How do we stop the islamization of young white children ?


>one of the primary causes of the current decay of western civilization was empowering women
>muslims routinely beat their women when they act out of line
Maybe you shouldn't
Maybe this should run its course for a while

That face looks like a banana

>>one of the primary causes of the current decay of western civilization was empowering women
Wrong, the destruction of the educational system is the primary causes of the current decay.
The source of the problem is greed and refusal to sacrifice some wealth for the betterment of future generations.

>greed and refusal to sacrifice some wealth for the betterment of future generations.
Women consistently vote to sacrifice your wealth for the betterment of future generations. Just not the future of YOUR generations

>Wrong, the destruction of the educational system is the primary causes of the current decay.
the real final redpill that even Sup Forums can not accept.

This, some problems fix themselves. This guy will teach them better than your standard middle age no kids liberal woman.

Plug their assholes so ahmed doesn’t rape them like Mohamed did with Aisha

islam will cure you of your soy, white man

The real question should be
>how do we stop islamization of Russia

piss off mudshit goat fuckers.

Doesn't look like you have much choice slav cuck

Thats exactly what putin wants.

those cunt teachers fucking dumb grins.
if they tried taking my kid to this shit hole i would sue.

people need to stop pretending all cultures are unique and beautiful. They all come with shit and some more than others.

People think if they just focus on the good side of a culture then that will become the norm. But when you pull that with a large established culture like Islam. Its just leading people like lambs to the slaughter.

>we left God because we live in abundance of food, sex and entertainment
>omg where is God now that the muslims are raping our women, beating our men and indoctrinating our children
>what did we wrong? How do we fix this?
>read the first line again

That nose though

You haven’t been paying attention to the last two decades Fadil. Right now, the only thing standing between Israel and total domination of everything between the Tigris and the Euphrates is Mohammed bin Salman, pretty stand-up guy really, and Iran. And Iran ain’t doin’ so hot. Iraq? Gone. Syria? Other things to worry about.

If y’all don’t slow your roll, bin Salman notwithstanding, Mecca will be a Kosher winery and you’ll be able to buy authentic Kaaba keychains in Tel Aviv for the price of a falafel.

Bury pieces of pork everywhere you see Muslims

>Mecca will be a Kosher winery and you’ll be able to buy authentic Kaaba keychains in Tel Aviv for the price of a falafel.

>How do we stop the islamization of young white children ?
Ban the Jews who opened the borders.
Ban Islam
Ban non-Whites in White countries.

Prove me wrong.

You don’t have an axe handle or a shotgun? Your answer is the old “bury pigs bit in the ground” routine? Grab you fucking balls dude.

>the destruction of the educational system is the primary causes of the current decay
It's pretty well accepted. It's just not because of a stupid meme like "muh money". We spend more now than ever.
Jews and feminists infiltrated the education system and now teach against critical thinking and for mindless propaganda.

If anything this white muzzie is an improvement.