Is old school fanservice better than modern fanservice?
Is old school fanservice better than modern fanservice?
Wow this is classy fanservice, like Bakemonogatari, most shows fanservice directly insults my intelligence, unlike this and Bakemonogatari.
Is anybody really going to deny that?
Fanservice has become incredibly restrained and dumbed-down in recent years. Anime used to be legendary because of the copious amounts of graphic and weird content. The term hentai has been near the top of internet searches since the web basically started existing in the first place. Today the best fanservice you can get is generally a bath scene covered in steam, and you can see the cleavage and thighs 20% better if you buy the $70 DVD. It's hard to determine exactly what caused the shift, but it undeniably exists.
Remember when was ok to show naked girls with nipples on tv animes?
Why does she have a Lynx? I imagined 0 Lynx were sold in japan.
No, since the art style doesn't work well for fan service.
Toilet scenes are better now. More erotic.
Yes, because even though it was done to appeal to the male audience, it's drawn a certain way to make it feel like it isn't. Unlike fanservice today that is all male gaze.
The animation certainly was better, but the girls themselves were less sexy than they are now, probably because figures were even more unrealistic than in modern anime and the tits looked a lot like fake ones from the 80s and 90s - I guess animators used Playboy or something for references.
also this, the scene in the OP would work equally well if it didn't show her tits, but the purpose of bath scenes and ass shots in modern anime is exactly and only to show the body or the ass.
I want to squeeze those tits until they burst open.
Poor girl, she deserved better.
In OVAs like Megazone 23, yeah
If you're going to shove fanservice in there, it'd better be a full-on sex scene and not some half-assed "ohh my panties are too small" bullshit
>Agent Aika vs Aika Zero
Weird that the older series was classier with panties
Holy fuck, is she daijobu?
It just depends on the studios talent and censorship laws. Most fanservice anime are lowest common denominator bs that exites no one.
user, I...
Get the fuck out
GJ-bu was excellent at subtle fanservice with its sexual undertones.
>male gaze
Fuck off
She instantly dies, but then gets brought back to like DBZ style towards the end.
OAVs of the 90s were a haven of high-quality fanservice.
But this era is now gone, never to return.
I still have no clue if people think the retarded ridiculous looking boob animation from Gunbuster is actually good fanservice, or if it's all a joke over how silly it was.
>less sexy
Thanks to feminism
No, that has jack shit to do with it. OVAs in general are dead.
>probably because figures were even more unrealistic than in modern anime
Is this some kind of joke?
Fucking feminismsm they're gonna take away all my anime titties
>She instantly dies
Wow, it's like getting your heart, lungs, and spine simultaneously torn apart can immediately kill you or something.
I guess you have no clue about how shit your taste is, either.
Nipples were drawn so much better in the late 80s/early 90s.
I almost hate the fact that it used to be so ubiquitous with anime because now you have an entire generation of pseudo/wannabe/actual normalfags who believe all anime is just tentacle rape and school girls.
It took a long time for me to overcome that stereotype and I probably wouldn't have done so without accidentally befriending a few enthusiasts irl.
Not always
Difference is fanservice today is made and enjoyed by people who don't even like actual women.
Pick one
>tokyo bill
>Pick one
You feminism doesn't exist in japan?
Don't be stupid. It's amazing how just a few episodes before they had that perfect bounce when she was walking and by then they give us what looks like a superball inside one of her tits trying to escape.
On the contrary, it's good that past productions had so much fanservice, because it compensates for how dull modern productions are.
For some reason I just really like the artstyle of 80's/90's fanservice compared to today.
That's not fair. Kei and Yuri have more sex appeal than almost every anime girl period. He may have been talking on average.
Male gaze as a concept has been around way longer than tumblr, you pleb.
it might exist but the creators know their audience. they know pandering to feminists will make them lose a lot of sales so they just make what they want anyways. if it happens to be harem anime and all the girls have at least an H cup then so be it
Which has nothing to do with feminism.
Still a shit concept, only pushed by sex-negative liberals.
They're above average but that nothing very special about them in terms of sex appeal. Maybe the fact that they're sluts but they're still outclassed heavily in that aspect
Yes, but so is almost everything else. The shit you kids watch today amazes me.
