Violet Evergarden

Director: Taichi Ishidate
Series Composition: Reiko Yoshida
Character Designer: Akiko Takase
Sound Director: Yota Tsuruoka
OP Theme: TRUE
Animation Production: Kyoto Animation

Violet Evergarden: Yui Ishikawa (Mikasa)
Claudia Hodgins: Takehito Koyasu (Dio)
Gilbert Bougainvillea: Daisuke Namikawa (Hisoka)
Cattleya Baudelaire: Aya Endo (Saki)
Benedict Bleu: Kouki Uchiyama (Kanie)

>Ep1 staff
SB: Taichi Ishidate
ED: Taichi Ishidate, Akiko Takase, Shinpei Sawa
AD: Maruko Tatsunari, Yuuko Myouken, Akiko Takase, Nobuaki Maruki

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I shall wait 6 months

It's gonna be kyokai all over again aka a shit i tell ya.

>Gilbert Bougainvillea: Daisuke Namikawa (Hisoka)

Is it on stream yet?

Did they remove the loli?

The only loli is a child from the second ark that Violet oversees since her mother is busy.

Thered be shota archeologist thoug.

They didn't cover that arc.


>Claudia Hodgins: Takehito Koyasu (Dio)
Isn't that a girl's name?



Intersted in seeing if Kyoani will change anything significant? Will they keep the fact that Gilbert is in love with Violet, or will they try to keep him as a father figure to her?

Pretty good.

>Gilbert is from Gibraltar

Yes, and?

They kept it in according to the spoilers in the last thread.

>tfw it's the nips this time around translating gaijin pre-screening reactions for the first episode
What a weird feeling now that the shoe is on the other foot.

For novelfags, did Gilbert actually die or was it all a ruse?

He doesn't.

>kyoani literature adaptation

So another polished turd, looks pretty but content is shit. Same story as always with this studio.

>>tfw it's the nips this time around translating gaijin pre-screening reactions for the first episode
>What a weird feeling now that the shoe is on the other foot.

I feel glorious



I should really stop coming to Violet threads, I always get spoiled with plot details, like in yesterday's thread. Come on fags use the spoiler tag please.

woah another kyoanus turd

> Complaining about spoilers
> Using Sup Forums
Seriously dude?

In my defense, spoiling is a bannable offense.

>3. Purposeful spoiling of a series may result in post deletion and temporary ban.

The biggest spoiler is that VEG is going to turn out to be a huge disappointment.

Why is that?

I think Sup Forums will quite like it in general. The only thing I'm unsure of his the Prisoner arc, I found it goofy and there's not much that can be done to fix it.

Skip it? That's at least what I want them to do. Just take the flashbacks from it and just abandon the arc. It's mediocre at best.

Too much hype. The fanboys will exaggerate every good thing about it and the antis will pick apart at every little mistake.

Seriously? I want to see that.



>Director: Taichi Ishidate
>look him up
>a literal newshit
>with the only other credit being kyukai no shit

if you have any expectations for this you're a delusional retard

It was Hanada that made KnK so shit
He is the worst hack in the business.

Hanada can do good work.
It's Ishidate's fault for not keeping a leash on him. I do appreciate that idol dance though, even if the actual episode was out of place dogshit.

Has anyone heard the OP?

Anhyone know if the OP was in the episode?
How were the visuals?

Also it sounds like a nu-Disney song

Picked up

Looks interesting, the description this user gives makes the directing they're going for much clearer.