What went wrong?
What went wrong?
no hestia
only one good orc rape doujin
no hestia -> no viewers -> no sales
The god damn fucking lesbo Elf ruined the show.
You know it to be true.
It's a spinoff for the sake of cute girls and not story + cute girls.
And no, dare I say it, Bell.
thats the only improvement
She ruined every scene she was in. The plot ground to a halt whenever she was on screen, and any supposed role she had could have been divided up between the other supporting characters and the overall product improved.
Only one good goblin rape manga
The series it's based on was mediocre as hell, so I don't know why you would expect a spin off to be any better.
Good characters are ignored in favor of lame uninteresting moeblob lesbian yurilusting elves.
Also not enough Ryuubutt.
Lefya and Lefya's avatarfag.
Annoying lesbian elf that was added only for yuri pandering(heedless yuri thrown around in media doesn't sell anymore, that shit is over now)
Infalliable boring warrior chick. The only entertaining thing about her is bell's reaction to her. Shit's comedy gold.
No Bell or Hestia
Everyone being 1 dimensional fap/shlick bait
Story taking a back seat to awful pandering shenanigans
Let's be honest. The first season probably wasn't in anyone's top 5. But it was serviceable and entertaining, the name didn't help sell it much either. This new thing is just a clusterfuck of bad.
I probably enjoyed Danmachi more than most and still keep up with the novels but couldn't bring myself to watch most of this spinoff. Adaptation aside, Sword Oratorio isn't very interesting to begin with. We should have gotten a second season of the main series.
Yuri fags
not enough elf footpussy
>titty blacksmith releases her power limiter by stripping her top and dual-wields two-handers
best smith
God she was dull.
That scene triggered my autism. Even if she's my cute.
Would have been good if lesbo elf went for ptsd lesbo elf...
It wasn't the manga.
Serious Question: why is the Sword Oratoria manga so good?
They tried to cover too much material.
Is there a more obvious foot themed anime in existence?
Fairy Tail
I think this is probably the real issue. The source material is actually quite good, but this adaptation just rushed through too much and in so doing sort of ruined the whole thing.
they also toned down the brutality
Brutality takes time to convey, this adaptation was a bullet point list of events.
>Fairy Tail is the most foot themed anime
Is there proof of this?
The anime failed because the people in charged of the direction and screen-play for this spin-off anime just didn't have the skills necessarily to bring out the good in the material that they had. They should of had just got the staff that did original danmachi anime back.
Some weak early episodes, some fights didn't seem weren't well done. Though the series got better at it progressed, Sup Forums still doesn't seem to realize that Lefiya is at her worst only when she is paired with Aiz, that Aiz in general was a mistake and that the last two episodes were actually pretty hype. I think Sup Forums is just negative again for the sake of being negative.
It wasn't isekai.
>rushed adaptation with "READ THE LIGHT NOVELS" written all over the ending
>feels too light and cheerful
>no Hestia
>Aiz's character growth is half-assed
>not nearly enough of the Amazons
>no one likes Lefya except when she was Filvis because yuri bait, but otherwise painfully boring
it failed to even explain what it was trying to tell, and thus failed to do anything other than be cute
>Bell inspires all the low level rookies and defeats a spooky skeleton dungeon boss in a massive zone-wide event
>Bell never even knew he inspired the Loki Familia to have such a thirst for ADVENTURE that it helped them conquer Level 59
Fuck yeah, the Argonaut.
Too much story to tell, too little airtime.
That's a good way of putting it. It skims over the major points, but doesn't make much of an effort to delve into most of them.
What do elf feet taste like?
Fuck my life, feet*
A typo like that is quite the feat.
I... I want to be angry at you, but that was too clever.
Dad jokes aren't clever. Feel free to be angry.
>cut out Aiz material in favor of shit elf
>butcherd the whole Floor 24 Arc
>Removed teh parasitic bull fight in Floor 59
IT HAD NO FUCKING STORY. Just when shit was getting interesting the show ends, leaving with so many loose ends. I regret watching this instead of reading the mango, and the worst part is source fags said it multiple times in early on this would be a doomed adaption, why did I not listen.
>No Bell
>No Lili
>No Crozzo bro
It was destined to fail. Also Aiz is shit.
removing all the fuckings small bits that make Oratoria being worth being a fucking side story
Fuck off Reddit you stupid cunt. You're so fucking obvious
genric yuribait for yurifags just as Hidan no Aria AA
>regurgitated opinion blog
>useless space in post
>retard opinion
Why don't you go back to the site you were browsing before this one, you embarrassing mess
Lefya is the one that saved this show from being even more shit than it actually was.
Nice useless space in your post Reddit
Add Index/Railgun to that.
>a show is bad because it didn't have a self insert for me
off yourself dude
Yuri is saving anime.
Feels good this flopped.
Oratoriofags on suicide watch.
Can't wait for your spinoff to be axed.
>Alludes to an interesting plot
>Stops after killing a small monster
Ais fucking soloed that skeleton. She should not have had any trouble with a completely immobile plant bitch. The fuck happened to that ridiculous movement speed buff she had? Convenient nerf for no reason?
