Were their war crimes simply an ally exaggeration, or were they really as bad as claimed (such as the rape of Nanking)?
Also, did America make the right choice by not holding emperor Hirohito accountable?
Were their war crimes simply an ally exaggeration, or were they really as bad as claimed (such as the rape of Nanking)?
Also, did America make the right choice by not holding emperor Hirohito accountable?
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We let them save face, which is a big deal in Japanese culture. We bought their trust that way after nuking the fuck out of them.
Yes they were really, really fucking bad.
America nuked two of their cities so I think they sent the message.
>Also, did America make the right choice by not holding emperor Hirohito accountable?
MacArthur was smart and the boots on the ground at the time. Truman was wise to let him have his head.
Absolutely, read up on Unit 731, their chemical weapon research site, that shit alone reads more like some deliberately edgy anime than real life.
Japan was arguably the most brutal of the axis powers during the war a mix of imperialism with old fashioned warrior code.
Japan is a really odd nation during WWII. They began to westernize and modernize in 1862 and at that point western ideas revolved around expansion and imperialism two things the resource starved and land limited Japanese could get behind. Japan took to imperialism very quickly and most western nations saw it as no immediate threat at least to themselves.
Even with modernization and westernization japan still held many traditional values such as surrender is shameful which would be a major driving force for japans atrocities.
The Japanese did see the western nations has hippocrates when things like the invasion and brutal occupation of Korea Manchukuo and latter China where condemned by the league of nation with the belief of they where either doing the same or had already done so.
it was the most convenient for U.S. the leadership of the emperor with his people was undeniable and a good relationship with the defeated emperor ensured the obedience of the Japanese people.
Plus... a little bit of guilt.
Japanese emperor visited China in 1992.
China government didn't require apology to him and Japan government.
And Chinese welcomed Japanese emperor, 謝謝
Only koreans have a claim I guess....