Gainax or Trigger?
Gainax or Trigger?
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I like some anime from both, but far from my favorite
Artfully done anime that doesn't talk down to the viewer or spoonfeed you
*references south park*
Old Gainax >>>> Trigger > New Gainax
Maho shoujo cars
>Wings of Honneamise
Literally the greatest anime film of all time. A truly beautiful and ambitious film, tastefully done and with a good message.
>Gurren Lagann
All bullshit that panders to waifufags with no standards.
What happened?
The fact that this is even a conversation feels like a personal insult.
Gainax is one of if not the best anime studio of all time, filled to the brim with talent.
Trigger is some of the scraps left over, and KLK was Imaishi's worst work.
You gay?
>filled to the brim with talent
Name one nigga
Promare will blow anything Gainax made out the water.
Yoh Yoshinari
Do you seriously think that Imaishi and Nakashima can top TTGL?
>scraps left over
Have you taken a fucking look at the current state of Gainax?
>KLK feces
FLCL of course.
TTGL is also unreachable height for Trigger.
I'm okay with this.
Oh my god, Yoh Yoshinari is with Trigger you absolute fucking autist.
>looks like shit
How to prove you have no idea of animation 101
Trigger has a load of great animators and there are some great scenes here and there, but nothing save the LWA movies and S&V really reach any level of consistency.
the need of money. Remember that eva was supposed to be their last chance after the small success that was otaku no video
Pretty much this desu
>Do you seriously think that Imaishi and Nakashima can top TTGL?
Yes, TTGL is one of the most overrated shows ever, The fact people wank Kamina off as some sort of hero character is still annoying to this day.
Oh ok, you don't get it, thats alright.
Do you sincerely think that this is a Gainax AS OF THIS MOMENT vs Trigger conversation?
Fuck off man, Trigger doesn't have Anno or the Khara team, and Khara doesn't have Imaishi and the Trigger team.
Consistnency =/= Quality.
Trigger may do some "low budget" stuff but it totally works for the shit they do
Kill la Kill didn't "work"
I didn't mean to imply that, just to say that you'd never know just how fucking good their animators are from watching a Trigger show.
Trigger has made like one good anime.
KLK >> Gurren Niggan though
>oh no a anime got relly popular better tell peepl its shit so i can habe user creed while praisin old stuff
Holy shit taste
>Khara doesn't have Imaishi and the Trigger team
You're right, they just have most of the people who made Gainax great before Imaishi was even relevant.
Yes, yes it worked. and if you think it didn't then you have no eyes.
Allow me to disagree, KLK was amazingly animated in all possible ways.
Too bad Anno can't be assed to do anything but milk Evangelion for years.
Call me when we get a Studio Khara original
Gurren Lagann
Panty and Stocking
Medaka Box
Magica Wars
Kill la Kill
Little Witch Academia
Inferno Cop
Space Patrol Luluco
Inou Battle
Gainax has the better series' overall, but Trigger is still doing very well for itself.
The CG was unbearable, the shit on purpose animation for laughs wasn't funny, the character designs were busy and ugly, the action was repetitive and generally bad, but worst of all nobody was likable and it was obvious they had no fucking plan on what to do in the second half.
They had that horrible Dragon Dentist thing not too long ago
This topic is Yukko. Current Gainax is a skeleton with almost no talent. And a lot of the talent that was in Gainax is Trigger. This is like comparing oranges to orange juice made from the same oranges.
>Name one nigga
>Trigger animation is shit "on purpose"
Find me one example of good animation in Imaishit
why are you comparing Trigger to a company that sells tomatos?
His designs were always ugly
Good summary, but i still like the good things Trigger has done better than Gainax's good things.
I know everyone on Sup Forums sucks evangelion's dick but what can i say, one show doesnt make a studio.
Plus, now that trigger has announced "promare", they are probably about to reach the Better-than-sex-anime realm
But you also have to think of the levels of good
Panty and Stocking
Gurren Lagann
Kare Kano
Little Witch Academia
Royal Space Force
Kill la Kill
Inferno Cop
FLCL cuts, Dead Leaves, Gurren Laggan
His issue is his style DOES NOT WORK on low budget productions
New Gainax, obviously
IMO, switch Kare Kano and Kill la Kill and it's almost perfect. Also IC is at least a 7.
Old Gainax > New Gainax > TRIGGER
Kill la Kill barely scrapes a 6 if you turn your brain completely off and look at the flashy pictures.
Reminder that Gainax, Trigger, and Kyoani are all entry level studios.
Gainax ended when Imaishi left.
Trigger basically is Gainax now.
Pleiades is worthless
shut your stupid fuckin face you dipshit
For being a studio's first full length anime, it's very good. Even the animation is good for a debut from a studio. The only thing I found wrong with KLK was the ending. Just like LWA, they made the ending on the spot and that's been Trigger's downfall so far.
