Schwarzesmarken / Total Eclipse / Muv Luv

Was Inia not innocent from the beginning? Or did Yuuya do something to or for her?

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Look at this. Just pops right up, between them.


Kasumi sucks

But aren't these Inia?

Yes, but I just feel like bullying Kasumi instead.
Don't tell me you don't want to bully this.

Sexualize the slavs

If by "sexualize" you mean "throw"

>immediately going for the young male adult American
>despite never having met him
>despite you being from the USSR
>despite the fact that this completely infuriates your sister/guardian
>immediately stick and cling to him until he accepts it

She definitely had SOME sort of plan.

Matika > gap > Cryska

Yui is losing even to a girl who still sleeps with a teddy bear,
This is pathetic.

I notice that when the BR posts, this thread is almost always immediatley deleted.

Conclusion: BR is the one reporting our threads.

What do you want to do to these two cuties?

Well, he admitted to it a year ago.

Ask them if they saw a ginger girl with strange blue-ish eyes and a braid.

What would Jurgen do to these cuties if they showed up naked for his birthday?

>inb4 smash

>unbraiding that hair
Iris is no fun.

Penetrate Beatrix while letting Iris play around with them. The most Iris would get out of it is maybe some action from Beatrix while Jurgen pounds her.

Better question is what would Theo do, since he considers both to be the most beautiful girls ever, but hates one of them more than anyone else.

Inia is a little devil

Cucked by a little girl

Yui should just kill herself

I want to adopt Vivi and try to make her the happiest girl she could be

How do we fix Yui?

If Iris and Beatrix are friendly at this point, Iris would probably smooth things over to help her best friend get some of that dick. If not, threeway catfight/hatesex.

Either way, he's filling them both with his seed until his balls are dry, and then some.

How tall is Vivi?

Seems to be a bit shorter than Katia

I know SF isn't canon, but they said Beatrix had sex with him until the sun rose.

So below 155cm to 150cm?

Does anyone have those TE preq shots from last thread? Thread got deleted from the archive before I got to them


I only took screens of based Abe-kun, sorry.

Thank you kindly

Why do people associate Beatrix with cakes?

BiS and the anime.

More that's a dedicated girl.

More of her losing her spaghetti, our watching Yuuya make friends.

Inia, Yui, Cryska and Irisdina are my waifus. Would also a Stella and Beatrix.

Here's the line:

ベアトリクスも何度も俺の上で絶頂を迎え, 俺は彼女のに精液を注ぎ込んだ
それは夜明け前にまで及び, そして, その頃になると自分の体に自由が戻っていることに気付いた.

Was making her sister also fall for the same guy part of her plan!? Inia sure is a big girl.

Seems to be an issue with the third gens, like some kind of weird totem.

>someone actually saves let alone looked at my screenshots

Feels nice desu

She's a fantastic cook, and liked cakes. Remember the himbertortee she taunted Iris with? She likely made that herself.

Tama is my waifu!


So if Tama is a cat, then would she get along with Katia?

Isn't Katya a dog though?

Do the candles on Beatrix's cake represent the number of people who'd actually feel bad if she were to die?

It's adorable!

No, please no. It's that lone flickering light of hope that Bea has that all can still be what it was. As much as she hates Iris now, she wishes she didn't.

Just make it all go back to what it was.

But cats can get along with doggos. They aren't necessarily predisposed to be enemies.

Is this true Sup Forums?

Which one?


When the anime was still airing. Beatrix and Lise pretty much won after all the seasonals left.

Sadly, more or less. Well toss in some chucking of an occasional firebomb for TE waifus, but yes it's true.

TE has vastly better girls, and they don't trigger anons like a bunch of the ones in SM. It's not a surprise. You can not dispute this.


Who /NVA/ here?

Not even a question.

Bernadette is very cute


Why is she cute? Haven't seen anything with her.


It kinda sucks that all the Lisefags are on /c/ now.

Another cat? Do we need to drag out another doggo?

The thread more or less died there (hit bump limit), so I expect more to return shortly.

Not particularly. The threads have been noticeably shitflinging free against every other girl.

Who gave her the shirt?

Why would that suck? The less the thread looks like a Lise general, the better.

Comfy stasimouto

I'll be patrician and choose both

Is Inia the true winner of the yuuyabowl?

You could say she was the second closest to him after Cryska

Yui never stood a chance against superior slavs

I love Poland

It's hard to tell at this point who was playing the longer game, Inia or Cryska.



Crystal got off'd and Yui got imotouzoned, Yuuya probably making some super babies with Inia as we speaking right now.


You mean Tasha and Mother Russia

I won't forgive them for having Kyoko killed off so early!

I wanted her /ss/ing Yuuya in front of Yui dammit! She seems like she'd do it. She's an odd, fun sort of person you don't think you'd see in her position.

>mfw she turns out to be the same age as all the other milfs and would be milfs


Tarisa also comes in cat form. And being a shorty, maybe she'd get along with Bernadette.

What did you say über mein Deutschland you filthy american?

>You can not dispute this.
you can, since all it does is prove you started browsing these threads when sm came out

I don't care how gay it is, I want to kiss VG.

Kyoko was pure though


Haven't touched Muv-luv in years. Has anything new been translated?


Pure doesn't stop ara ara antics, especially by aunt.

Two worst girls, nice.
All they need is Yuuko for trifecta.

Moderate rebels in a nutshell

Maybe he bullied or blackmailed her into it? If it is him?

Ellen is so cute.

Fine taste, mój bracie.

Kyoko may be pure, but she has a possible nephew to tease. It might be good though, that neither she nor Senna ever see Yuuya - she would recognize Yui's father's features anywhere.

She is, but it's TDA, just about everyone is cute.

>Yui never stood a chance against superior slavs

What did she not understand about relationships? Was she so princess material she forgot what it's like to be a human being?

Yui is just stupid

That's mean you know. Needlessly mean maybe.

But it's true.

What do you mean?

What's so special about Yuuya to her anyways?

How'd the other Muv-Luv protags do if dropped into Theo's place in SM? Assuming that no one cares that they're Japanese, there's no language barriers, and they're at their prime (no noob Takeru).

They will die.