Is she black?
Is she black?
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She’s hot desu
are you? sage.
Yes. But she's also white. More white than black, in fact.
And I would love to see her boobs.
Nah dude, just hit it already. Your kids totally wont be quadroons.
If her eyes weren't so fucked she would be totally breedable 2bh
she is literally a mulatto
here u go
stop shilling this ugly bitch on here
She just got really lucky with the gene lottery despite her heritage
ugly circus freak-tier
How do you know those are hers?
>brown nipples
>I would love to see har boobs
Your wish is granted.
(She's crazy as well as cute)
Phone home...
post vagene
mommy milkers
How do you know anything is anything, you could be in the Trueman show.
She's crazy m8.
I don't follow e celebs at all but I was amused at the pic of her getting arrested.
The question is, If you met her at the office charismas party and you had a few drinks with her and she was cool, would you bang her?
She’s white nice divide and conquer kike
She's a quadroon. If you want to equate that to a nationality, it's pretty typical of places like dominican republic, puerto rico, or brazil
And Jewish
>and you had a few drinks
Considering the traiwrecks I've had before with alcohol in my system, no doubt
She's like a whiter, more voluptuous Rihanna.
I wonder if she like metal too.
pretty obvious she's mixed
Millennial Matt is a east coast poser who looks like a 50 year old . He thinks he is cutting edge but he is a east coast mammas boy . Zero personality maximum trust fund faggot .
That IKEA rug and dirty room fuggg
Faggot ^
She is a mutt, the new race called "American". She is what all Americans will look like 200 years from now.
post the 52% face one
Are you doing the cleaning up around the house, soyboy? That's women's work and I wouldn't trust a female who didn't keep her room at least somewhat clean.
No but her horse pussy is.
Since she's a quadroon, their kids would be octoroons.
Was (((Spielberg))) a time traveler?
>She is what all Americans will look like 200 years from now.
I wish. I doubt we'll have it that good.