>male MC
>male MC
Literally why? FeMC is more popular in both cases.
>male MC
>male MC
Literally why? FeMC is more popular in both cases.
Other urls found in this thread:
>it's another "why are they using this blank slate instead of that blank slate" episode
/u/fags are mentally ill
>it's another butthurt yurifag episode
In Extras case its not even /u/fags though
I want FeMC and Archer, not MaleMC and Nero
Because their target audience is men.
This. It doesn't matter how potentially interesting it would be to have a female lead, they have to pander to the male demographic.
Sounds like you have shit taste then.
>Wanting the same old Archer but not really in Extra.
We wouldn't have Mashu/Nero acting cute towards MC. And the heroines are the only redeeming thing about this clusterfuck.
Pretty much this.
>muh /u/
People want Gudako because she's cute, and also Riyo.
>This. It doesn't matter how potentially interesting it would be to have a female lead, they have to pander to the male demographic
Love Live and Madoka don't appeal to the male demographic?
Good to know.
At least there's still hope for Gudako popping up since she showed up in the background in the first episode.
And I'd like MaleMC and Tamamo, not everyone can win.
male MC and nero was always the canon one see manga. drama cd and other stuff.
TM gives a shit about the non canon riyoshit
You already have that Ilya spin off
Isnt that enough? Stop being greedy
Unless Gudako has her personality from the comics I don't really care who they use.
>You already have that Ilya spin off
Oh you mean Fate kaleid/liner Prisma Shirou?
>TM gives a shit about the non canon riyoshit
Riyo is as canon as Koha-Ace which is as canon as FSN because lolkaleidoscope.
>Remember to ignore or report this thread.
This is same dedicated shitposter from Granblue Fantasy's threads
And target audience of Madoka, Love Live or GuP are women?
FeMC and Archer will appear in the anime though.
Half of LL fanbase are female
I have nothing to back this up but I guarantee you the vast majority of men who play the games pick the girl character.
And male MC was so shit in GBF anime they made a special episode with DJ. And it was the best episode in the series.
Madoka and Love Live have absolutely massive female audiences.
Love Live sells ton of merchandise catering exclusively to pre teen girls.
Because then we have doujins where the protag gets NTR'd away from Mash by the big mean female Servants.
That was honestly the best part of the Ilya spinoff though
That makes no sense. More male=more fujoshit. Less male=more otaku.
Because fuck yuri and fuck romance with Emiya Archer.
Reminder that the best selling T-M anime has a female lead.
>Male mc+women=otaku
Everything from T-M happens in a multiverse with thousands of routes existing at once.
There is no canon you retard.
Pretty sure no, not the "vast majority". A significant portion of players maybe, but the "vast majority" of male gamers play the boy character if there was a choice.
FGO isn't a shitty harem anime featuring exclusively female heroines alongside the MC.
Roman x MC is one of the most popular pairings in FGO.
And mobage like FGO have 30-50% female playerbase.
Since F/Z and FGO Fate has tons of female fans.
Fujoshit tend to couple male MC with other male characters. You are free from that risk with female MC.
>More male=more fujoshit. Less male=more otaku
It doesn't work that way!!
The romantic hints in First Order was cringe as fuck and would be a hundred times better if the writers had gone for a platonic friendship instead.
Therefore Gudako would be better because Japanese writers can't write relationships between male MC and heroines without romance.
Except around 60% of players use female MC in every mobage that allows it.
Instead you get yuri fans. Basically the same.
Instead you have yurifags coupling female MC with other female characters. It's the same degenerate shit.
Yurishits always couple female MC with other female characters. Which is a lot worse because there are lots of them on this board
At least i dont have to deal with fujoshits in Fate threads with male MCs
Yeah, instead you have retarded /u/shits flooding the threads with their cancer instead.
FGO paid player ratio is like 8:2 genderwise
Bullshit. Love Live or K-On are super popular among otaku. More than any harem.
Hell, most top selling light novels have female leads and it's a 100% otaku industry.
It's probably slightly higher now since they're pandering to the girls harder this year in FGO.
This is literally impossible.
Bakemonogatari is the best selling anime of all time
And it exclusively panders to males
LL and K-on does to both genders
Better than fujoshit unless you are fujoshit
>Use both MCs, make them siblings
>One is the serious one
>One is the silly meme comic one
>They both fuck Mashu
Where can I torrent this?
m8 that doesn't contradict anything he's saying. Both can be otaku.
