What is the official sport of the alt right? and why?


A sport is a form of play, warfare is conquest of nation.

Playing at warfare is the ultimate idea.

No questions asked.

I do HEMA, SCA, and reenactmnt it's pretty based.



alt-right isn’t a thing

but men’s sport is still football (not the NFL) and MMA


fencing, skiing, x coutry, swimming

I spelt something wrong and I corrected it you stupid emu fucker!

>not playing a sport that can get you killed.

Do you think? why should we rule out the possibility of death? Should we also rule out the possibility of brain damage or paralization while we are at it?


Is that Casey Neistat?

thats a different type of brain damage

>New Zealand
>not Australia

Well I'll just go kill myself then

Sports are for low-iq brutes.

Stem is for weak people

I don't get this man, how are these guys taking full blows to the head with blunt metal weapons? Even with the helmets on isn't this severely dangerous? I know they're not sharpened swords and stuff but christ I can't imagine taking these blows and maintaining.

top kek. good one commie.

Gas the Hobbits, Ring War now!!

We wear padded armor under our steel armor. It still hurts like a bitch tho.
Also SCA/tournament fighting has different rules and requirements to HEMA. HEMA is safer for the most part ie. using feders, foils, and synthetic blades, where SCA uses real steel weapons but usually they have to be under a certain weight limit and the armor has to be 16 gauge or lower.

praise the sun

does that actually work

Man’s sport coming through

SCAfags LITERALLY need not apply

Baseball and airsoft.
Baseball allows yuropoor to carry weapons without raising questions and airsoft is obvious.


It’s going to be super helpful when we have to fight for our lives in unarmed combat in the future south african american united states

Lacrosse is a very white and conservative sport. It's also quite manly, given how violent it is.

Battle ready armor is too expensive. Alt-right is too poor NEETs for it.

I'd only watch this if they actually killed each other.