Is this the most underrated science fiction masterpiece of all time?
Is this the most underrated science fiction masterpiece of all time?
You don't get out much I see.
No, all the pretentious faggots love it.
Macross ai obete imasu ka holds that title. I'll never get why people jerk off over the dog shit that is gunbuster when all it has is 2 episodes of good art. Macross on the other hand had 2 hours of better art and a proper plot with likeable characters.
DYRL has a really tedious story though. Minmay is one of the least likable characters in anime.
>dog shit
You're trying too hard.
That's only true for TV Minmay, movie Minmay literally did nothing wrong.
Running away and refusing to save humanity because the boy you like dumped you is okay then?
Not really. Gunbuster has a dog shit cast, illogical plot progresion, horrendous pacing due to the lack of proper transition between war and peace, a dumb as hell ending and mediocre art and animation throughout most of its run. Admittedly e4-6 are visually impressive at times, but that realy doesn't save the show. I wil never understand what people see in it. Its like the ignore the first half to then praise the art and animation of the last third, probably also pretentiously claim that the black and white episode was an ingenious decision when it probably was nothing but Gainax running out of budget again. Or maybe its the nude shots, the hell do I know.
I mean in her defense, shes troubled by her feelings and doesn't realy assume that her singing will win the conflict.
Honestly dude, it sounds like you just didn't get Gunbuster, because you're criticizing the pacing and animation, when those are consistently the most critically acclaimed aspects. In fact, the fast pacing with constanty expanding scale that Gunbuster created has set the foundation for dozens of anime to come. I can't even begin to address the claim that the animation in the first half is somehow bad, when it's clearly some of the best animation ever made. That just seems like you're being contrary. It's a masterpiece from the get-go.
Also, the last episode being in black and white was not for budget, because they still had to paint greyscale on all the cels. Anno did it for pathos and impact and it's fucking gorgeous.
As far as the cast being dog shit, I would ask: compared to what? They seem really well developed to me for characters from a 6 episode OVA. The main two start off as parodies of characters from Dezaki's "Ace wo Nerae" and by the end have a complex relationship with each other and show clear growth as people. I'd encourage you to give it another try.
Sometimes I forget Macross has idol drama in the mecha covering.
Theres no point in even bothering with this since youre already trying to twist my words. I clearly say that art and animation are mediocre for most of its run, not bad and then say that the visuals are impressive towards the last third.
why did she apologize for him trying to rape her
was her christian guilt that far ingrained in her?
>You don't get it
>Gunbuster is deep
Lmao it's a trash hentai fanservice show that was made to be fapped to
Don't bother, dude, there are at least one or two posters who historically make threads like this and shit on GB here an in /m/. The real irony is that almost everyone ignores them.
>Show has boobs in it
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crisis moment
Every show has boobs in it. Not every show has multiple scenes and shots with boobs in them even during moments that are supposed to emotional. Gunbuster is trash.
You are a shitmunching normalfag. Please go back to ribbit.
Not even him but am I being baited right now? Gunbuster is probably one of the very few mecha shows that normalfags actually like.
I'm not the one who likes Gunbuster aka babbies first OVA