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Missed a little bit there, sweetie.
what's the source? It looks familiar but idk if it's what im thinking of.
What did she mean by that?
Epic! Epic! Absolutely epic, dude! XD L e lewed refereance xDDD
What did he mean by this?
>tfw never masturbated or ejaculated in my life so I don't understand all the commotion around cumming
oh well
>I've never ejaculated in my life
You either haven't hit puberty yet or were neutered at birth. Which is it?
Fell waist deep into pool of acid as kid because of some guy dressed up in a bat costume.
>lack of ability to have sex and procreate makes you a social pariah
>lack of sex drive and test lets you concentrate on shit that is actually important
I don't know, anons
I have to ask for source
can you impregnate the nekos in that vn?
no, they can't have kids with humans unfortunatly, im playing volume 2 and the first volume was much better
I want to see a /ss/ doujin where the shota starts to ahegao because his partner is that good.
Whenever any one argues to me that Japanese people are fucked up I can now present them that image as a counter argument!
Thanks OP
Nope. If they want children you'll have to hire some nekoboys to come and inseminate them while you hold their hands and watch in agony as they abuse them with their spiky cat cocks.
here is the source if anyone wishes to see it
But catgirls dont have kitty titties or cat vagoos, as far as we know catboys would just have small penises.
>you can't
thanks, but why would the author do that
What a good nee-san.
idk i was sad too, but the vn is still decent, here is my favorite neko
Fetish for unprotected sex but doesn't want any of the baby problems, so he just made them sterile when fucked by humans.
Dude there's tons of those. Higuma does a bunch, and I swear they show up in most /ss/ doujins. The guy who does catboy buttstuff does them all the time too.
This is one of the absolute best.
But "baby problems" is the fucking point of having an unprotected sex fetish.
>that gomenasai doujin
Fucking changes your life.
>Impregnating your sister
What fool would do that?
A hero.
need more of this
>I have to ask for source
Search for "Aoki Kanji" and "incest", enjoy the results.
Gonna need a source.
I like her attitude, that's some can-do spirit there
Can't believe she actually became a mahou shoujo