Hitler had to attack Poland because there were Germans there

>Hitler had to attack Poland because there were Germans there
>He dindu nuffin, he was just protecting his people abroad
Pic related, on the left, are the borders of Poland in 1772, before the joint invasion by Germany/Austria/Russia.
On the right are the 1939 borders.
The Polish did nothing but reclaim their ancestral lands.
The German first annexes your territory, and when you reclaim it, he cries out in pain about being "genocided".

Fortunately it's all over now. Germans will be bred out of existence and Europe will be better off for it.

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You're not convincing people to love Poland there.

Hello Polish Jew.

nice try jew. i love poland.

dude, dude. Nobody believes that Germany fighting in self defence nonsense except for a fringe minority

>everyone who doesn't like Hitler is a jew
Oh, nevermind - you're americans. One shouldn't expect you to understand Europe.

Don't worry about them. Fascists, like Marxists, are inherently unamerican.


>pre-Migration Period Germanic tribes

The border between the Slavs and the Germans has moved back and forth throughout history, you don't get to select an arbitrary point in history and claim it as your ancestral territory while ignoring the population shifts before and after that point


>implying Slavs aren't invaders from eastern Europe
Oh yeah East Europe was totally slavic they didn't show up and genocide the Gothic tribes for sure.

At which point nobody gets to complain about how the land used to be theirs so it's rightfully theirs.



native american=american

>hitler wants to save the white race from jews and communism
>teams up with a jewish communist nation to invade a sovereign white nation that had similar political beliefs to his
>does this fully knowing that France and England would declare war because Poland was in alliance with them (regardless of their later betrayal of Poland to the USSR)
Was Hitler a complete retard? Why didn't he ally with Poland instead? Could have gotten Prussia back that way.

Poles and their anti-Germanism are ruining this board.

The "border" between various Germanic tribes and various proto-Slavic tribes between 100 BC and 300 AD has nothing to do with post-medieval national concepts of Germany and Poland.
Even after 138 years of German occupation most of the people in Gdansk etc. identified as Polish, as can be seen on the map in .
The German aggression was entirely unjustified, but contemporary neo-nazis cling tp the bullshit "Germany fighting in self-defense" narrative because muh based hitler amirite?

What a retarded position. Germans were in that area before Poles existed. You can just put back the ancestral lands excuse on the other side.

>dat eternal Jew butthurt

>Fortunately it's all over now. Germans will be bred out of existence and Europe will be better off for it.
If you think it has been unpleasant having a bunch of Germans as your next door neighbor, just wait until you have a bunch of fucking Arabs and niggers. This is not a good thing for you.

>Germans were in that area before Poles existed.
Germany is a far younger nation than Poland.
In the 16th century, when the Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth was succesfully fighting off Russia, Turkey and Sweden, Germany was still a clusterfuck of small Duchy, all speaking different dialects, belonging to different churches, and often at war with one another. "Germany" as we know it didn't happen until Otto von Bismarck and 1871.

I didn't say Germany is an older nation, I said Germans were living there before Poles existed. Twisting words isn't getting you anywhere. Germans existed long before the German nation was unified. Your arguments are shit and you know it.

>germans existed before they were unified as germans
A meaningless statement.

But that is factualy wrong you ameritard.

If you're referring to the pre-medieval times: that's completely irrelevant.
Modern day France was founded by the germanic tribe of Franks which largely replaced the native Celtic populace.
Britain as we know is the result of a Norman invasion in 966 which replaced the Anglo-Saxon natives.
Analysing Europe in terms of vague ethno-linguistic groups will just lead to a huge clusterfuck.
What matters is that Germany had neither historical nor ethnic justifications for demanding Gdansk. It was all just a pretext to invade and implement Generalplan Ost. Hitler did it even though he knew of the British and French guarantees to Poland. He knew it would lead to a global war and he didn't care.

Poles are literally immigrants to Poland. They just followed behind the Huns
The Germanics were the first humans to settle there

Go back to your fucking plains lmao

Wrong pierogi nigger. We colonized America and are pretty comfy. We will rise again, sure some shitskins are here, but we keep to ourselves.

You dumbass, the borders are flipped. That's Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth on the right. I recognize the left, that's the Pre-WW2 borders. Get your facts straight, user

>hurr things change therefore we can't go back beyond my specific point in time I use to justify

Poland stopped existing, you retard
From your own logic it never should've existed since then

Jesus Christ you can't even bother to keep your story consistent

Just look at all those Polish names: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mayors_of_Danzig

Except Danzig had its own government, and it voted for the NSDAP in huge numbers
Danzig wanted to rejoin the Reich

I guess German ethnicity didn't exist until the 19th century. Stop being retarded.

>another germany vs poland thread

Thanks for highschool history lesson, pal. Germans have existed and occupied roughly the same regions for a very long time. This is just a fact. Your need for various rhetoric shows that you know you're wrong.

You mixed up left and right. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was really the Jewish-Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Before the partitions it was over 20% Jewish, that is terminal kikery.

Wow fuck Poland/Germany, I love infighting now

Yes, I've mixed up the sides. Only realised after I posted so there's nothing I could do about it.

Even if Gdansk was majority-German, it doesn't justify
>invading a large nation (tens of thousands deaths in the invasion alone)
>triggering a war with France and the UK (which publicly guaranteed Polish independence)
>banning higher education in the occupied territories and genociding the population
Hitler had unlimited power in Germany. He could have used it for good. Instead he just couldn't contain his autism and had to act on his racial hatred against Slavs, which eventually brought down not only Germany, but entire Europe.


>The border between the Slavs and the Germans has moved back and forth throughout history,
No shit.

>Except Danzig had its own government,
Oh really? Maybe because the Free City of Danzig was its own separate state dumbass.

Like seriously.