The holy trinity of pretentious shit
>OP can't count to three
Well, considering you can't count to three, OP, it's unlikely you'd be intelligent enough to figure out what any of these shows were actually about. Good job on getting past the captcha, though.
>trinity = triangle
Cover up. Your retardness is showing.
newfag shit. please remove
>to intelligent too count
And I thought the world couldn't get any dumber.
Fucking newfags.
Why is texh crooked?
A triangle is not manly, you know?
This nigga
how is Ping Pong similar to any of these?
raely maeks u ink.
Only intelligent people can look past the unique artstyle and enjoy it for what it is, so morons like OP get confused and assume it's a pretentious 2deep4u show.
If anything the "trinity" would be Abe, Yuasa, and I guess either Anno or Oshii. They're all loads better than Abe though. And as far as Yuasa goes, Ping Pong is his most accessible show.
Anyway, you're retarded. None of these shows have anything in common besides being unusual. The fanbases of them barely even mix. You're just a faggot that brands everything you sense is supposed to be "challenging" as pretentious in an attempt to fit in with the cool kids. Kill yourself.
Go look up Boogiepop and get Ping Pong off your pyramid of autism
>all this anime "elitist" triggered
>Calling any anime pretentious in 2017
How are you going to make an elitism bait post and not include LoGH?
Because LoGH is legitemaly good
So's ping pong. Not a lot of people have actually watched LoGH, so plenty of people here see the artstyle and plot synopsis and assume that it's boring pretentious shit.
>All of the anime that I've seen in that pic have been great
wow, really makes you think
Monster is the epitome of pretentious shit.
If you ever hear anyone claiming to have enjoyed that snorefest, kill him on sight.
>wow, really makes you think
It really doesn't
You just have shit taste
>He doesn't love Lain
begone heretic
An argument could be made for some of those, but how in the world is Ping Pong pretentious in any way? Is it just because it doesn't have traditional animation?
Sure, and I love pretentious overrated shit.
Also, learn to count.
It's because OP doesn't like when people watch and enjoy interesting things.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums we dont want your kind here
I agree on all except super metroid
It's hands down the most overrated piece of shit ever made. It's poorly designed, too broken and too easy.
Evangelion is legitimate
Rest are trash tier
Back I say!
That's an upside down triangle, which is polar opposite and manly as fuck
Ergo Proxy is the only one in that pic that's actually pretentious
If anything Tatami Galaxy was a lot more pretentious than Ping pong has ever been, and being pretentious doesn't stop it from being good either.
>being pretentious doesn't stop it from being good
I disagree.
What's it like being wrong?
Whoa shit. Nice counterargument there dude. My opinion has done a complete 360.
>No utena
Seems like Sup Forums has come again.
one of those things is not like the others
Angel's Egg was weird as fuck
Dumb Frogposter
Deep =/= pretentious
Why is Ergo Proxy alongside good shows?
Because the OP is 13, doesn't know how to count and thinks that deep and pretentious are the same thing
hey I watched and enjoyed everything from this image except for Monster which I have read
the bigger question is why ping pong is even in the image
because the animation is off-model more often than not
> look past the art style
The art makes the animation work so well, I liked it.
And why is texhnolyze inclined in the middle?
>talking shit about based Ping Pong
Forgot one
So as Haibane and Lain. The rest are trash, especially Ergo Proxy which is your typical bait for underaged faggots who like to think they are smart.
I can't imagine even half of this board watching Angel's Egg.
Or Texhnolyze for that matter
Prove it, faggot.
Angel's Egg is pretty skits
So, OP, can you actually provide us your reasoning at least instead of spewing words without any meaning? This kind of shit is why I don't come to this board except once in a blue moon. Don't mind differing opinions but if you're going to act retarded just to trigger some people and fuel the circlejerk you should probably stop posting. I should too, considering I'm even taking this terrible bait.
haibane is the only actually good show out of them
>no chrono trigger nigger
>implying it isn't the best game EVER created
I know you're baiting, but seeing Tatami in these types of threads always mildly triggers me especially since one of the show's main themes is an argument against pretentiousness as a whole. The only thing that could be construed as pretentious about the show is its artstyle which isn't even that unorthodox.
Please humor me, people ITT. If you consider the all of those good shows to be pretentious shit, then what do you consider actually good shows? >inb4 K-on, NNB and Aria.
>hating on evangelion, lain and ghost in the shell
I dont think youve actually watched those shows. Let me guess... you only like harem anime with atleast two lolis and 50% fan service.
But NGE is a harem anime with at least two lolis ans 50% fan service
Evangelion and Ping Pong are nowhere near pretentious. Both enjoyable even if you don't know how to read.
I was talking about series like Eromanga-sensei, ImoCho and shit like that.
If evangelion is harem or not can be argued, but atleast its not the main focus of the show. The characters might be referred to as "children" but there are clearly no lolis in the series. As for the fanservice, theres a lot of nudity but I wouldnt really call it fanservice, atleast in the original series. I havent watched the rebuild tho. The point is that evangelions main plot isnt about a prepubescent girl wanting to drink some random dudes cum.
Pretentious shows are so phony and dishonest. Anime isn't a deep or meaningful medium. It's fan service and escapism for children and the rejects of society. Pretending that it has any meaning besides wasting time until the children grow up and the rejects die is almost a sin.
Is that supposed to be a girl??
Monster is fucking fantastic
People talking shit about Evangelion again when it's a renowned fact that it's fucking good.
Someone hasn't watched any good shows yet.
It's just fucking animation from an eastern island nation, it can be what nips want it to be.
Yes, those words are different. He's still right through.
Good and pretentious are not mutually exclusive.
Similarly if you're pretentious as a person, that doesn't mean you can't ever be right.
>NGE + EoE = 6.5/10 It's a show I respect way more than I actually enjoyed, but psycho-drama isn't my thing and the exaggerated personalities didn't really click for me.
>Lain = 6/10 this show hasn't aged well at all, it's boring most of the time because when it tries to be startling or creepy it just doesn't work. And it ends up chocking on its own next to impenetrable crypticness, and even when you manage to discover what's going on, there is nothing mindblowing at all.
>Ergo Proxy = 6.5/10 a lot of good ideas, poor execution.
>Texhnolyze = 5.5/10 understandable presentation but poorly done, if it didn't take it that far it could've had a proper pacing and actual characters who don't have a slight variation of stoicism as a "personality".
>Ping Pong = 7.5/10 the supporting cast is great, the two mains suck.
>Haibane Renmei = 8/10 actually a very good show, the strong focus on the two mains is understandable, it's mysterious without being inaccessible (the characters actually question things they go through), the drama works, it's slow and unassuming at first, the story is not that original but it clicks well and is elevated by the show's imagery. Very cathartic too, I enjoyed that one very much. The main issues would be its subpar visuals and the supporting cast (even though it makes narrative sense that they would get left out). Everything is extremely symbolic but in a poetic sense.
>Angel's Egg = No idea what I watched but it was kinda cool/10
Why can't we all be friends and love Lain?
I miss bait threads, they should seriously make a comeback
I'm triggered, now what?
None of the anime listed in the OP are even elitist. If anything they're some of the most high-profile and accessible entry-level anime, excluding maybe Angel's Egg which is more artsy.
Also get out.
Not that user but it's really up to what your definition of "pretentious" is. Tatami has many elements one could consider "pretentious" played as self-aware joke, but that doesn't make the show not pretentious, but at the same time I wouldn't consider it a trait that makes the series automatically bad either.
>atleast its not the main focus of the show
The relationships of the character are one of the main focus though, which kind of destroys your point already on the second sentence.
Confirmed shit taste.