Redpill thread

Drop your best redpills and infographics below anons.

Other urls found in this thread: feb 2016/Easy-Meat-Multiculturalism-Islam-and-Child-Sex-Slavery-05-03-2014.pdf page, jim walton. paul allen&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjanvLxt43ZAhUlK8AKHSqfDXEQsAQIOw&biw=956&bih=948


You're all fake and are going to hell.

all your ideology was a scam designed to keep me from waking from the dream/nightmare that you created.

worlds will collide and there is nothing you can do to stop it.

>implying we aren’t already there

this is my hell, you made me create it...

digets confirm


the owl told me to reverse it.



larry page, jim walton. paul allen

the 3rd the 6th and 9th

>Since 9/11
Gee, I wonder why they chose that date to start from

see my posts

> feb 2016/Easy-Meat-Multiculturalism-Islam-and-Child-Sex-Slavery-05-03-2014.pdf


what the numbers anons they are important, not because of memes but they are your wakeup calls.

>Drop your best redpills
Ppl here hoping for the white collective to help them and save them and take them from their basements, into a position of power, are just as useless as niggers.

Do you know who is also waiting to take over the country and then have all their problems solved by other people? niggers and commies.

White success throughout history is a result of individual effort and self-improvement, not reliance on the collective.

give me the names of the 3rd picture, the 6th and the 9th please

hide this shill ignore it.

>hurr durr anyone who disagrees with me is a shill

good one, Ahmed page, jim walton. paul allen&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjanvLxt43ZAhUlK8AKHSqfDXEQsAQIOw&biw=956&bih=948





shutup, you shut you fucking mouth bitch...


shapiro is a fucking shill, kike supremacist.




This is how ANTIFA reacts to actual brutalization of women


>Pic related

>Crisis actors are a myth---



is that the best you could come up with? what kind of nigger are you?

I'm Argentinian (yes... enjoy that fact, friend) and I could've come up with 20 better insults, in your own fucking language

start combining names into searches

daniel pinkwater, art silverman, lori kaplan, ira flatow

use google images and look at results.

these aren't our memes...

fuck off retard i don't fucking care no more.

>"being" a shill, because opinions are only as good as the one expressing them

this is why people call us losers and basement-dwellers. the guy is usually right on a lot of stuff and he's also wrong sometimes. it takes a brain to figure it out each time

what would you propose? I just see a lot of complaining around here. Why don't you get off your fat ass and found some businesses where you employ only white people? Bitching about it is easy




>white people
why dont you stfu about you divide an conquered tactics which be will exposed?

you're going to hell btich


a blue pill thread disguised as a red pill thread, blue pilling the noob's you think we don't see your numerology embedded into memes?

do not bother.







Not pictured: Rothschilds.

When will Sup Forums learn to use .png files? PNG files don't degrade, and then we don't have pixelated shit like this.


Yup, but sharing knowledge is still a good thing. Sup Forums provides the information, and the anons choose to interpret it and act upon it as they will.



Anti-Varg redpill

Eh none of them individually at this point have that big of a net worth. They're not powerful at all, politically or economically. Just ignore them

the people promoting this idea of a national socialist economic model different from the rest never include specifics.

it's bullshit, just Democrat party economics with the added opportunity to rebuild a first world country's entire military industry from the ground up, employing everyone in the process.

INB4 retarded shit about a currency based on "work"

Meanwhile, she accepted welfare.

Poland is getting targeted by the US and its greatest Ally:
Act S 447:
renamed to Act H.R. 1226 (which is a reference to the 1226 introduction of the Teutonic Order in the lands of Poland):

Now, why are these acts important? There's been a shitstorm brewing for the last few years around the phrase ,,Polish Death Camps'' and supposed Polish complicity in the killings of Jews. This is now used to push a narrative that Poles should be paying reparations to Israel (for, according to (((official history))), dying in the very same camps and saving Jews throughout the war?). Soon we will be forced to pay 65 billion USD to Israel as "reparations" and if we refuse the US will have a reason for some sort of intervention (thanks to the acts).
Saying yes to the demands will result in the Jews basically enslaving us and stealing whatever properties we have (since there's no other way for us to pay) effectively turning us into toilet cleaners in our own country.
Saying no will result in an intervention from the US, military or not.

Doesn't lessen the truth though. You live you learn.

What the actual fuck???!!!! Goddamn it I can't even find the words for how much I hate life after reading that.


fuck me. all 3 of those mongrels need to be gassed.

>kike shill