Now that it's been confirmed, what are your hopes for season2?
Panty Stocking
It gots season 2?
Is this Imaishi's thing?
I thought he was doing an original.
Is this guy a credible source? I call bullshit
How is that an actual source?
He made the original OST and the original animators have been tweeting him. Shut up and get hype.
It's just a sample of a remix. The PSG OST is still one of my all time faves and Teddyloid is amazing.
Confirmed how? Because it says "leak pt1" and "leak pt2" in the tweets?
Because in the first leak he focuses the camera in on the letters P, S, and T (does T twice). Panty and Stocking Two?
Kneesocks a best
This is the objective truth
Is there actually still hope?
>multiple announcements
>leaked remixes
>Triggerbucks with the same design as the money from PSG and a halo
>Gainax said they could do it
>Trigger once said they weren't NOT doing it
>The latest work of GEEKS/TRIGGER's dōjin group (
As Tattun put it, they want to do more:
It's time to believe
Just to be clear:
Hopefully I'm home in time for the hype train later. I'm ready for the good times again.
It will be shit because no imaishi, anyone ago thinks otherwise is an idiot
I want the crew to put panty back together and fuck stocking up, even if she is my favourite bitch
If it's really happening for real this time, it's being made by Trigger, you dolt. It'll have Imaishi.
Can't tell if the hands on the left side of the bills are Inferno Cop or Over Justice, but the right side is definitely some angel wings and halo. Will the ruse cruise that started on thanksgiving finally pull into port?
Panty > Stocking > meh > pbbttt > *cough*
Nah senpai, it's
Kneesocks > Stocking > Scanty > shit > Panty
You can fuck right off, even if by some miracle you have an actual source that outright says "we are making psg 2". I ain't falling for this bullshit again until this bullshit is fucking airing on tv
My bet is over justice since that gesture was kind of his thing.
Is Christmas finally saved?
Stocking > Kneesocks > Brief > Panty > Scanty
lol imagine being this jaded
bumping for stocking
Stop spreading lies, triggernigger. Go back to your LWA thread.
>Sup Forums thread about this
>everyone's hype
>Sup Forums thread
>jaded cynicism
you niggers are the worst
Last time we got a fucking cafe, so fuck off with you high expectations.
I hope this is true. I hope this is a new season.
And I hope that it opens where S1 left off and garterbelt goes "To understand what just happened, we have to go back to the begining..." and the entire season is a prequel to what happened when the sisters were kicked out of heaven.
It should end with Garterbelt going "...and now that you know the truth, we must-" and getting cut into pieces by Stocking, setting up a season 3 that will probably actually never appear.
You just know the idiots getting hype for it are going to be the very first to complain once it airs because yet again, their expectations have been built up to monolithic proportions that could never me satisfied. Every one of you should be neutered.
>fucked my first preteen at the YMCA while listening to scanty and Kneesocks theme on one of the first wireless Bluetooth ear canal headphones.
Completely forgot I was listening to that song when I did it till just now
That's not something you should be proud about. Either way you're underage or a pedo piece of shit.
Well fuck. Its official. Time to wait till the bluray comes out to watch it.
Finally getting that pachinko machine then.
Don't knock something until you've tried it. Besides, it was years ago and she didn't have any real parents anymore.
>fucked my first preteen
Tugging your babby cock doesn't count as having sex, even if you put lipstick on your hand, you know this right?
Oops *baby
? No I mean babby.
Fuckin spell check.
Die, pedo nigger
Nice try lad.
I'll believe it when I see it.
>s2 starts
>it's episodic again
>mentions nothing of the ending of s1
>there are people who seriously think S2 is still happening
Hey lets make uneducated comments on something we have never done before. :D
I don't know what would be worse (better) that, or if the ending was acknowledged but all the fallout from that and the resolution to it happened off screen before the season starts.
>fucking an underage 3dpd
>not a pedo
> :D
Is season two going to be more focused on Scanty and Kneesocks than Panty and Stocking?
Come on now, they've only tricked us twice. Surely they wouldn't do it a third time.
I'm sure we'll get S2, right after Ash wins a Pokemon League.