Unpopular Opinion Thread

White men are resilient and should not feel threatened by feminism

It's ok to rape SJWs

>White men are resilient and should not feel threatened by feminism
Unless the government imposes feminist policies on them.

Well, they can try.

If feminism is so great, why is it enforced by men with guns?

Hitler has good ideas.

people should fear select professions and institutions

I agree

Nazbols are more awake than the average libertarian

The board's name is politically incorrect so doesn't that include just about any opinion that's popular here

They already succeeded.

A male feminist is a man who expects a woman to have her own income and a deposit for a house.

Hitler didn't give a single fuck about white people

Just German white people.

White women need to be BLACKED because white bois can't satisy them

why do tards use 4 decimal points? is this common core math they are bitching about?

If Latinos and Hispanics could get their shit together and emulate "the white man" they could conquer the world.

That really IS unpopular user you win
Can we keep the Asians tho?

it's the American way

ya well maybe feminisim should me more resilient so it isnt threatened by the men who are threatened by feminism. ha, checkmate.

> A male feminist is a man who expects a woman to have her own income and a deposit for a house.

Nah. They're cucks who employ the friendzone as a strategy and sexual predators who try to repent by chastising those he projects as sexual deviants as he is.

>threatened by feminism
Tits or gtfo.
No man talks like that and when talking to Sup Forums, you shouldn't either.

It's a sarcastic way of saying that all women have gotten for themselves with feminism is that their free ride is over. I wouldn't date a girl that didn't have money.

ya got me

Ew, who would want to rape a land whale?

I agree with you, but that has nothing to do with being a male feminist. It has to do with having a brain. And the reverse correlation is quite high.

open bobs


send bitcoin and i'll write your name on my white-board

oh boi


Race nationalism just end up turning into a goddess worshipping cult of that race's women.

being liberal is a viable political stance, so long as free immigration is off the table

Nihilism and atheism should be punishable by death

Whites are the weakest race because they fall for racism and sexism so easily. The fact that the whites in SA haven't rebelled yet shows that we're taking this bullshit until we're wiped out.

>literally thought-crime

Get fucked theocrat.

Hitler was a commie in disguise

Not an argument.

You can't argue with power-crazed fuckwits because there's no way of reasoning with them.

Yes. Of course. Nothing wrong with being sick to death of all the screechy virtue signalling, however.

Nice bait, bacon

Feeling threatened is not a sign of weakness, but awareness.

When one identifies a genuine threat, they can then take measures to make sure the impending disaster cannot grow to fruition - if one is unthreatened, or relaxes too much in the face of a genuine danger; that is to say, lets their guard down - they would be at its mercy, and rightfully so.

Feminism IS a threat, you see, for it is an infected ideological cell; infected with the deadly marxism memetic-virus.
Marxism is a clever m-virus you see, it has mutated as viruses do, to employ the same sort of tactic as certain RNA viruses, in that it worms its way into an existing ideological cell in the body of the society, consumes it wholly from within - turning it into a factory for more strands of itself, and manages to hide from the immune system by wearing the hollowed-out carcass of the single cell it infected in order to move around unharmed, where it can infect more cells, slowly taking over the body until it's numerous enough to explode outwards, in full attempts to overthrow the body.

Make no mistake, Femmunism is a lost cause - it is a hollow cell, consumed entirely by the Marxism M-Virus.

Only a fool would not feel threatened by it.

Jordan Peterson is based af

White men destroyed their countries because of their insatiable greed. Finer points:

>Letting Jews do whatever they want. This was done through bribes and """partnerships""". All about greed.
>Non-white immigration. A cheap labor force because of white male greed.
>Nepotism. A healthy, community-focused business tactic that white men turned into something negative because they don't want to be held responsible for their shortsighted stupidity concerning point #2.

I could go on but I've reached the limit of Sup Forums's intelligence and attention span.


>>faggot & sage

This is all likely true - we did this to ourselves.
Or rather our fathers and grandfathers did.

It is time to undo these mistakes once and for all.

>such a reaction
Prove that reason exists if there is no God.
Nihilists and atheists should be burned at the stake.

>the far left and far right are 2 sides of the same retarded coin
>anime is for niggers and faggots
>sex dolls are for betas

Feminism threatens women, not men, you absolute muppet.

>They look less lonely than me.

I'm not an atheist you simpleton. There's no basis for executing people for spiritual disagreements, only insecure brainlets and Muslims think so. So fuck off to the Middle East goat-fucker, you'll find it comfy there.

I agree with that. The real problem now is that modern white men don't want to acknowledge any of this. They're like drug addicts, who fail to realize they have a huge problem. By condoning Republican cuckoldry and greed they are also perpetuating the mistakes of their forebears.

We need a new political party that is essentially modernized National Socialism. The Republicans need to be destroyed.

yeah because they're in their beta support group, once they get back home and their doll is sitting there lifeless on the couch and the only other voices are the voices in their heads they're have that nagging feeling of loneliness in the back of their heads

this board is full of losers who project their sexual failure unto others , ergo the term "soyboy"

Sauce on artist?

Boomers are blamed for the shitty decline that the Silent Generation voted in. My generation (Gen X) are given a massive pass when most of us were fucking irredeemable cucks. I was taking heat standing up for the race in the 80s and nearly every one of these motherfuckers who are woke now were keen to see us destroyed.

This. The whole punk movement was so nihilistic, but turned out we kind of just amped up the hippie shit and ended up hastening the doom of the west. I cringe when I think back on being in my late teens early 20s (1980-84).

Fuck that, feminism is the single largest threat to the West

What I wouldn't give to rip that sign from their hands.

She reminds me of a chimpanzee

>Segregation wasn't a bad idea.
>Slavery was wrong.
>South wasn't wrong to secede.
>Discrimination isn't necessarily bad.
>Jews are disproportionately to blame for many social ills, but they deserve fair trials on par with anyone else.
>the judicial system needs to be completely reformed.
>Americans should maybe be more accepting of nudity, like Europeans, and stop acting Islamic.
>Guns don't kill people, feminism does; the new social paradigm has driven single men to madness.
>Obesity is a problem, own it.
>Taxation is theft REEE
>But really, fuck the existence of the IRS
>Federal Reserve shouldn't exist
>We need to take more responsibility for the role of our institutions (World Bank, IMF, let alone federal 3-letter) in fomenting things like the rapefugee crisis.
>I like my guns. I'll use them on enemies: foreign, domestic, public, or private.
>Ted Kaczynski was mostly right.

Communism should not be protected under the 1st Amendment.

Furthermore, all Communists should be executed if they refuse to defect.

(Not an unpopular opinion here, but it would certainly raise hackles for normies.)

They look pathetic, man. There is nothing worse than ending like this.

I tend to ageee

The war of Independence was a mistake and the colonies should have stayed loyal. It was the biggest, childish tantrum in history.

Likewise, All the tea and spices of India, all the gold and jewels of the Raj wasn’t worth losing a single American colonist.

Germany started world war 1, the Versailles treaty was fair and just, and the Germans were dishonourable liars who never even tried to honour it.

>Money to welfare should be spent on reforming people into taxpaying citizens, whether they like it or not. If you're unable to find jobs then the first priority of that country is to create jobs instead of giving out free money