Brains of women with Autism may sport male features

What do you think of this article? It explains a lot about why many autistic women identify as genderqueer.

Other urls found in this thread:

>why autistic women identify as genderqueer
Probably because they're just autistic

Tfw Sup Forums is comprised of autistic females

>tfw no autistic gf

What do you think of the study of autistic women having male brains? 80 percent of the time the brain was male.

>male features
Such as brain activity?

is this why bats likes lifting

So basically what you're saying is Varg is gay?

Autistic people have more synapses in general

Tomboy Master Race

Maybe this explains why I’m a lesbo.


that's because autism is literally the next stage of human evolution

why are autists so unliked then? They need to have offspring if they are the next stage

They are going to take over the tech economy when automation happens. They will refuse to share when the rest of the population decided to keep them down all those years.

>Children and adolescents with autism have a surplus of synapses in the brain, and this excess is due to a slowdown in a normal brain “pruning” process during development, according to a study by neuroscientists at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC).

Are you referring to this? Having more synapses due to brain malfunction is different from being born with larger number of synapses.

Either way it produces more synapses.


well, you hang out in /*chan/. You're not meeting the best of men here.

At least, for the sake of our species, I hope you're not.

I'm saying that it would be against nature to keep autistic women out of engineering, computing, and science jobs.

Aspie father of an autistic white male
Just doin' my part

If you've ever known a woman with high functioning autism, you really don't need a study to tell you this. They run on 95% logic, 5% emotion. At the core, they are the perfect woman. Then you get into the sensory issues and social awkwardness and rituals and it gets kind'a weird. I'd still marry one, though.

Fun fact: High functioning autism has the pleasant side affect of making a person loyal beyond all reason. The chances of them cheating are nearly non-existent. Not just because of their isolation, or bad social skills, but they just don't fucking care. Sex isn't important to them. Structure and a stress-free home life takes top priority. Not only that, but it's common for social anxiety to be so severe that erections aren't possible - even with their own wives. Their brains fry and make performance impossible.

The whole thing is really interesting. Pick up a book on it sometime.

>more synapses

I didn't deny it


No. If you look into research, you'll see autistic people's brain fail to 'prune' extra synapses, which is an essential process for development.


Autistic people are literally retarded, they're gonna think all kinds of stupid shit

>Maybe this explains why I’m a lesbo.

Doubt it. The ratio of autistic men to women is 4:1. No one knows why. But it plummets the chance of you having autism. That said, women are conditioned socially much better early on so most that are barely on the spectrum manage to overcome it. My sister is one of them. She's an ER nurse, and to the best of my knowledge no one knows she's autistic except the immediate family. Little cues like her rocking herself to sleep all the way to adulthood, and keeping a sweater in her car to put between her and the seat belt by her neck because the feeling of it touching her makes her want to kill people. But socially, you can't tell unless you were looking for it.

Definitely not meeting any men. I already have a wife that I met when we were both army medics.

Well damn

I unironically believe autists are the future of the human race. They are too pure for the world as it is now though. Hollyjew social engineering is devastating to autists. Even the slightest speck of filth destroys that which is pure.

But the ones not socially conditioned earlier have it worse. The ones who are visibly autistic. Those ones become the angriest and are typically autism social justice bloggers.


Well, this is the funny part. 30 years ago they conditioned all women socially. They didn't go LOOKING for special snowflakes to pull aside and give special treatment. My sister would be a puddle of uselesness mooching SSI and every other benefit she could manage from the ADA right now if she were born 10 years ago. They would rained down so much therapy and ABA down on her that she would have gotten in her head that she had limitations and would never be normal.

I'm not saying that "leaving them be" is best. Just that in her case, it definitely would have held her back.

Damn i've never thought of this.

Can confirm all of this
t. Aspie

Some of these social justice bloggers though were born 30 or more years ago. The angriest autism activists seem to be born in the 80s. They were the ones who were before autism awareness but after the first diagnosis started cropping up. Any idea why the ones born in the 90s aren't as angry?

Look up extreme male brain theory

We must secure the existence of autism and a future for autistic children.

They haven't hit their wall yet

I think it was because she was born with higher abilities. Explain this blogger. She went to school in the 90s and feels this way

Anger was discouraged because it is not ladylike to have that tone

But they were into the activism in the 2000s, before they hit the wall.

Yes but if someone is mistreated by everyone they don't see the point in behaving ladylike.

We are biding our time

>We are biding our time
Biding time for what?

If that's true then why can't I get laid?
t. Actual sperg

None of your business

Nobody will come to your defense if you don't defend yourself.

I don't want anybody

rK selection

You haven't made the choice to leave humanity behind yet.
'tism+strict diet regimen+strict workout regimen=ubermensch sperglord

>tfw for birthday she doesn't give me sex, but helps me make grid images to use as reference in space engineers

>I unironically believe autists are the future of the human race.

The fact that 4x as many males have autism would support this. Because it's also a known fact that males evolved so much faster than females that it's triggering. Because men were the ones facing the challenges and adapting to the conditions, while women just got coddled for the last 300,000+ years. If autism is really the next step in evolution, then it makes sense that men would hit the milestone first and the only women to benefit from it would be offspring of those that already had it.

