Bobby Fischer was a chess genius, perhaps the best player that we have known of

>Bobby Fischer was a chess genius, perhaps the best player that we have known of
>he was 1/2 Jewish at the very least
>if he was in charge of the SS, he would have ordered the Hollercost
>rabid antisemite
>denounced the ZOG until his last days in Iceland

He was one of the greatest chess players that have ever lived, at least that we know of. Why does the left and alt-right ignore antisemitic geniuses?

because a dead fucking chess player is completely inconsequential even if he hated ZOG


In the end he was a pawn who got used and discarded

The media was able smear Bobby's name because, although many of the observations he made were completely correct, he let it turn into an outright obsession that made him sound insane to the layman and made it easy to paint him as a paranoid lunatic who hated Jews even though he himself was one.

I also find it strange how he vehemently denied his Jewish ancestry. Maybe he just thought of it as a religious thing and not an ethnic one, but who knows. Regardless, although he was a genius, his sense of self-preservation was very poor and he expressed a kind of paranoid neuroticism that ironically enough is very characteristic of people with Jewish ancestry.

maybe he wasn't a jew. his mom was known to be a filthy lair.

The memes of the masses werent meant for the brilliant.

It drives them mad when they see what beauty was destroyed to perpetuate the lie.

The media must pay for its crimes to good people

Why do you abbos love to use BBC vernacular??

>his mom was known to be a filthy lair

Should have cleaned her.

have an upvote

>filthy liar
So jewish

or feminine

They'd smear him regardless of obsession and you know it
They smear people every day for doing nothing more than telling the truth
At the same time, self preservation is why so many people are cowed into even denying reality just so they can go on living their lives comfortably
Ironically, when people valued their lives less, more of them got to live the way they wanted, because numbers are power

kid I've been here since '08 and never once been to reddit and I've always used that spacing. Takes up more space and gets attention.

just what some retard from reddit would say

>Double spacing, learned in freshman English, is indicative of a Reddit user

>double-spacing your dumb retard essay so your blind 90-year-old teacher can more easily read it is the same as double-spacing every sentence you type on forums for no reason at all

>I'm so autistic, insecure and schizophrenic I obessess over a simple typing habit on an Kazakhstani honeycollecting forum

Or they dislike a wall of text.....
>fucking newfags
>reddit spacing is newfag ad hominem low tier bs
>fuck of back to Facebook

who are you quoting?
people have been shitting on reddit spacing here since like 2010. go back

who even remotely cares or gives a fuck?

Bobby Fischer was not Jewish. He has a goyim phenotype.



I've been here since before the internet.
>being newfag

you're right, you are a newfag being a newfag