Imaishi was hardly the soul of Gainax.
Goddammit, why am I the only one who actually liked Kiznaiver..
You're not wrong obviously but they're still among the few studios with a proper style to them
Reminder that entry level in this case means best.
This is a good rating
You are worthless.
Whoa mean!
I thought trigger didn't use CGI, this is clearly a shitty 3D model
Are there any OG members of Gainax left?
>no Gunbuster
>no Kare Kano
>no Nadia
>no Wings of Honneamise
>no Otaku no Video
Imaishi leaving was really just the last straw of a studio that had already collapsed.
Adding in Gunbuster just wouldn't make it a fair fight.
Old Gainax
Who even cares about Trigger or Gainax, they both only make badly animated flops nowadays.
Yamaga I think.
Name on worthwhile Gainax work after FLCL and before TTGL. Name one worthwhile Gainax work after PSG.
Imaishi's contribution to Gainax's legacy is comparable to Tsurumaki's.
They exist but they only prove your point, being made worthwhile because of whatever episodes Imaishi did.
>the studio went to shit after everyone except Imaishi left
>this means he's the soul of Gainax and Trigger is Gainax now
Also, Pleiades was good.
I'm not shitting on Imaishi, though I do personally believe he needs his wranglers to get good work done, something that doesn't happen at Trigger.
He's just a piece of the puzzle, if anything the idea of oldschool Otakudom is what makes Gainax what it is, something that Trigger appears to lack, and in it's stead is a strange mix of distinctly non Japanese interests.
You gotta be shitting me.
It was sweet classical (meaning not grim dark or edgy) mahou shojo about friendship and love with bittersweet nice ending and unusual use of space theme.
You couldn't expect this level of quality story from car's advertisement.
Too bad about the ugly designs, terrible CG, uninspired direction and bland characters.
Even as a mahou shoujo it was subpar at best. So generic that I wouldn't have imagined it to be a Gainax show if I didn't knew beforehand.
Watching LWA gave me the "when did we get here" feeling when watching it the second half doesnt fit at all with the tone of the first half
I don't want to chose between scissor waifu and best coming of age story. Also so many cute little witches :s
Is that ok to love KLK? Its like yea, its not THE BEST, but it was fun watch and i did not drop it so im satisfied with it and i would love some more.
The people that disliked it didn't understand it.
Replace Inferno Cop with Ninja Slayer. Hell, replace it with Turning Girls even.
>Gainax is
Gainax is Trigger, OP. That's the twist!
Trigger's Ninja Slayer is terrible because of how shit it looks compared to the manga
I came back from the trigger panel Where they started by shooting money.
Use this bills WISELY, Sup Forums.
And the back of them.
Note the "F You" to PSG fans.
>Artfully done anime that doesn't talk down to the viewer or spoonfeed you
No offense, but Gainax is not exactly known for their story-telling. They built their empire on amazing visuals done by a bunch of animation enthusiasts.
No Gainax show would be genuinely worth watching if you replaced the animation with something like Kemono Friends or RWBY.
Kemono Friends remains highly enjoyable despite the fact, Gunbuster would not.
>Gunbuster would not
That's because Gunbuster is action-oriented and not just some moe slice of life bullshit. Not to mention the iconic ending. What a dumb comparison.
Get out of her Digi
Trigger is literally a meme studio
Only Sup Forums cares about them
>Kare Kano and Inferno Cop not 8/10
>LWA anything but 6/10
Other than that I agree
I don't know, PSG is better than any trigger garbage.
All this copy pasta you post every single Gainax thread to rile up people with taste, do you ever wonder how much of your life is wasted shitposting for (You)s?
Besides, you didn't even post Gainax's best anime: Diebuster
Diebuster is the same, so is Evangelion, FLCL and TTGL. Daicon and shit need no further explanation, that's just pure animation wanking.
FLCL and Diebuster were created solely to flaunt their animator dicks around with all the money they've made on Eva.
Eva itself pushed animation so fucking high above everything else they did almost no animation for the final episode and frequently made the worst thing in animation imaginable (static scene with nothing even nudging for over a minute at times) just to blow the budget on impressive fights.
TTGL was by far the only one where they gave even the slightest fuck about actually telling the story and thus invented the "Trigger style" so as to lessen the cost of the robot animation drastically (having robots move like giant humans is a cost-saving measure and it is paramount in TTGL).
It's adapting the LNs, lad, not the manga.
Evangelion is trash and more overrated than any other Gainax show.
I really don't understand how anyone could rate it as a 10/10 and over masterpieces of animation like Gunbuster.
psg is still old gainax
>Diebuster and Luluco below Gunbuster and LWA
Shit taste, especially if you are including the LWA series into the mix with the actually good/okay OVAs
Gunbuster is just a shitty Ace parody with OVA quality animation.