Is ERASED a well written anime?
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Did you see that ending? no.
The first few episodes are really gripping. It falls apart a little towards the finish, but it's still entertaining. You won't find anything but NTR memes here though.
The writing is excellent, just a lot of important shit was cut from the ending.
Chocolate Bar of Doom
Erased was like a chocolate cake. At first, it was good and delicious, but by the end, you feel like a fat whore for liking it.
The manga is.
>well written
pick one
I heard it was worse lol
Did they explain why MC could time travel or why he lost the power after he saved the day?
Would have been a masterpiece had they stopped after Kayos arc. Problem I that they didnt.
The time travel was just a metaphor
Its better than most seasonal anime
I know that this is Sup Forums and hating everything is deemed cool because this is an anonymous imageboard filled with insecure and self-loathing teenagers, but allow me to give my honest opinion.
No, no it is not. It has the style of a well written anime, but in terms of substance it falls incredibly short. My main problems with it are:
>Revival is never explained. It's never explained where it comes from, its duration is never explained (it can vary from a few seconds to literally an entire childhood) and its limitations aren't explained (why does the protagonist treat his second revival into childhood as his "last chance"? Can he only go back to the same moment twice? Does he have control over it or does it happen at random?). It's an ill defined plot device.
>The entire show is a "whodunnit" murder mystery, except without the mystery. There are only two potential suspects (the otaku and sensei) and the first is cleared so incredibly rapidly that the second is the only possible remaining suspect. And the show treats the reveal that it's him like it's some grand plot twist, when there was simply no other possible alternative at that point. A good murder mystery keeps you guessing until the reveal, inserting multiple posssible culprits with their own motives. Perhaps this could've been salvaged if the protagonist discovered very early on that the culprit was sensei and was just looking for a way to catch him redhanded, but that didn't happen.
>The ending makes no sense. Why the hell can't sensei live without the protagonist? Once again, it just feels like it's only there because it's convenient.
It could've been great if everything had just been fleshed out more. And no, I'm not upset about the NTR meme: Kayo and the MC had some cute moments together, but nothing near the foundation of a lifelong romance.
It wasn't *bad*, just too flawed to be deemed well written.
>I know that this is Sup Forums and hating everything is deemed cool
You've been on Sup Forums too much, we actually like our hobby here.
Sup Forums has been Sup Forums since like 2012.
Better than most, but that's not saying much.
Writing sucks because the ending sucks. Manga isn't any better
Your first complaint is fucking stupid. Revival serves its function as the plot device it is. It doesn't need to be explained. It sets up the premise and that's all it needs to do. How it works and why it came about is completely irrelevant to the story and would only detract from it with. Dedicating a bunch of pointless exposition for something that won't matter or be used significantly wouldn't have furthered the plot in any way. It's not a show about special powers but about a mystery. Satisfying your need for having everything made explicit for your autism is not a flaw.
The other points are fine.
>Revival serves its function as the plot device it is. It doesn't need to be explained. It sets up the premise and that's all it needs to do.
an unexplained deus ex machina is a clear sign of bad writing.
so Groundhog Day is badly written because the time loop is never broken down in meticulous sci fi mumbo jumbo
thanks Mr Ebert
The whole thriller manga thing is to hook readers and for publicity. The real intention is Satoru's character growth and development as he goes through his ordeals but that sounds kind of boring doesn't it?
>Groundhog Day is well written
said no one ever.
Bill Murray hasn't been in a well-written movie in his entire life bub.
Don't fucking speak to me ever again
I find it interesting that you conveniently picked Groundhog Day instead of something Sup Forums related like Edge of Tomorrow.
I like the original article. But I enjoyed Edge of Tomorrow fine.
In attempt to jam in key points from the manga they failed to develop the character of the villain of this series!!
The key story of the manga was about the thought process and reasons behind killing all those kids, I felt like anime just briefed it up and failed to execute it... It was all about the hero!!!! If they adopted manga correctly it would have been awesome!!
edge of tomorrow explained the time loop though.
Which was not to the betterment of the film whatsoever
>>The ending makes no sense. Why the hell can't sensei live without the protagonist? Once again, it just feels like it's only there because it's convenient.
MC's masterplan could easily be thwarted if sensei caught the slightest glimpse of that awkwardly hueg ass balloon on the ground. MC survived on the convenience of plot armor alone.
It was Philemon
It's one of Sup Forums's recommended anime.
Rail wars is fun as shit
Perhaps not, but it is not the same as groundhog day in the sense that they actually did explain it. It certainly didn't make the movie any worse either.
I really don't think it's quite bad enough to make it to that list amidst the likes of fucking Glasslip
It at least has some nice direction and you can watch a few scenes alone and get good impressions. The way by which the ending was directed was actually quite nice too, the only thing was that the actual content of the ending was too anticlimactic to carry-off of the buildup.
Not super well written, but not badly either even with the rushed ending. The direction was superb, though.
I don't know. Never watch it but the first thread I see about it was people screaming NTR and I was like "I aint touching that with a 50 foot pole" you know what I'm saying? That's one of the good things about Sup Forums to be honest. That you can tell if a show is good or shit from it's threads.
literally never even hinted
Yeah bruh totally know watchu saying
If da thread is shit i aint watchin dat animay yo
You're a fucking moron.
please be bait
Ushinawareta has great H-scenes though.
Needs to be updated with Kado
>Pilots love song
Nowhere near as bad as stuff like Mahou Sensou
It's simple
IF Sup Forums hates it THEN it's good
ELSE it's bad
we're talking about the anime version though.
No, but it's not like it matters.
>Be innocent, better run from the police so they wont think it's me
>Retarded characters
>It's shit
In Japan you are pretty much guilty until proven otherwise and Satoru knew he was fucked because sensei set it up so that all evidence makes him look guilty
>be set up by a psychotic, meticulous killer because you figured out his plans
>accept your fate, let him win, and get locked up forever
you're a cuckold, my friend
Ao no Kanata was just average, not offensively bad.
Even GJ-bu had a better story than this piece of garbage
I liked the Manga.
NTR garbage. Would literally have been greatly improved if he ended up with Kayo.
I liked it. Ending fell a little flat though.
>Did they explain why MC could time travel or why he lost the power after he saved the day?
The manga explain all japanese Neets have timetravel powers, anime just explain he get the power because love.
>Why the hell can't sensei live without the protagonist? Once again, it just feels like it's only there because it's convenient.
Because MC know his secret, and the fact he cant kill comatose people .
but he ends up with Airi which clearly loved the most.
The first four episodes are in the upper echelon of anime, for me. After the girl dies the first time and he jumps back to the future it quickly goes downhill.
>and the fact he cant kill comatose people
This is dumb as fuck. He clearly CAN kill comatose people, like physically, he is able to. It's just convenient that he doesn't want to, because then MC has no chance of winning.