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Agreed, moral Americans shouldn't buy trucks from a company that associates with Martin Lucifer King

But I thought the truck ad was moronic though.

Why is everyone talking about footballs and commercials? Did I miss something?

that ad was fucking retarded.
>on the 50th anniversary of the assassination of MLKjr buy a RAM TRUCK you fucking nigger lovers.

I'm pretty sure everyone, regardless of skin color, thought that a random MLK speech was inappropriate for a truck commercial. It's like when they tried to use "Revolution" to sell shoes or jeans or whatever it was.

What does this creature mean "can't" ?
Nobody with any institutional power is telling them they can't, in fact the people in power are encouraging them.
Quit trying to be oppressed for fucks sake


New Ram looks kinda gay anyway

t. 2006 Ram owner

Good advertising dodge really are /ourguys/

And MLK Center is pissed too


MLK's images is owned by his sons Dexter and MLK III. They're well known for cashing in on their father's legacy. Even statues honoring MLK are required to pay a licensing fee to his sons. If she is mad, it should be at his sons for taking money in exchange for letting their father be used to shill for trucks.


there were no images of MLK I recall. it was just text and a speech in the background of a RAM TRUCK pulling a mobile home.

That commercial really was horseshit.

it supports the modern philosophy of idolizing weakness and inferiority over everything else, mlk truly was a demon in disguise

If black people were capable of just seething they wouldn't get shot by police

I do so enjoy the blacktwitter butthurt, but, at the same time, I do wonder what the fuck was going through the minds of the ad executives who made this. How could you possibly think, "oh, I know, let's use MLK, to sell a hemi."

I would be too. What the fuck does MLK have to do with a fucking pickup truck ad?

and people suffering in a natural disaster, and a woman giving birth-
None of that has anything to do with a fucking truck. The ad was tasteless shit.

He was just repeating Christlypasta and applying it to black people. Literal slave morality appropriated by the descendants of literal slaves.

Q predicted this would happen.

this shit has to be focus grouped before airing right? like I'm seriously wondering what the breakdown of the focus group was that thought this was in good taste.

They actually believe Trump is they masta

>Blacks can't play football


They license his speeches as well, so they should have known it would be in a commercial.

implying niggers can pay for a 45K-60K truck.

Listen to the MLK speech: "the greatest among you is the servant." Being oppressed is good. Being oppressed is currency. Being oppressed is power.

>paying more attention to some niggerspeak instead of the truck in the commercial