Also, fuck them for not finishing the fight with the red haired bitch. You don't introduce a boss and just never have them resolve tjhe fight. That's absolutely shit.
>She should not have had any trouble with a completely immobile plant bitch
Skell was Lv6 monster, Spirits Spawn corrupted was lvl 7 + Demi-god
Railgun was ruined by yuri shit and went to hard on the SoL.
mainline anime > mainline manga
side story manga > side story anime
Literally 3 min into the first episode, I knew it was going to be Yurishit.
Same shit happened Hina no Aria
>What if we get a really decent story, and create a side story of it that focuses on all the dull characters of the original story and all the behinds the scenes of the original story so you already know what's going to happen. Plus it's gay!
It was destined to flop.
Terrible, rushed adaptation that cut half of the plot and 2/3 of the action.
It had nothing to do with Lefiya. Even if they cut her completely it would still be crap.
Novels and manga sell good. This adaptation was just trash.
I completely forgot about this show after 5 eps.
Does it become interesting at all?
>yurishit this
>yurishit that
3/4 of best selling anime in recent years are yuri you idiots.
ok we get it anything that isn't your opinion is reddit
Read first 3 manga chapters and compare them to the shit we got in anime. It's fucking hilarious.
J.C.Shit cut like 70% of the content.
Needs more Amazon-sex.
Yeah, episode 2 was the only one that suffered from her, she's just an easy scapegoat.
Literally in the name, nobody will be disappointment
I can't think of another decent Yuritrash show rather than Maria Holic, but if you are counting Hibike, and GuPanzers, kys.
Anime Lefiya is not even the same character. This was honestly one of the worst adaptations I can remember.
Oratoria is plot and action heavy so I was expecting a meh adaptation, but this was pathetic. They didn't even kill anyone in the Olivas fight.
>this is your brain on yurishit
you poor retard. yurishit is always poorly rated crap. you just try and claim any show with a female protagonist as yurishit. is every show with a male protagonist yaoi? no? then stop being a retard yurishitter
How is any of this related to sales you retard? Madoka or Love Live shit all over everything else.
Are anti-yurifags the dumbest people on Sup Forums?
Show me 3 successful all girl anime with 0 yuri pandering.
I'm waiting.
>love live is yuri
my god. it's terminal. there's no recovery for yurishit fans. a group of female idols is yuri? are you going to tell me all the actual all girl idols/groups are lesbians next?
Strike Witches
I'm sure they are aware that the anime was made due to Danmachi and stuck to Danmachi's timeline while adding the elements of SO piece by piece. People know what happens if J.C. Staff is in their A-game, and it usually doesn't happen if they don't get enough airtime or interest in a show.
I found it bizarre that they ended it with a "read the LNs." What's the point of rushing that far if you're not even going to find a satisfying conclusion there?
I tried giving anime Lefiya the benefit of the doubt, but its just like the is a female version of bell, the same doubt he had in the beginning, the same desire to get stronger, even lusting after the same girl bell did, its like the writers just took bell character sheet and rewrote anime Lefiya on it instead.
Anime Lefiya even has her own unique snowflake cheat tier ability, thats how much a female clone of bell she is.
It does not help that at least Bell fight against the minotaur was interesting, he went against he mino alone and won, Lefiya had backup from the amazon sisters and Aiz, and she still needed a fuckload of time to work up the courage to cast a single fucking spell, this is just boring.
Lefiya has zero personality outside of the fact that she lusts for the autistic princess, and when she shows some personality its just your average "I want to help everyone" male mc mentality, you could change her gender or race and nothing about her character would change, she is literally a harem mc reincarnated in a female body.
Granted I have yet to read the manga, but I hope manga Lefiya has a better personality than just being bell lost sister.
Kotonoha no Niwa
Pointless yurishit pandering
I did not watch it and im glad it flopped
To make you buy the LNs. Is this your first day in the anime industry?
But there were other, better points for that kind of ending that wouldn't have required butchering the story to reach.
It was a terrible adaptation.
>LL isn't yuri
I love this bait.
Shit anime nobody cares about won't make people buy LN.
Danmachi is shit.
It was really boring dropped after 2nd episode.
Ebin bait my man.
HnA AA was at least watchable.
Aria AA was much more fun than main series.
Oratoria novel and manga are better than main series, anime adaptation is just pure shit.
Aaand we never actually saw her fighting...
Still mad.
Stop doing fucking prequels and side stories.
Nothing it was fun.
Why? I liked this more than the first season. Shitty Hestia replaced with shitty elf, so what. Big deal. There was danger, there was action, intrigue, fanservice, etc. Granted the quality was mediocre but it can't be all AAA stuff.
I liked the gay elf
It's better than the main series though. Bell is worse than Kirito and Hestia is Kirino tier annoying.
Lefiya was pretty bad as mc goes, but at least it wasn't your standard spineless harem mc with little to no personality. Funny how Sup Forums claims to hate those types yet wants Bell and fail to realize that Hestia and her fanart spike was the sole reason for this show to be remotely popular in the first place.