be me, unifag

> be me, unifag
> write for a right-wing student paper on campus
> My most popular article talks about how kneeling for the national anthem and burning the flag is stupid, and doesn't accomplish anything
> acquire a reputation for being one of our school's few conservatives
> one day I'm hanging out in our dorm kitchen
> a qt3.14 I haven't met before walks in to bake something with her friend. starts giving me the side-eye
> say "oh sorry" and move away from the oven
> qt says, "wow, you're so polite! Are you Canadian or something?" while giving me a flirty look
> laugh and start talking about where I'm from
> grils end up getting me to help them bake cinnamon rolls, all the while the cute one keeps aggressively chatting me up
> feelsgoodman.jpg
> When we're done, she asks for my number and full name, tells me to visit her room sometime to "eat her cinnamon rolls"
> doubleentendre.gif
> enter my info
> girl looks at my name written on her phone, I can see her eyes widen with shock.
> realizes that she spent the last half hour trying to fuck a Republican. She probably listens to CNN and thinks that means I'm #LiterallyHitler
> "um, so you can just text me whatever time works, ok?"
> "yeah. Yeah, I'll do that...."

Needless to say, I never got a text from her. Any of you guys ever got ostracized just for not being libtards?

Other urls found in this thread:

>My most popular article talks about how kneeling for the national anthem and burning the flag is stupid, and doesn't accomplish anything
You deserve whatever misfortune befalls you.

if you have unpopular opinions don't bring them up.

No. you're probably really ugly and bad at picking up social queues. Liberal women want to fuck conservative men more than anything else in the world because deep down they know they want someone who masculine views and not the soyboy fags they are used to.

Sorry to break it to you bud

BLM is a retarded movement, which is actually quite harmful for black people, and that's a fact.

Great story you boring cunt.

The WQ in college is a major dilemma. You can either not bring up your opinions and ignore whatever poz bullshit your girl gets into (not sustainable long-term), or wait for a moderate/conservative girl that you probably won't meet at school. My college years were spent with thots, not a good use of time or energy.

The problem is at a teen an d young adult you feel the need to vomit and wear your political opinions because it makes you feel smart.

What you should be doing is avoiding political shit completely until your out of the education system. No matter where you sit politically it only hurt you to talk about it opening.

Friends, girlfriend and the like eventually experience first hand why the right is right. but when people think they know everything they think they have to share it with everyone, be it their opinion or their country.

>never got a text from you
did you text her?

t. rural and suburban retard

Physical violence =/= Moral outrage

Niggers cant meme

more like
>BLM niggers execute several cops on several different occasions in Dallas, Texas alone
>you guys are essentially domestic terrorists
>BLM niggers chimp
>BLM niggers kneel for flag/anthem
>that is disrespectful
>BLM niggers chimp
All you can do is chimp, chimp.

That's what my family keeps telling me to do. It might be too late for me already though. I go to a very small college, and the only women who talk to me now are the white locals who I meet on Tinder and don't care about our campus life. More than anything I want an actual gf who shares my values, but I'm afraid that won't happen unless I move to the South or something.


women are blank canvases. You pick up any college girl that doesn't look like a dyke and they will eventually vote how you vote.Also if your hammering a girl about politics early in a relationship you maybe an aspie


>reads your redpilled articles
>doesn't get redpilled

Looks like you dodged a slutty STD ridden liberal retard. Your wallet and penis thanks you.

>grils end up getting me to help them bake cinnamon rolls

kitchen cuck

this. Sup Forums knows that BLACK LIVES MATTER!
*dabs and walks away*

You didn't get a call back because you forgot the number one thing when baking with chicks


"Good girls get to lick the spoon"

On a more positive note, best place to get chicks is in the Baltic countries, Eastern Europe in general. I went there on vacation once, I felt like I was at a modeling convention or something.
Also, they all fucking hate Merkel and Soros type people.

Take a Knee is a good step in the right direction. The next step is to protest something that's actually real.

