How do you justify it? I've heard some people saying that it's good but they never explain why.
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Why does it need to be justified? We want to pirate so we pirate - that's just how it is.
Are you fucking retarded?
It's free. Torrent quality is better than streaming.
Then why do you pirate? It's understandable if you just don't have money to pay for streaming services i guess
Two words: money, availability. If people could afford the legal option many would choose it. Even then, in many cases (especially outside of North America and Europe), legal options for anime consumption can be nearly non-existent.
Everything in this world needs to be approved by the Grand Committee of Morals and Justice, no? Fuck off.
Businesses must adapt to markets.
Businesses should not be allowed to petition the government to change laws to warp the market in any manner they desire.
Piracy is the natural outcome of information being able to be copied infinitely almost no cost.
I'd love to pirate some doujins especially after I can't use fucking paypal anymore to pay for my x-rated fancomics but nobody ever fucking scans those that I want
>besides those who I want have been out of print FOR AGES
Yeah but how do you justify the stealing? I mean, it's an industry you presumably love and you're actively taking the decision to not support it
Why the fuck is anime BDs so fucking expensive anyway?
The entirety of Fate/UBW costs like $2000.
The Japs are fucking retarded.
>pay for streaming services
Yep, I don't have the money at the moment, and additionally, the quality you can get out of some good torrents far surpasses shitty streams.
How would a business adapt to that? streaming services are a form of that, but it's not really working
1) I cannot get them any other way (South America)
2) Japs don't give a crap about any market other than their own and China
I actually find availability to be a huge problem nowadays. You literally cant shows conventinatly in some cases.
Why do you care so much about justification? I want my shit for free.
how is it not stealing?
That's their problem, not the (would be) customer's.
Additionally, why not just watch everything, and buy the BDs and merchandise for the franchises that you actually liked to support certain types of shows that you want to see more of?
You must think it like this:
I don't have the money in the first place. If I don't "steal" the anime, I can't support it. If I "steal" the anime to watch, I still can't support it.
I have no contribution toward the industry.
That's why people keep making Pre-order threads to see if their favorite anime is getting enough sales from otaku and fujoshits. The life of your favorite anime is in the hand of the Japanese themselves.
who the fuck cares? I am torrenting because i can and there's a lot of okay sub group.
They aren't really losing money anyways. Anime profit comes from merchandise.
Probably a store where you pay to get HD anime downloads or something.
It's not $2000 retard.
25 eps of Fate/UBS cost about $600:
It's still expensive given that Netflix costs like $120 a year and you can watch every fucking thing.
>25 eps for $600
Might as well buy a new iPhone
>tfw Nichijou sold like shit because Aniplex went full retard with the BD price
It was $80/1Disc/2 eps or something.
That's a logical fallacy tho. It's not "your car gets stolen and it's there", it's "you're selling cars and a guy copies one" hence you don't suffer a direct loss but an indirect one with a potential client not needing your product anymore. The image is right, the example isn't
I torrent literally everything I watch, but I really liked FSN/UBW after seeing it, so I bought the collector's edition blu-ray boxset. I think I'm justified, and it shows that you can contribute much more by paying to support the shows that you actually LIKE, instead of paying to wade through average shows that could or could not have existed anyway.
Theft means that someone has an object taken from their possession. Piracy does not involve that.
>Indirect loss
Most people who pirate wouldn't pay for it anyway.
Piracy is good because the majority of pirates wouldn't have bought it anyway. So if they couldn't pirate anime, they simply wouldn't watch any.
Now why is this good? Because from the industry's point of view, they have to choices regarding this: either have people not watch your anime or have people watch it pirated. And the latter is obviously preferable here because people that watch your anime are going to talk about it, recommend it, etc. It's free advertising.
I think everyone that has ever pirated anime can relate to that - everyone has watched a good anime and told his friends or just people on Sup Forums "hey, this is great, watch it". And that buzz is bound to reach people that are actually willing to buy anime or merchandise or whatever, thus piracy benefits the industry.
the problem is there are no options that gives back to the creators the majority if I pay for streaming services. and no i dont collect dvds/blu rays.
pick one :
the market price of entertainment isn't generally determined by the content but by the raw materials involved. the advent of digital media means a market exists where supply is effectively infinite, but is still priced at inflated rates, and thus should be protested until it drops. intellectual property is a jew meme
nobody sells what the consumer wants. not having to deal with streams, embedded video, cloud hosting, etc, but a proper paid ddl service with professional encoding would attract a lot more people.
piracy is not theft and does not have the same moral and social repercussions.
piracy is the only option for obtaining many things
anime profits are generally done through merchandising and extra incentives. just watching it is more or less free, shit airs on tv you know.
you just do it, because you can?
I understand your point. Buying products to support the studio is a valid thing. But the price is still too high. If they reduced it by a half, I think the total profit might be higher.
Currently, most of the people I know (who are obviously not Japanese) really want to buy some anime BDs but it's too pricey for them.
If the price was lower, the publishers and the studios will get more money from other countries as well.
Back to nigger
I am not even given a chance to support it. Also remember most Japs watch on TV and don't buy, yet the medium is at the best it ever was.
Yeah, I can agree with that. If the prices were lowered then more people would buy them. I think ideally prices should be cut a little, especially seeing as it would really help the medium grow outside of Japan. So yeah, I see what you mean user.
Yarrgh, the Americas and Caribbean belong to Blighty, any booty we plunder from the Spanish dogs be fair game.
That's as many as infinite 0's. And that's terrible.
How exactly do I pirate something which is available for free?
Is this a "Sup Forums visits another board and starts crying about piracy" episode?
why would i have to justify it?
what happens if I don't?