QUICK RUNDOWN: >Archaeologists in Egypt have unveiled the newly discovered tomb of an ancient priestess that dates back 4,400 years. >The tomb found near Cairo is adorned with well-preserved and rare wall paintings depicting the priestess, Hetpet, in a variety of scenes. >Artwork depicts Ancient Egyptians looking like contemporary Egyptians
wtf Nords told me they were Ancient Egyptians
Jordan Foster
Holy shit, Egyptians were Egyptians.
What does science mean by this???
Christopher Rivera
Jason Harris
Brandon Hall
Jonathan Lee
Leo King
>1 pharaoh represents over 30 dynasties that stretched thousands of years
Oh look I can do it too
Btw Ramses II was known as the greatest pharaoh who ever rule Ancient Egypt, unlike that autistic boy king Tut who could barely walk Kek
Adrian Lopez
Dude Hitler had Egyptian DNA. He's white.
It's pretty much established at this point.
Logan Gutierrez
holy shit
Carter Brown
There are three ejyptian dynasties you retards, it takes 3 seconds to look it up. The third dynasty had king tut, and was helenic. That means athenian/macedonian greek, and its because alexander the great (a macedonian) set up a general (also macedonian) in charge of egypt. Since western euros are likely to be 2% greek, 50% of euros share a small percentage of tutenkamun's greek genetics
The second dynasty was nubian (african) It also buil no pyramids and had the most slaves
Literally 3 seconds in wikipedia
John Reed
>hurrddrrrdrrnffmfffd Why are Canadians retarded?
Jose Thomas
Your picture literally proves my point...the hell are you even trying to convey?
Carson Sullivan
>The second dynasty was nubian (african) >It also buil no pyramids and had the most slaves these black history month threads are awesome
Connor Thompson
John Adams
>an entire generation of black women named hetpet incoming
Jonathan Lopez
That haplos doesnt mean shit when it comes to phenotypes.
Noah Rogers
>Egyptians looked like Egyptians
Nathan Hill
False. They were black, the paint faded with time
Samuel Jenkins
Phenotypes has a correlation to genetics but it is an incredibly weak way of identifying a person's genetics.
The picture posted to make fun of that retard who thinks Egyptians were white was supposed to highlight the fact that a single pharaoh doesn't determine an entire empire that crossed thousands of years. I couldn't care less if the egyptians were black, because they weren't.
Gavin Anderson
nobody ever claimed Egyptians were nordic, wtf
Matthew Long
lurk moar newfriend.
Jordan Jackson
>A major civilization along the med sea influenced the genetic makeup of Europe
Really shows more about European ancestry than Egyptian