Why did she abandon Sucy?
Little Witch Academia
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>Lotte: "Go ahead."
>Lotte: "MAKE MY DAY."
i really want sucy's arc to be a tearjerker
make me want to hug sucy
Reminder: Netflix's first month is free
Go do your thing and support the series. Play it in the background, I don't fucking care, just give them your support.
As if Chariot's design wasn't enough indication, Lotte's hair in that state also looks like Cutey Honey's.
I remember that the fans of certain band did the same on spotify (playing the album in the background) and they helped a fuckton.
that diana is would tier
is croix the jar jar binks of lwa?
>yellow washing
Smh Diana's a brit not jap
>She does. That's why I think the other user saying she's more than her mentor is correct.
>But you're correct that Croix it's her only friend close her age (Croix is older by one or two years). I don't think Chariot has ever interacted with her other colleagues that much other than Finneran.
In any case, I'm open for more LWA. I can see why they want to go for a Nintama Rantaro approach. Sounds fun.
Go find a cosplaying brit then.
here's a diana cosplay
I'd actually like it if they went for a 1 cour lighter season and left all the drama for a movie.
I want to take your virginity,mom!
>lighter season
>drama for a movie.
I think Yoshinari mentioned a couple of days ago that a hypothetical 2nd season and a movie would be like that respectively.
Anyone have translation of pixiv.net
>hey, lotte
>your morher must love you a lot
>I'm jealous, Lotte
>I never knew my mother
>she just dumped me at on orphanage
>d-do you think mommy would love me if I met her?
>I just want mommy to love me, lotte
>why didn't she love me?
Sou ieba can't read that kanji i give up
I would like season 2 to spend an episode or two about how Akko and Diana are world famous.
She was disappointed her daughter was in such a shitty show.
You mean an episode with little girls roleplaying Akko and Diana and they all want to be Diana?
But that was before the show even began.
>Maybe she abandoned you because she loved you too MUCH?
>Akko you know her being her would go nuts trying to find a way to fix this problem she caused just like when she broke Stanbot and just like when she interfered in Diana's affairs and the thing with fish sensei
What if force Akko with Croix and let them find the cure together?
It'd be amazing with hyperactive Akko driving Croix to insanity by dragging them both into hilarity. And Croix would be reminded of young Chariot and get nostalgic. She also has to apologize to Akko too.
And in the meantime we can put Diana with Chariot, with Diana being all prim and proper she ends up accidentally bullying an incompetent Chariot even though Diana would like to get closer to her.
She knew.
>Diakko scene in Trigger demo-reel
>audience explodes in cheers
Chariot probably would still try to avoid them
The thing is, Chariot probably doesn't want Akko to stress or feel guilty over that, the thing is, if Chariot for some reason keeps hiding it (assuming she hasn't told her already) that sooner of later the situation would be like the one you're describing.
Did someone upload the video of the demo reel somewhere?
>Supporting the west licensing cancer
>Specifically the Netflix model
It was well edited
But I'm still laughing over the fact that they spoiled the ending to most people who were in that room.
Sorry for being a poorfag.
It probably made them even more curious if anything.
>Come to think of it, there was something I wanted to show you.
>Chariot's Premium Card...
>Amazing...I wouldn't have had the means to buy that
>I'm putting it up for auction!
>This rich person!!!!!
>Went back to normal
You can """"watch"""" the full conference here: twitch
The demo reel is right minute 18.
>a Nintama Rantaro approach.
>LWA episodes are now 9 minutes long and air on NHK during after school programming
I'm surprisingly okay with this.
Not. Canon.
the idea is to bankrupt Trigger
the second half sucks though
Fuck off
That's not my idea, my idea is that this licensing cancer needs to end, is just getting worse and worse every year.
You do realize that LWA TV wouldn't have been made without Netflix dosh, right?
>9 minutes long
Hold on, I used to watch Nintama Rantaro when younger. I do remember the episode being the standard 24 min episodes. I had no idea they changed the format.
We don't have much control of it now. Most anime gets lisenced. We gotta try helping to get the content we want
They were the ones who funded the series
But anyway go back to you basement fatso
I wish I got Nintama Rantaro in my country as a kid.
But yes, they did.
>hey Croix
>you now how you can use those cubes to create fake fairies?
>could you turn me into a cube fairy?
>I can't help but wonder what it would be like
>you would able to control my every movement
>my every thought
>you could turn me into your obedient roboslut
>cube Sucy could be anything you want
>maybe you could give me a cube dick and make me your dildo
>your unfeeling, unthinking slave made only to follow your orders
>I even already suck some of your cubes inside myself, and it feels so good
>please turn me into a cute cube servant
>please, I'll do anything
Best teach
Amazon needs to announce what their special bonus for the game is going to be already.
