Slayers Sunday

Starting with the drawing that Araizumi made yesterday.

Other urls found in this thread:


New Slayers LN when?

Slayers Special LNs translated when?

If we're lucky, we might get another short story for the 30th anniversary like we did for the 25th. Kanzaka seems to be in retirement now.

He likes drawing puffy nips on lina

It looks like someone's fingertip is about to molest Lina's nipple there.

I wanna do Lewd things with Lina little body

Is it very cold in the Slayers universe? Why are the girls' nipples always so perky?

I want to do lewd things with Amelia's shapely little body.


I'm going to NTR Amelia away from Zelgadis and no one can stop me


If this thread is still up by tonight, then I'll dump some more of my translation of Slayers Royal.

Best ending.

Holy fuck Lina is hot in that dress! The bedroom eyes are also sultry as fuck.

What happened to this clones after?

I hope Araizumi-sensei keeps doing these livestreams. I keep missing the part where he does the initial sketch, and that's the part I want to study.

I wouldn't tell you even if I met them.

Has anyone ever bought any Slayers merchandise before?

Recently I bought the first season artbooks, Royal 2 and Wonderful, and several doujinshi.

I bought this last week. It comes tomorrow.

If Charagumin release these figures in PVC, I'll buy them without a doubt

This is a cute Lina.

And that's a cute Amelia.

Why the hell were western countries so averse to importing anime based games? The same thing happened with Ranma 1/2 Slayers and Ranma were both hits in the USA in the 90's and had tons of games ripe for importation, so why?

Slayers may have been a hit by US anime scene standards, but I doubt the overall amount of home video sales were all that high, and the fact that it never got a TV release limited its fame.

In the 90s anime was still very niche, and far fewer things got localized compared to today.

There's also alot of liscensing fuckery that goes into it as well I'm sure, particularly when it comes to music.

Plus the localization hurdle for RPGs or story heavy games is high and compounds the liscensing fee costs to make a game that might only sell reasonablly prohibitively expensive.

Most of what we got, especially pre 2000, were Hugely popular titles (like the Ghost in the Shell playstation game) what amounted to shovelware for game starved systems(Saturn, famously, and Dreamcast's Lodoss game).

Either that, or they were just rebranded as something non-anime.

He still writes regular LNs though

They are pre-colored, if you have some glue and an exacto knife you can spend a little bit of time to assemble them.

I guess so, the most recent that I see came out in 2015, Aratanaru Teki Hajimemashita.

At least he has retired from writing Slayers, the last LN he wrote for that came out 2011.

Lina's nipples are CUTE

[insert Megumine copypasta here]

Why is LinaXellos so good?

They're both demons

Artist willing to draw official lewds of their creations have my most precious respect

Because it's fun to pair strong-willed characters like Lina with characters who can harass them into submission like Xellos can.

Now how about XellosAmelia? Who would dominate who?

Lina deserves better and Gourry deserves to be cucked.

Anyone have these?

I don't think that Araizumi has though beyond a topless drawing of Amelia. Nippy official illustrations have been around since the series started. I would give him credit though if he did something on level with the "Official" Freezing doujins though.

What's wrong with Gourry? Lina is lucky that she has someone like that with endless patience.

Lina will never come to your room in the middle of the night, why live lads?

cause he is dumb and Lina only uses him as a sword bearer and meatshield

She still loves that big meathead.

I see the appeal of XellosxLina too, but I don't think mazoku are capable of that kind of emotion.


New season when?

Xelloss x Filia was my first OTP


Demon dragon babies

This two were endgame but canon say demons can't love
I'm crying


Love's magical power can make affection grow in Xellos' cold demonic heart.
At worst, they can have a BDSM relationship instead.

I'm gar for Garv

I love the Naga OVA's and movies, but I hate Lina's outfit in them.

The original design looked so much better.

Lina's outfit in the OVAs and movies is the original design though. She only started wearing the other one later on.

I love this image.

It's stupid and I HATE it

>That gap




Didn't understand this guy. I was hyped up and thought he would be the big bad of the season but he was easily defeated and immediately forgotten halfway through. Why did he even exist?


This is Naga
Say something nice about her.

Naga is blessed because she has the cutest little sister in the entire universe.

Naga is one of the few casters that can tank

He was there to look sexy in his big trenchcoat and steal the heart of a gay green-haired dragon boy

Is Naga insdestructible?
She survives all of Lina's spells and, in some games, she can receive 0 damage when she laughs.

They are so cute and perfect.

I remember watching this back in the day,something like late 90's I think.

Funny looking at this thread since I just watched Konosuba and I can see some common things between them,although I admit when I first heard of Megumin and her explosion magic the first person I thought of was Lina.

Twenty odd years and some stuff just doesn't change.

She laughs good.


Nice bulge.

What does Naga smell like?

A mixture of sweat, alcohol, burnt hair, and fish.

Alcohol and flowers

Vag and armpits, most likely. I doubt she bathes very often and is kind of a skank.

>Slayers Sunday
Literally why is this allowed? It's just a general.

She is an expert in hot springs

What's in the box?


Time for more Slayers Royal, picking up from last week.

We leave the diner in Lakewood and go to investigate the goings-on at the outskirts of town.




>S-Stop having fun! Stop it!

The first battle with lesser demons goes by quickly.



Honestly I'm scrolling through this thread and it's pretty pathetic, 20 IPs for 80+ posts and it's all just pointlessly repeating tired old memes.
>what does ____ ____ like?
>____ will never ____, why even live?
>what's in the ____?
>this is ____, say something nice about her
>i wanna ____ ____'s ____

When you can't come up with any legitimate reason to have a thread and just have to spam garbage like this to force it from getting pruned, it's time to let it die and fuck off.


This. The only real "discussion" is the shipping. I will have to give credit to the guy who is actually translating the game though.







That's all for this installment. The project webpage is at

Thanks user!