Explain to me why the left doesn't like Peterson

Explain to me why the left doesn't like Peterson.

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because he uses logic

It just doesn't make sense how this dude tells people to "be responsible" and offers a way to improve your life, and for whatever reason, that makes leftists have an absolute fit.

just watch his latest podcast with Joe rogan
they talk about it,roughly speaking

It's because the leftist narrative faces a complete collapse after they stop appearing as the helpless victim of some force or other

because if you use reason or encourage self determination, and people start living by those principles, leftism becomes irrelevant. People who live by these principles will inherently come to hate leftism.

most leftist beliefs are mind traps that people can't/don't try to think their way out of, they are driven by emotion "OH WE SHOULD TAKE CARE OF THESE PEOPLE BECAUSE THAT'S THE GOOD THING TO DO!"

fuck details or statistics or trends, its about looking good socially more than anything, the moral high ground

leftism is feel good circlejerking, no challenging ideas, hence why modern leftists have this entitlement of thinking they shouldn't be offended or that laws should be enacted to make sure people aren't offended

they're grown up children mentally, plain and simple

i just dont like his voice
for a guy that says how to be a man his balls are somewhere around his neck

he's a complete faggot. Leftists don't like him because they're lunatics, but let,s not pretend he just says 'be responsible', he's a shit disturber that hides behind some 'free speech' notion that he doesn't even follow himself.

the Mic hitpiece against him literally lists Michel Foucault as equating "self discipline and fascism." It boggles my fucking mind. Wanting to take control of yourself is fascist now. I just cannot wrap my head around how they can even try to construe that as a bad thing.

Q predicted this

He's not without his flaws but I think he's a net good on western men's collective mindset, and I don't understand why that's a bad thing.

Don’t give a fuck what lefties think.

What I’m more concerned about is that how can Peterson avoid the Jewish question so pathetically whilst reading Solzhenitsyn and even bringing him up more than the fuckin lobsters.
Starting to think he’s a shill.
I Didn’t need him to tell me to clean my room, I’m just not a scruffy cunt in the first place. I’m more worried about the Zionists that run everything, bucko.


>reddit spacing

Take him for what he is. Is he going to name the Jew? No. That's what Kevin MacDonald is for.

>the left doesnt like peterson
>even though he is tame as fuck
>he's the "right wing" celeb that is heralded as resistance to the lefty insanity
>did I mention he's tame as fuck, and says nothing any reasonable person would consider radical?
This is all a sham to fool people into thinking they have someone fighting for their interests, when in reality they are just continuing to get fucked.

I guess you're probably right

>he fell for the reddit spacing meme

surest way to identify a newfag

Peterson talks about wearer values and civilisation, all things the Zionists want to destroy. You’d think he would bring it up.

Western values*

>Is he going to name the Jew? No.

And what these retards don't seem to understand is if he did, that's it. No more TV, radio, teaching, anything. It would all be done.

People don't realize the Mr. Miyagi shit going on. Strengthening people toward standing up for themselves, living virtuously as possible, and taking responsibility is more effective and pragmatic than running around in public screaming "it's the jews".

Because facts.


because he tells them that they're wrong about things like white privilege.

When you've been forcefed the belief that there is no such thing as free will, you will come to think that anybody who demonstrates mind over matter is a paid shill of the opposition, and therefore your enemy.


He redpills normies to the insanity of gender politics. He's also extremely articulate and is able to quickly explain topics which are complex in nature in a simplistic and logical manner. This makes him extraordinarily effective.

your spacing is just painful to read

If he does, everything he preaches will be automatically lose validity for the blue pilled masses. Even if he recognizes the problem, he probably won't state it and I can't blame him

You really don't know leftists, user. They're 100% about avoiding responsibility. This is why it's so popular. Who likes to recognise one's failing are one's own?

Because he doesn't understand postmodernism (although his criticism to the detrimental influence that postmodernism has had on certain radicalized sectors of academia does hold some merit). But mostly because leftist are bitter people who don't really like anything that doesn't agree with them. In fact they don't really like anything. They may get a rush from things, but they don't really enjoy them, or more precisely they enjoy them in a similar way in which children enjoy sugar.

I'm a lefty and i don't mind him. Actually most left leaning people i know don't mind him at all.

He can’t say it.

He’s steering people towards Solzhenitsyn.

Let them find it on their own.

>Explain to me why the left doesn't like Peterson
He engages in wrongthink. No other reason. If he was totally leftist in his politics they would be all over him like a psychologist version of their mindnumbing Fuck Yeah Science personas.

>why the left doesn't like Peterson.

A centrist, well educated, well spoken charismatic Capitalist that openly criticizes libtards and absolutely wrecks them in pretty much every discussion he engages, while professionally helping people to "straighten up" their life with high success rate.

>Oh gee, I wonder why they hate him...

Honestly I am not his fanboy, but he undermines pretty much whole left and more and more normies actually begin to understand basic shit.