Being a lesbian is a mental illness, while being over 30% in body fat is a physical illness. Tell me something new
Not really. Fujoshits and Yurishits are equally bad in their own way.
>/u/fags are mentally ill
That's not /y/
did you take into account that the players aren't exclusively male?
>Bakemonogatari is the best selling anime of all time
It's not. NGE, SEED and LL sold more discs. Madoka sold almost as much.
And disc sales are 7% of anime revenue on average. Merchandise is many times more important and LL or Gundam merch completely dwarfs Monogatari.
No, they are manchildren
It's the same shit, except yurifags are much more obnoxious and militant on Sup Forums.
in that case.
>/u/fags and otomefags still mad
yuri tends to be worst since they splurge it all over the place.
They're both fags.
Female MC are preferable simply because whenever anime studios adapt blank slate MC they give them the most obnoxious bland stock personality ever. Meanwhile this restriction doesn't seem to exist for female MC for whatever reason.
Last time I checked, about 51~55% of male players choose to play as a female character, when asked about why they choose the female character over the male one the most given answer was "No specific reason".
The game was pokemon, though so I don't think it can apply to other fanbases.
Has it been confirmed that Nasu's Extella prequel will be the basis for the anime?
I guess it would work since you'd get FeMC with Archer and MaleMC would start with Nero and later get Tamamo so all the crowds should be happy except /u/ of course.
They're literally the same person no matter what
This is amazing irony coming from Fatetard.
Because anime was targeted to general public, not yurishitters
the female protag is more popular because if you combine the otaku who play as female and actual girls it eclipses the more normal guys who play as men.
And haremfags are underage
Are you kidding? Female MCs are generally just as bland or even more bland. Hell, look at harems and CGDCT series. They are infamous for having entire female casts of generic archetypes.
Tamamofags will be mad as fuck since she gets shafted as fuck in Extella/Zero.
Her last appearance in the fucking story is a goddamn Terminator joke ("I'll be baaack!) after Nero kicks her off a fucking bridge.
Why lion head?
All of them are kids do they don't buy the expensive blurays
You do realize there are plenty of fujoshi who play as the male MC.
>general public
>arbitrary blogshit list
Ebin. Golden Eggs or Kemono Fags rape Monogatari disc sales anyways. And disc sales by itself are worthless.
And Monogatari S1 was a phenomenon because of Shaft's new style. Other gatari seasons sell far worse.
>he thinks Blu-ray sales matter for LL
Good joke.
It's more in mobage because most males play those for cute girls.
They don't constitute a large part of the fate audience
Since GO came out, TM audience is now 40% otaku, 50% normal girls, 10% normal guys
Guess what sells the best these days retard?
It does. Considering the mobage are making less profit than even BangG Dream.
Right, because all the Zero fan art was completely heterosexual.
No Nito, no deal
OP 95% of current shows with female protagonists are summarised as follows: Girl meets girl and quickly turns Into lesbian after knowing her with excessive and pointless yuri fanservice and yuri pandering.
Currently, nobody gives a shit about this generic and repetitive shit, beyond the obnoxious yurifags
You are an idiot holy shit.
Yuri is just romance/fanservice for men that are so insecure about themselves that they even feel threatened by a self-insert male. Either that, or actual cuckold degenerates that get off on their women being stolen by other women as a replacement for black bulls.
so basically role reversal harem
>FeMC is more popular in both cases
Pics? And not a strawpoll on Sup Forums where only 7 people voted
Disc sales are worthless you idiot.
Golden Eggs sold 180k yet they never even ranked in annual top30 revenue by series rankings. When even Nanoha or DAL did.
>FeMC is more popular in both cases.
Citation needed faggot.
>a fucking idol group
>the first alternate revenue stream aside from the blu ray sales he thinks of is the fucking mobage
And "selling less than Bang Dream" doesn't mean shit. Bang Dream is nearing the top of the charts right now. Any mobage that consistently makes their way into the top 100 is going to make a helluva more money than any blu ray sales.
For massive multimedia projects like Love Live blu-rays only make up a tiny amount of revenue.
>Currently, nobody gives a shit about this generic and repetitive shit
Sure thing whale.