But I seriously doubt that's the case. Humans would need more than 100 years to make a huge evolution leap like that. It'd happen very slowly.

Being real for a second though; autism is just caused by heavy metal toxicity from vaccines. No evolution here, just classic old brain damage.

None of you will understand what has happened until you hear it from a child. Maybe your own child.

>I unironically believe autists are the future of the human race.
High functioning Autists do not have a disorder and they're not more evolved either. High functioning autism is quite simply leftover Neanderthal genes being expressed.

But isn't it more evolved because they're less likely to be brainwashed? Look at this r/Aspergers thread:

Is this why they're less influenced by their surroundings?

It's a person that doesn't understand that bullying is a core human trait. Humans were not meant to live in cities of millions, but tribes/packs. Bullying pushes those that don't mesh with your group away, possible towards other groups that they do mesh with. But the core idea is that you bully them until they fix their shit and conform with the rest of your group. That is why bullying will never step. We force these kids to be shoulder-to-shoulder then scold them when they react as humanly as expected. As adults, bullying exists to a lesser degree because we have independence and can distance ourselves willingly. But when you FORCE people together with no real leadership or freedom of action, bullying will be a huge problem. If we don't get a long, we can't work together to survive - this is what our genes say. Bullying is essential for human survival and safety.

This blogger seems to think that bullying is something only mean kids do, so everything they say is pretty much horse shit. She can't understand other people's actions without understand why bullying happens. Racism follows a similar thread.

From what I've heard autists are generally more liberal and therefore more likely to be brainwashed. Personally I feel pretty resistant to the brainwashing shit, but it's more personality based and not because of being an autist.

Probably because you spend more time playing that game than you do with her

It explains quite a lot. Preference for solitude, quiet, etc.

>muh vaccines

Please don't take medical advice from former Playboy models. There have only been a few correlations found with the prevalence of autism, including age and SSRI's during the 1st trimester of pregnancy. They've debunked that vaccine shit to hell and back and the doctor that started it did so with fraudulent research and all this has been proven. Google for more.

>80 percent of the time the brain was male
the nerve cells have Y chromosome?
what is this thread

we play on LAN in our apartment

we both work in the trades and like playing with lego

That is only applicable if the high functioning autistic woman is self-aware about her autism. Most aren't and they get really fucking pissy when you hint that they could be even slightly autistic. The non self-aware ones are just as sex-crazed as an average man. Maybe even more so.

I have a 14 year old son with moderate autism that can't even wipe his own ass. He can't string a sentence together that anyone other than his parents and teachers can understand because it's so garbled.

Don't tell me I can't understand, or that anyone would be able to "hear him."

But even if she did understand it, what would make her like the bullying?

I believe vaccines cause autism from experience. And also from the fact that vaccines contain about a dozen dangerous chemicals, some of which express neurotoxicity.

It's because they don't understand things like gender roles.

that's low functioning autism not moderate

I knew a girl with aspergers that started out as a lesbian, went on t and became gay. messaged her recently about meeting up again and got cold feet, probably didn't help that I told her I woulda dated her if she didn't mangle her body :p


Holy fuck. I had almost forgotten about that webcomic. It's been so long.

That basically proves my point that autists are less resistant to brainwashing.

Didn't Simon Baron Cohen prove this years ago?

It proves they don't absorb social norms.

you're describing social policing, not bullying. bullying may be a form of social policing but it is inherently malevolent social policing.

social policing is constructive. you pressure your fat friend to get in shape to better himself. bullying is inherently destructive. you attack someone weaker, even if they are are healthy and fit and belong to the ingroup. a 6th grader picking on 3rd grader is not helping any body. even if it's natural, intervention is also natural.

It proves they are absorbing all the gender-neutral shit the Jews are pushing.
Social norms exist for a reason.

Autism is a part of the mass poisoning of the west.

It's the emotional bombardment. For example, people with autism are known to gravitate towards other people acting out, screaming, crying, being assaulted, etc. But only from a safe distance (this is key). They don't want to be involved. They just want to watch the world in chaos from the safety of their comfy chairs. It's like a dopamine spike. The same feeling you have when something makes you laugh. It feels good.

As they get older, its the complete opposite. Situations with romance or violence make them uncomfortable. They tend to shy away from dramatic movies or people that tend to be moody - even from a distance. They will block people on facebook who tend to be boysterous, or watch only 80's movies that seem so much more light and fluffy than 2018's. Favoring peace and stability instead.

holy shit describes my ex fucking perfectly good god

Autists are extremely resistant to brainwashing. It's just that autists are so pure and innocent of heart and mind that they trust way too much and they trust authority figures to be largely, infallible. It takes a shaking up in their lives, a rude awakening, to make them less trusting. For me, it was DARE and cannabis after trying it for the first time.
>How much more have they lied to me and about what else, I wonder?

I am an autistic female and sex is very important to me and I'm also sexually a little bit like a man. I like male bodies and I think a good looking but poor man is better than a bad looking but rich man

But they don't care what others think is my point. They do as they please despite criticism. Do you think it's because they're used to being criticized?