> I unironically left uni abroad because of this sort of shit.
Writing objectively about Rhodesia failed me. No powerlevel or anything, just stats and facts. Same thing happened several times.
Decide to try something new when doing Middle Eastern analasys for finals, write that America is an ebil empire.
> Fucking top grade in entire programme
After class I am shocked because we out of the blue had our lecture be about oppression, spesifically microagressions. I asked the teach if she could explain the definition provided.
> I was microagressive against her for asking
Walk out and talk to some classmates about it, none of the guys understood or had heard about it before. All the girls *perfectly* understand. When I try explaining how this could be a tool of power stemming from victim status they stay quiet for a little while
> then one says; that was a microagression
Theres more but mostly just a lot of small episodes.
And yeah sure, politics gets in the way of getting new friends. Though there are a million reasons not to become friends with someone. When it came to political beliefs playing into friendship, let me tell you that slavs and I went along well at SJW Uni.
About your episode, it sounds a little like you may have misinterpreted the situation and now project it onto peoples political beliefs.
I've externalized a lot of stuff because of my beliefs, but watching people intensly and picking my (political) fights carefully took care of many of these kinds of problems. Really paying attention to someone tells you whether you should bother befriending them or not anyways.

YOU should have texted HER not the other way around.
Women will never initiate. You, the man, must begin a courtship.

That is only school kiddo. If you even think about talking about this shit at work. It will get your ass fired.

>write that America is an ebil empire.
You were rewarded for writing the truth, what's the issue?

ok fag
>hardcore right
>pretend im a lefty
>fuck lefty sloots
>leave a note for them in the morning while they shower to clean the crusty cumloads i left inside of them
>"i voted for trump. dont think of accusing me of rape, i recorded our fuck session. seeya round slut"

>Wow you're so polite! Are Canadian?

I am inclined to think your larping, your some lefty playing mind games. Politics mean shit when it comes to sexual attraction. So following your narrative, unless your a total wanker for other reasons, not narrated. Your story's bullshit, and you know nothing of women.

Friendships that fail because of politics were never really friendships.

Sure the US is evil and shitty in many ways, but my job as a student isn't to say flat out say that something is evil and twists facts and stats to serve that. I'm supposed to go: "Professor, here is what I found out, how I found it and these are the three different ways you could interpret it." Not going: "Professor, I feel this because of reasons."

>Needless to say, I never got a text from her.
women here. women won't text you most likely unless you are the 100% One and only Christian Grey Premium Chad for her and she has ti jump over her shadow
Otherwise she will rather not do it to not appear needy and slutty even if she's interested.
I have heard there are more than one libera women who fall for right wing guys

Before she knew ansything about you she liked you. That is the best initial situation with a woman

Even the "tolerant and progressive" among us love to make fun of you leafs, for some reason. Sorry!

Great blogpost

>qt says, "wow, you're so polite! Are you Canadian or something?" while giving me a flirty look
fake and gay

Fuck of campus fag

In this particular scenario, my phone was charging. Also Femanon, I think you're exaggerating a little bit. I've had women ask for my number first, plenty of times.

fuck that. do you. why would u want to smash some nasty lib commie slut anyway. Get yo life faggot.

>nigger essentially uses the le random idea for crafting insults
>thinks this is an argument

niggers make me cringe

Who would have thought that if you protest by burning a country's flag people might think you're protesting the country.

>Be me
>Live in right winged town
>Am a race realist, against race mixing and hate niggers
>Been seen as one of the more moderate persons when it comes to politics

> hates race mixing and seen as a "moderate"
> has europoor flag from west of Poland
Pressing X to doubt


Legendary Sup Forumslock story ahead.

taking a knee during the national anthem or burning the flag in order to protest police brutality doesn't make sense though. we don't have a national police force. unless they are protesting the FBI, which I'm fine with btw given recent developments

>right winged town
>western eurocuck

FBI isn't American.

How retarded do you have to be to think that the fashionability of an opinion somehow validates it?

Lemme explain. My town is in the western, most rich and diversified part of my country. Close to Amsterdam, but pretty much untouched by niggers and mudslimes. We are a community on our own and identify with our town, rather than country. People in my town often work in Amsterdam and other big cities, they see what is happening there and want to keep it out of our town.

Spoken like a good goy

I had a girlfriend who dumped me for not supporting same-sex marriage and saying that I'd be uncomfortable letting my hypothetical future son wear an Elsa dress.

Couldn't stop laughing about it for weeks, what a batty mare.

The fundamental values of the West have become those of Liberalism. Those on the right either reject it outright, or accept it with major qualifications. In either case they commit heresies against the only faith modern men need observe. We await a political reformation because we haven't gotten our Lutherans yet, merely Cathars. Until then we will be excommunicated from the cathedrals of Liberalism.

