Is LotGH really better on laserdisc?
Is LotGH really better on laserdisc?
Don't post e-celebs on Sup Forums, you newfaggot.
Get out.
Fuck off.
man i miss old moot
laserdisc are better than bd's
Who is this semen demon?
Who's this cutie?
Is he some Youtuber?
i actually wonder if there was ero anime on ld
don't care enough to search though
literally who?
le monke
I bet half of these posts are unironic
Who is this skinny cunt?
Internet personalities are not Sup Forums, whoever that guy is.
Someday there will be a mod who will delete moothreads.
I honestly think so
Moot was a fag that sold us out to the gay asian jew
I thought weebs were supposed to be ugly.
doubt it, but I bet half the people looking don't know him so they don't post anything
>you will never have moot's glorious jawline
Why even live?
Moot isn't a weeb, and in fact hates weebs
HD DVD is the true way to view LotGH
I miss the meme master.
Nah, just watch I.Gs remake
You decide.
>creates Sup Forums just so he could talk about anime
>not a weeb
>It seemed an ordinary day at Google's offices in Tel Aviv, Israel. Until an alarming discrepancy glued eyes to computer screens. Google Hot Trends is a feature intended to give 'a snapshot of what's on the public's collective mind', according to the internet giant, by displaying the fastest-rising search terms on the web. Top of the list was not Batman, iPhone or sex. It was not a word at all. It was a swastika.
It feels like nothing's changed at all.
>someone actually made a website based off that retarded cheezburger image and became a millionaire from it
Haha, I understood that reference. moot is Miyazaki, le self-hating creator. Top lel
Did watching Gaiden ruin the Empire for anybody else?
>watch LoGH
>"Reinhard is okay, I guess that I just prefer Yang's side a little more."
>watch LoGH: Gaiden
>"Holy shit, Reinhard is such a whiny petulant fuckwit. I'm glad that Oberstein assassinated him."
Yeah, website founders have it a bit to cushy just hosting the servers and letting users do all the work... Just laze around all day and banning people just because they don't agree with you - traveling to other countries on money you didn't have to work for...
Would you watch a sequel about Reuenthal's son trying to overthrow Felix while Reuenthal's son befriends a mysterious boy who turns out to be related to the Goldenbaum who fled and started up the government somewhere in space? Goldenbaum kid would be Reuenthal's son's Sig
Why is moot's jaw so prominent?
Why the fuck are you posting 3DPD here? Was this guy involved in LotGH?
Care to explain what caused you to reevaluate?
How do I get a job at Google?
Who is that cute little girl?
>talking about anime
Newfags need to lurk 5 years before posting.
goddamn moot has a godly jawline
what was moots favorite anime again
I know, right?
>Go to
>Sign up for CS 50
>Pay close intention to the lecture
>Now after you are done work on your own projects
>When you are done sign up for a job at Google
He spends the entirety of Gaiden whining that everybody above him is corrupt or incompetent, whining that he's not being given enough opportunities to win glory on the battlefield, boasting that he's the smartest AND the strongest AND the most skilled person in the galaxy, and never treating Kircheis like an equal.
He even refuses to visit Kircheis' parents. What a jerk.
moot was actually the first instance in recorded history of an ironic weeb
to be an e-celeb people have to know who you are and no one on the site knows who this guy is
Jesus fuck delete this filth
Looks like someone didn't pay close enough "intention" in first grade English.
Rosie Maid or something I dunno
/handsome male/
>just so he could talk about anime
not really
Whatever happened to our guy? Last we heard of him he got hired by Google and then poof, off the radar.
why do you care user?
Is your life really so miserable that you have to point out everything people say? If that is the case just get yourself a gun and finish yourself.
He probably has a qt normie girlfriend and is fucking her on a daily basis, while making lots of cash for our data.
Honestly I would say he made the right choice.
Christopher Cohen Poole.
>yfw you took the gook's shekels and moved to Mootxico
Well, he's not wrong.
I'd wreck moot's boipussy desu
>Japanese comic book heroes
>a picture of a trap and a reverse trap
Nice choice.
>most anarchic site
I wish Sup Forums never happened.
Watching first season ruined Empire for me, period. Tolerating Reinhard's sperm toxicosis throughout a hundred episodes was a chore.
No. Also, where did you get that photo of Michael Cera?
m00t did nothing wrong. Except leave.
Is the Gaiden still worth watching?
come back moot!
He's referring to the people who are actually weeaboos, the people who run around like naruto and do stupid shit like that and type all gay like. Those people are not the same as people who talk about/watch anime and were never welcome here.
Yes. Knowing that he dies makes it bearable.
Pick one and only one
If only moot were here, then we wouldn't be having this thread.
Remember when moot was /fit/