand snakes
the lannisters conquer dorne and highgarden
olenna poisons herself
thoros is killed by a wight bear
the wall falls
Jorah is cured
cersei becomes pregnant but has a miscarriage

Beerus offered to do this, then Goku ran off and teleported on his own. Goku dooming universes yet again


im not into paws but those are cute

I genuinely hate Caulifags like you. I hope your life goes down the shitter.

Quitela and Beerus don't get along because one is a mouse and the other is a cat
Predictable gag from Toriyama

Being fit does that.

>No one gives a fuck about Gohan's plan except himself and the JOB square, not even Goku
>Tien uses solar flare for no reason and it doesn't even blind anyone
>Krillin uses destro disk as a normal attack
>Their plan was to just throw blasts at once and hope for the best
>The typical "we think our blast worked but when the smoke clears it clearly hasn't


>stock footage of Vegeta punching some random jobber over and over
>retarded big lights show

Seeing this picture reminds me of a huge plot hole I've thought of. If the Supreme Kai dying also killed Beerus. Wouldn't Buu have either already killed Beerus, or be able to kill Beerus by dying? He absorbed the Grand Supreme Kai of Universe 7.

yeah but who wins the tournament?

You still wanna tell me these guys are jobbers and not threats?

I think all the Supreme Kais have to die for Beerus to die as well

I don't know, japanese companies are better at keeping secrets I guess.

I wonder if the new outro will mean anything in regards to this tournament?

Fuck, 30+ episodes for 40 minutes real time? wtf

presumably Beerus was still linked to Elder Kai at the time, who was alive and well trapped in the Z Sord. One supposes the Buu fracas happened before they got around to doing whatever ritual is needed to change which Kai the hakaishin is linked to

>This actually legit seems like something Gine would do
>because goku did "pat pat" to bulma

fuck I kinda want this to be canon now

Freeza-sama is going to SAVE this entire ARC

Does that mean that Old Kai could still be alive and Beerus wouldn't die?

Goku and Gohan are both getting new forms and are gonna team up to defeat the MVP who steals Goku's win against Jiren

Can't wait for Smugpup and his sensei Oldpup to BTFO the U9 furry trio

anti gohan fags on suicide watch.

I'll be honest with you, I'd knock her up before knocking her down. 47 minutes is more than enough for that.

>implying goku won't win

>implying he won't use the wish to save all the other universes from erasure

Freeza looks so heroic in the ending

who drew this anyway?

Is Old Kai even officially considered as a Supreme Kai?
Kinda seems like he's just there

Which member of U7 does Sup Forums think will BTFO first?

Dude that's WAAAAAAAAAY to smart for chinese cartoons but that's still a damn smart headcannon theory better than anything Toei, Toriyama or Toyotaro would come up with.

That entire flashback is a plot hole when you consider that Old Kai is still around even though he died.

I know the Grand Kai and the Muscle Kai got absorbed but Buu murdered like 2 other Kais without absorbing them. So where the fuck are they?

Krillin or 18.

But if he was linked to Elder Kai, who was trapped in the Z sword. Why did Beerus die in future Trunks timeline when Supreme Kai was killed? And really why can Supreme Kai even die when King Kai is dead, and then he's just right back on his planet with a halo on? Surely Supreme Kai would get similar treatment and it wouldn't really matter too much if he was alive or dead or not.

>Future timeline is restored
>Zamasu is restored
>Revival of Z happens

Kruh stomps freeza
Dubs confirms.

Making GIF requests out of boredom. Any requests?


That hit kick was cool

Kinda disappointed that the usual crowd of spectators wasn't there. I thought for sure the reason why Buu would be in the tournament was just to have Mr. Satan around.

If those ep spoiler names are right it'll be 18 which will piss krillin off and make him go "berserk"

hasnt my nigga trunks suffered enough?

does he really need his world to be destroyed a third time?

Frieza will turn face

Hit and Basil stopping Narinama


They've been downplaying Tien so hard so I guess him.

Freeza looking at the horizon in the ending

Maybe Shin was always THE supreme kai but because of his weakness and youth the previous supreme kai, grand supreme kai, set up a series of kais to help out while he trained Shin for the duty?

Maybe he transferred the lifelink and supreme kai status after buu took out the first two kais?

Either way, shin's supreme kai status and lifelink to beerus are both reasons for why he would be so adamant on protecting Shin above the other kais.


I don't think so Freeza is a dipshit on another level than the rest of the cast
At best they will make him the god of destruction of a new universe or something