Reminder to get good muscles because anime girls love fit boys.
Reminder to get good muscles because anime girls love fit boys
>Tfw natural six pack vut still eat like a slob.
Feels good living on easy mode,
But anime girls aren't real.
Neither are your muscles.
>six pack = being muscular
>anime girls like fit men with a healthy lifestyle
>manga girls like fat brown men that do drugs
2D girls are way too complicated, they're not worth it. I've been getting into 1D girls lately.
Go back to Sup Forums Stallman.
>But anime girls aren't real.
I heard that you have to just drop some weight to get your six-pack exposed because literally everyone has it and you won't get it with workouts no matter how hard you try if you don't burn your fat.
Kyomi doesn't need to work out because vampire
>Kyomi doesn't need to work out because vampire
Well you ARE NOT.
Exactly. No waifu, no reason to lift.
Doll has impossible standards anyway
>I heard that you have to just drop some weight to get your six-pack exposed
Yep, literally everyone has abs and there's not too much you can do to make them bigger. It's almost 100% about getting your BMI down.
Hanekawa beating his vampire cock into submission was GOAT
>Been lifting weights for 13 years
>Been training martial arts for several years
>Still look like shit
I hate my genetics so much.
you mean bf%, BMI is a meme
>lifting for aesthetics
your loss
Post stats pls
I don't obviously. Otherwise I would have stopped after a few years once I realized I would never look good. It still wish I looked good.
>i've done one situp once every week for 13 years
You're retarded.
I love /fit/ boys too.
no homo
>Everyone will look like a greek god if they work out
You're the retard.
No amount of workout can make up for chest gap, ab gap, muscle assymetry, protruding ribcage and massive ammount of scarring from back acne [spolier] Natural, not from roids [/spoiler]
Get the fuck out normies, get the fuck off my board.
How much do you
Equal to my waifu's weight
Why would I know that?
I'm asian. I will never look like Bruce Lee. He took drugs though.
I've spent enough time on /fit/ to know that disclosing those are a bad idea.
>less than Bret Gibbs
>less than John Haack
>less than Candytoe
do numbers even matter if you are not a world class talent-chad lifter?
>Doing martial arts
No wonder. Cardio kill gains and guns kill martial artist.
How do you get bad muscles?
you lie on internet boards that you lift weights, but you don't lift at all.
How's that different from not lifting but also not lying on the internet?
the roid gut isn't genetic.
your small untrained muscles get mad at you for lying and not training and they become bad.
Explain how lifting weights would fix these then.
chest gap, ab gap, muscle assymetry, protruding ribcage and massive ammount of scarring from back acne
No, but those pecs are.
you think dyel normalfags notice this kind of stuff? it's only your crippling insecurity. fuck off back to /fit/. also you still haven't listed how much you bench, your height/weight/bf%. if you have a huge chest and a huge ribcage then the ribcage will not be protruding a lot. if you really hate the way your muscles look bulk to 20% to get the fullness.
Doll is top cute
What is the name of this series. since I'm depressed right now, will this lift me up... even if it is just a little?
Vampire vs Lolis
I am mostly focusing on martial arts now, so I don't know what my lifts are at the moment, but my pr's are
BP: 145kg
DL: 220kg
I am 194 cm and I think I weighed 105kg when I made those lifts I am about 96kg now.
Never bothered testing my bf, but I think it is about 15%
The protruding ribgace might not be as noticable to others as it is to me. But the chest gap, and especially the ab gap certainy is. Not to mention the massive amounts of ugly scarring.
Scars are cool if you're fit
does he have a fucking pacifier in his belly?
Not scarring from acne. It looks disgusting.
Let's be honest here, every /fit/ wanna be always fakes theirs stats.
So flail yourself so it looks like you got attacked by a bear, pussy
oh now we talkin
what's the problem? candito looks so much better bulked up standing at 5'7
Or I can set my torso on fire for a short while. That way I can pretend I was a fireman.
Who gives a fuck about looking pretty at this point ? If you lift this much for reps then you're basically the strongest at a commercial gym,