This reactionary anti-feminism needs to die
Fuckdamnit, america, why you corrupt every word in english language?
Liberal means "Freedom". It was liberals who made sexual revolution in the 70s.
Reactionnary anti-feminism is the only way to prevent people like you from breaking the society down into a collection of castes, all hating on each other.
Reactionnary anti-feminism also protects anime tiddies, making it a good ideology.
And some of the weird shit I seen come out in your day amazed me too grandpa.
I'm using the murrican denomination because this is a mainly murrican board. Call them any way you like : liberals, progressives, postmodernists, SJWs : you get what I mean and that's the essential.
Plus, the sexual revolution was garbage. It sure sounded like a good idea in the beginning, but it ended with fuckloads of single, depressed people.
wtf i love gundam now
Nah you're the pretentious normalfag here. Anime should just be tits and tentacles and cool disgusting shit. Fuck you and your friends, nigger.
Grandpa furry had to come from somewhere, youngin
>liberals, progressives, postmodernists, SJWs
These are not interchangeable words.
Source? Looks cool as fuck.
Absolutely, largely because the designs were easier on the eyes. Girls in modern /e/ content are excessively shiny, and the faces are less attractive.
The shots in OP are also completely natural -- no unnecessary closeups or effects. The exposure appears more incidental.
Can't we have one fanservice thread without all this social justice crap shoehorned into it?
Well, so far, it's been limited to women having more say in the workplace as well as separate train cars.
True, real liberals are fucking mental in ways SJW kids can only dream of.
In effect, they are. Almost nobody saying "I'm a liberal !" means it in the "classical liberal" sense of the XIXth/early XXth centuries.
Defending what these ideologies defended back in the day makes you a conservative, nowadays.
nope retards want to sound cool
This so much. They knew how to combine teasing and subtlety back then. Nowadays, it's just boob jiggles and pantyshots in your face.
You're right, they used composites and stuff from those playboy thin model types. But I would say they'r'e more realistic than the doll like moe blobs you see today.
Modern anime is more consistent especially with character models, less "quality" and "beauty shots" but in a way I think that's why it lacks the charm old school anime has. With the being weird and stuff.
Of course we can't. How else could the special snowflakes feel important ?
Summerfags will always find a way.
>Defending what these ideologies defended back then
Like what? Freedom? Equality?
They still looked gorgeous.
is girls bravo old school yet?'
cause i still fap to it
My melanin enriched friend.
True, but still, it's been cranked up to 11 since the early- to mid-2000s.
>muh SJW boogemyan
Fuck off Sup Forums
>only blinks when it tears through her spine
Pretty good detail
Those are summerfags for ya.
early/mid 2000s fan service was sometimes okay
08th MS is not Gundam
I actually haven't watched it yet
Yes. If you stand for free speech today, prepare to be called a nazi, because standing up for free speech means opposing the draconian censorship the left wants to apply to anything that doesn't fit their ideological norms of correctness.
Same with equality. Equality means opposing segregation, affirmative action and not spending your entire life talking about race and gender. Which is the exact opposite of what today's "liberals" stand for.
>a berniebro calling anyone a summerfag
can you guys take this somewhere else?
No, feminism needs to die. Fuck off back to tumblr.
I don't know, maybe its because you don't have irl anime-watching friends but we don't really discuss the fan service portions. We may discuss deaths and how gruesome they were but that's about the extent of it. We're a bunch of /m/en anyways so you can shove your shit opinions up your ass where they belong.
Sure is Sup Forums in here.
They literally cannot help themselves.
I swear they must have an rss feed that tells them whenever the word liberal or feminism is mentioned somewhere on the site.
>nothing very special about them in terms of sex appeal
You what, mate?
But you do you.
Kill yourself frogposter.
I remember watching a hentai with girl that looked like kirie,
too bad the breasts didn't match.
her hair is too weird for me
Little Monica?
>We don't actually get to see those tits.
>tfw lean left because grew up in poor rural area with a school full of dumbshit teachers that desperately needed government intervention for curriculum standardization, and job training/placement programs so somewhat intelligent folk don't end up working on 200 year old chicken farms for the rest of their lives
>suddenly get grouped with trannyfuckers and cultural marxists who hate whites
Fuck this modern political state.