What are you on about? I'm an autist, it's like being a normal person except I'm socially awkward as fuck.

They outright reject manipulation. People with autism want to trust everyone because it makes their life easier, much more so than normal people. So they are very rabidly defensive about any kind of manipulation and brainwashing.

For example, most are women-haters because pretty much every aspect of social engineering done by women is some kind of brainwashing. They are very aware of it. Once they've gotten fucked a few times and the novelty has worn off, they will never fall victim to a nice set of tits again in their life. They will treat women harsher than men because they are known to use non-stop brain-fuck tactics and seduction to get their way.

This has nothing to do with being influenced or immune to influence or not recognizing influence. It is willful rejection of influence. Identifying and neutralizing a threat on the mental level so they have no leverage.

What do you think of autism as a political identity?

And? That's basically what makes fags, trans-retards and feminists think their ideologies hold any weight. The fact that they don't care what other people think isn't a good thing.
It isn't one.

A 6th grader picking on a 3rd grader has a reason. Always. And it falls within the context of the argument. Maybe the 3rd grader acts weird, is the son of a teacher, or the brother of someone they don't like. They're not going to pick a 3rd grader at random and go "Oh, I think I'll pick on this kid for the next year for no reason"

Just because it seems more cruel given the age gap, doesn't mean it's not human nature at work.

That's what you think, but you're just giving the benefit of the doubt to normies. I tell you, if you could see how normies mentally process things compared to autists, you would not say that. A less refined, but still comparable example would be how introverts mentally process information and how extroverts mentally process information.

i'm an autist who skips over sex and romance scenes in movies and TV shows. i don't fear romance or affection whatsoever. i've been in a relationship before and was greatly affectionate and loving.

however basically all romance scenes in modern TV and film are fanservice for women (and men for the sex scenes) and are always unnatural and serve nothing to the story and make no sense in the plot.the romance scenes are over the top and saccharine and the sex scenes disinterest me because if i wanted to fap id look at porn not watch HBO. i don't have a problem if people like to see it but to me its like you're eating a steak dinner and someone takes a water gun filled with corn syrup and squirts it in your mouth. i'll skip past it even if some people like that part.

if you are telling me that HBO shows that cut to violent sex scenes sporadically are practicing good storytelling, you have quite an interesting idea of what is good storytelling.

Oh, interesting followup to that, police and lawyers LOVE autistic people because they're so willing to give information because trust is easier than trying to decipher a motive. Putting an autistic person on the stand is pretty much an instant-win for prosecution. And bringing them in for questioning is guaranteed to get you everything you ever needed to hear. Until they learn a type of person can't be trusted, they will be very forthcoming. Once they learn to distrust you, you're better off talking to a wall.


You're just deluded though, to be honest.
Most autists are libtards and just as closed minded as an average libtard too.

I understand exactly where you're coming from. It's the insincerity that you have a pet peeve for. This goes back to the other conversation I'm having about trust/influence. About wanting so badly to be able to trust, that deception is intolerable even when it's in a movie or video game. It's irritating to watch.

Do you hate professional porn, too? Find yourself gravitating to amateur and home-made stuff because it's more real? Or go to those 'cute girl' threads on other forums and want to punch all the bimbos that put on their stupid acts just because they know a camera is on them?

>For example, most are women-haters because pretty much every aspect of social engineering done by women is some kind of brainwashing. They are very aware of it. Once they've gotten fucked a few times and the novelty has worn off, they will never fall victim to a nice set of tits again in their life. They will treat women harsher than men because they are known to use non-stop brain-fuck tactics and seduction to get their way.

you're not wrong but you're not totally right either. at least for me. you are very accurate in that i as an autist want to trust everyone and have drama free socializing. but the manipulation stuff is silly.

as a self-aware autist who deals with normies, i don't know how to say this without being a fedora tipper, but really it's trivial to see what people are doing. people gravitate to the path of least resistance. even manipulative people aren't try-harding it. you can tell what people are thinking and what their true intentions are.

i never got burned by a grill and don't woman-hate. although i do find how women communicate to be mind-boggling tedious to decode because of their aversion to all confrontation.

women aren't the only manipulators. and even then it's mostly thots which are easy to pick out.

Long Live The Cat People

I identify as your second paragraph

This is why I think that Autism carries prosocial benefits to society. Think about it, a smart autist will hyperfocus on what interests them for hours, without rest. They are able to put aside base drives and instincts to pour their concentration out in a specific subject that may serve well to society.

Autism Supremacy Movement when?

No, you are misunderstanding me and the point because you aren't understanding everything I said in the big picture. I already said that they have a trusting too much by default issue. The reason why younger autists tend to be libtards is because that is what the established authority figures to them taught them. They haven't yet had their reality shaking event and because of all the PC culture shit, they've been able to avoid it. The autists that are libtards are just useful pawns.

>autistic supremacy movement

You'd have to get enough autistic people to show up at a specified location and specified time to get that started. That's not going to be easy, because this requires getting people with autism to leave their homes.