It doesn't, however there are certain things you omit at first when you're trying to get laid. You drop subtle redpille once you find out where the boundaries are, and you cross them carefully and skillfully. You'd know if you weren't a virgin.

>Publicly states retarded beliefs
>Become infamous for retarded beliefs
>Surprised when no one want to interact with you

HURHURHUR So much for the tolerant left!

niggers and leftists are this fucking stupid

there protests are violence, and where do they choose to protest peacefully?

on national TV where they make millions of dollars and get millions from taxpayers just to do what they do

stupid fucking low IQ niggers too stupid to be self aware and see how entitled they are

There are some towns in the Netherlands that are extremely religious and conservative. Kind of like the rural south in the US

Europe works the same as the US. Cities are overrun, small towns are rightwing. To put it mildly. Thats why there is an aggressive push to get shitskins to setlle in towns by all the Cohens and Steinbergs.

Whichever of you that was, you made yourself sound like an idiot. Don't just say "Mexicans are taking our jobs", say something more like "Illegal immigration is a serious problem, it's bringing in gangbangers and it hurts the economy by driving down wages". Literally every liberal I've met tries to make immigration a "racism" issue. They have nothing to say about economics or national security.

maybe its different in USA. And if they asked for your number did they contact you or did they wait for you to do it?
>Believing a whore's lies

They're just going to keep whittling Way at you until fighting back is impossible.

Kill the next kike who pushes niggers on you. They won't learn.

> be faggy
> say shit like uni cause im a fag.
> say shit like qt3.14 cuz im a fag
> cockfeelsgood.jpeg

You absolute cuck. Conservative silence is what got us here. Fuck you and your limp stem, retardleaf.

>tells me to visit her room sometime to "eat her cinnamon rolls"
>You accept this
>Right Wing


>writing your political views in a college newspaper
>trying so hard to get with some random girl
>crying to your internet friends because of your failure to have cheap sex with some slut

What are you talking about dummy, you should have taken her number. I have never ever ever ever had a girl text me first they just dont do it. Get her number and text her. I'm blatantly pro trump and even racist and white nationalist and women love it. You're just a pussy blaming your idiocy on you rpolitical views when in reality you probably said something stupid or proved yourself to be "the right wing virgin"

t. 14/88 chad with over 50 notches.

>Be (you)
>be a fag
>post on a mongolian throat singing forum
>tongue punch a fart box

Those were mostly cases in which I didn't have my phone on me, so they contacted me. Most of the time when I meet girls, I do take the initiative though.
And yeah, a lot of American women are definitely go-getters. Protestant work ethic, I guess. kek.

i don't really consider dodging the bullet as beign ostracized

>Trying so hard to get with some random girl
How chad are you that you that you can afford to be picky?

kill yourself piece of shit



holy shit underrated post.

>allowing yourself to be defined by your dumbass undergrad opinions on issues that don't matter

>women here

I don’t remember seeing gangs of whites rioting and chimping out over kneeling

Who the fuck cares, she was a cunt anyway

> word of Beyonce
> amen

How tall are you

>PROTIP: nobody actually gives a shit about what you think


Nice try Mohammed, only sandniggers from bongistan use this terminology to describe higher education.

The ideology isn't about being picky, it's about being available. Regardless of how much of a draw you are, there is nothing more pathetic than to be desperate. A man with "chad" traits that relentlessly pursues women (a likely symptom of feelings of inferiority) is technically more pathetic than an average man that takes what he wants when he wants it.

>ok fag
>>hardcore right
>>pretend im a lefty
>>fuck lefty sloots
>>leave a note for them in the morning while they shower to clean the crusty cumloads i left inside of them
>>"i voted for trump. dont think of accusing me of rape, i recorded our fuck session. seeya round slut"

>she sprags on you for recording her performing a sexual act without her knowing or consent


you idiot... you literally went to an enemy base camp and yelled out that you are one.

never show your power level in liberal institutions.

>In medical research
>Like half the people I work with are chinese
>They all hate niggers
>In spite of being on the short side among the general population, I am a giant at work
I can't really complain

Show some conviction you fucking pussy, I go to a fucking ART university and am an open Mosleyite.

>The cucked leaf approach to politics

Why do you care so much about some random slut? She's trash tier.

ZOG is evil. America is the comfy white people who live here.