>look for adult pics of her
Dont try this at home...
>implying this is true
It's the same as the other bullshit "backstories".
It's entirely from anons posting on Sup Forums, claiming to have been at a Trigger panel but having no proof of it.
Next time Tattun shows up we need to shit on him for mispronouncing Lotte
I'll shit on him for not making a pateron
Take my gaijin bux already
user, it's confirmed. We can't make this up.
Would Akko and Dianafags be fine with them taking a secondary role in a mostly lighthearted second season whose only drama is finding Sucy's mom and solving Amanda's family problems if they got to star in a more dramatic serious movie?
He's making it.
I really hope that "rich heiress Amanda" does become real canon. I want to see Diana's reaction the most.
As long as they still got good episodes/moments then sure.
I'd rather have lots of mini arcs for everyone with one final boss that ties everything together than focus on one particular character's story.
Need a translation
I think Akko and Diana would be fine playing the role Akko did in Amanda/Connie/Diana episodes in S1 in Sucy's and Amanda's drama. I would love it if Amanda's arc involved Akko and Diana going to America with her.
Wait a shit, Ursula-sensei is Chariot?!
And i want the spirit eater Lotte to be real.
she's not that bad, you're exaggerating
as a dianafag, yes, i would, give the rest some time and room to breathe
i want to see hannah and purple team get some love
sucy needs a sad tearjerking moment, i can tell she's the kind of character to try and not well up in her eyes like that
Truly the greatest American.
>America is great. I love America. I love hamburgers.
That video makes Trigger look more competent than they actually are, and I love Trigger. I guess that was the point.
I'm pretty angry about these backstory announcements, assuming they're canon and not just people joking around. Imagine if we had gotten episodes about Jasminka's demons or Sucy's family, instead of the shitty "plot" that we actually got. Show would have been 100x better.
Maybe season 2 can set things right.
I miss those kind of scenes.
>I wish I got Nintama Rantaro in my country as a kid.
It's a cute, funny little show. But hell if the fat kid didn't piss me off.
>But yes, they did.
I see, no wonder that user said it lad more than 1000 episodes as of now.
What's going on here?
>When Lotte stops being nice
Yoshinari came up with the backstories recently, the entire script for the TV series was already finished. Sucy's backstory has changed at least SIX times.
>she's not that bad, you're exaggerating
explain this...
i can't wait to see Inferno Cop getting fat for all the bullshit he eats in america
tattun claims yoshinari just made them up on the spot pretty much
when you do trailing ellipses like that, it makes me wonder if i should ser...i...ou...sly an "mcrib eater extraordinaire" s...we...r you...
>Lotte gets mad, grabs a cursed sword and fucks everyone's shit up
I want to see this so badly
I don't remember he said that, what I do remember is that he said Yoshinari sounded pretty serious.
Also, where would the US magic academy be and what would it be like?
I assume its just cakes being dorks
Sucy gets a movie, Amanda gets a 2 episode arc with Diana and Akko because Amanda's family is the direct opposite of Diana's family,or rather the opposite of what Diana's family is suppose to stand for. I also what an episode showing just how dangerous Lotte's powers would be if somebody like her wasn't the one using them but rather someone ambitious and wiling to use the fairies and spirits just to benefit herself and just how devisating the damage would be when Jasminka's demon does come out. Amanda's arc can end with her deciding what she wants to actually do with her life instead of just being a rebel without a cause. Diana and Akko still have to be around but I'd rather they play supporting roles because they're both widely loved already perhaps even more if they're growing closer and starting to pick up each other's traits and other characters noting it.
Who designs the Inferno Cop characters? They do have this western comic book feel.
>Sucy gets a movie
Fuck that, id rather see new Lotte instead
Amanda's backstory is the only one I feel they were actually planning to do something with. It's pretty detailed and fits theme themes of the story. Sucy's is whatever. Constance feels irrelevant. Jasna's feels like a joke.
>what would it be like?
Probably not that great considering Amanda's family sent her to Britain.
Texas and it will have a gun store, a wal mart and mcdonalds. Also its a giant football stadium.
>Japan used to be a powerful state with imperial ambitions
>Now it's nothing but a buffer for the US should China start shit.
What happened?
Nah, Sucy's arc feels like a TV thing instead of a movie.
Shigeto Koyama
>Probably not that great considering Amanda's family sent her to Britain.
I mean, that's like comparing University of Illinois to Harvard. University of Illinois is a very good school but it's not even comparable to Harvard
Source? I loving the new fanart of spirit eater Lotte
>Lotte can travel through dimensions and eat demons