Leave Vegeta to us.
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is only Brianne a teletubby?
So the blue haired one does have a tail huh. Pity she's not a saiyan.
Too late
What went wrong?
This thread was made earlier:
The budget.
Nobody liked your thread earlier, nobody likes it now faggot.
Chekov's Gun, the High Priest or whatever said that even people that are knocked unconscious are still counted so long as they aren't thrown off. That means somebody's going to get KO'd but not get thrown off. Who do you think that's going to be.
Reminder these are the only U7 fighters who matter.
Why are Dragonball character designs just getting worse and worse?
And nobody likes this one. Eat shit.
>not Piccolo
Why? Piccolo has been stronger after the Cell arc
Kill yourself you retarded cuck
nobody cares about piccolo
Piccolo will sacrifice himself again.
Waifu material on the right?
those claws seem a bit dangerous
what gender is that rabbit?
a boy (female)
Goku is retarded.
Yes, and?
Hit and Basil kicked that robot's ass and is still there
>2 cute boys
My dick
dumb fag
Toei tried to bring in a nonexistant female fanbase by making these clusterfuck super saiyajin chicks.
But soon realized that 18 was more popular and had more potential.
That and 17+18 are formidable enough as a pair to hold their own against any one Goku tier fighter with ease.
Goku is best boy.
Gohan still in his knock off turtle hermit gi and doing kamesenin attacks.
>Toei tried to bring in a nonexistant female fanbase by making these clusterfuck super saiyajin chicks.
Most women don't give a shit about female characters.
>only jobber squad listens to him
>strategy fails right off the bat
Gohan spent a grand total of one afternoon training with piccolo since he was literally 5 years old.
So what does Sup Forums think his power is ??
I think it has something to do with his eyes,like he can become twice as strong as his opponents upon seeing them.
His eyes are focused too much upon.
Or considering this is dragonball he may as well be just another run of the mill my power type of fighter.
goku only made him the leader because he knows that gohan can't do shit if he doesn't have a purpose
>trained only because of the saiyans
>only went to namek to revive piccolo
>trained only to beat cell
>only obtained the mystic form because of buu
>only got back into shape because the universe is at stake
gohan is fucking worthless on his own
I also think the same,he may have the ability to get X times stronger than the person he faces thus he is invincible leading to all this limit breaker buzzword,where goku surpasses all limits of power.
Girls are interested in the hot muscular saiyans, not in a stick woman who can turn into a super saiyan.
It didn't fail, they haven't been eliminated or even hurt yet
He fought poachers for 100 years and became unbeatable in every aspect
If Goku's power is "Limit Break", Jiren will be "Survivor".
Here are your Limit Break x Survivors
He can turn back time. To the good ol' days.
Do you guys think Frieza will have an episode to himself? I wonder when he's gonna bother going golden.
he's just really fucking strong
thats it
at first I was thinking "FUCK BROLY" but then I remembered that Kale exists and I was less salty. She's still not going to be in the last group.
I think he is going to be a gag character like king from opm.
he'll job to jiren
the ones getting a new set of figures are
I think i get his power please bear with my shitty headcanon.
>db takes in heavily from eastern culture.
>all eastern religions have concept of nirvana.
So that's it jiren has achieved nirvana all his senses are perfect and he has no emotion.
No fear,pain,attachment nothing.
Thats why he is so strong he just keeps standing back up if you keep him,and with no emotions or pain he is unbeatable.
He lives in a world...of cardboard.
Those are for dick fingering.
>achieve nirvana
>tell people to get lost
he's just very shy and doesn't know how to communicate with people
his hidden power is AYY LMAO
>copying animations that weren't even good the first time they aired
fucking hell
He has haoshoku haki.
Jiren is frozen in the idle state and the only thing he can do is teleport and intimidate others with the ayy glare.
Vegeta, the prince of all saiyans, will not lose to such trifling warriors.
She's cute can't wait for her to fuck up jobgeta
>even the ki balls are the same
How does his power work? By skipping time does he travel forward in time so neither he nor his opponent knows where he will pop up or am I just confused?
nice quality
>all those reused shots in the last episode
Did Toei hire Dicktasty or something?
If Gohan was anywhere near Blue power levels he would have gone off and fought on his own instead of sitting at the kid's table with Master Roshi, Tien, and the rest. Gohanfags BTFO.
Can someone post the webm of her transforming please
When mama sang us to sleep but now we're stressed out?
I think he is just super strong and fast, and that's it
post the friezabeam too
>before marriage/after marriage transformation
No I get the parallel obito bullshit world but I dont get what actually happens when he skips time itself since I know he isn't stopping it.
is it just me or was this episode shit? It feels like it was written by fillers writers instead of the main team.
It wasn't just you
Who here waiting for hit vs frieza episode? Our boy hit already making moves.
She's gonna beat on SS2 Vegeta with her team and then he'll go Blue and one shot all three of them.
>since I know he isn't stopping it.
Nah I liked it, recycled animation doesn't bother me.
Where is the thread when the episode just dropped? I'd love to see some reactions. I was pretty fucking pissed there was so much padding and pretty much nothing fucking happened.
So is this Hackira at work again or does he skip time as opposed to stopping it?
I think it's kind of a shame they didn't do something equally as ridiculous with her team mates magical girl forms too.
>Toei filler
wew lad
you mean the left
that bun is ready
It's amazing how Goku barely moves his foot and Jiren notices his presence.
>enemy looks into his eyes
>get lost into the void that is his universe
>by the time they realize it, they already lost
psshh, All for Justice, Kid....
whos got an image of Jirens eyes in the ending
Please learn to Hakai within 5 minutes and end yourself please.
>much padding and pretty much nothing fucking happened.
Thats going to be every episode
>healing using items is forbidden
so healing using magic is fine. that means Buu would have been absolutely broken.
>guy pushes Buu's top half off the Arena
>Only Buu's ass is allowed to fight as his Top is cheering him on
>toei filler
>both anime and manga run seperate canon
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