Gender-bending chemicals found in plastic

Sup Forums was right again



I mean if the shoe fits

>Hormones in the tap water.
>Hormones in the bottled water.

Fuck, I guess I'll just die of dehydration then.

Sup Forums is always right

Get a water filter n00b

Bottles here years ago used to be glass, why everything now has to be plastic?

>on the inside of food cans

Don't forget to starve to death too.


Grow your tits, goy

so, how do we avoid this?

Dehydration comes faster then starvation.

I thought water filters were a meme, goddammit.

you people believe this garbage tabloid? LOL


Use on jew to stop problem, use on self to escape it.

Listen leaf- bpa is literally a chemical found in all these plastic products and does affect horomones. If you weren't a retard you'd already know it. But daily mail is just reporting dems facts



I and many others have long suspected that plastics are directly responsible for the LGBTXYZ phenomenon.

My mom puts Tupperware in the dishwasher and I have always hated her for it. She’s fucking retarded and she turned me gay.

Its from a university study not just something the Daily Mail made up.

>plastic bottles containing BPA
Aren't all bottles PET these days?

the article states its found in all tin and aluminum lined food cans as well. how will you survive without all that high salt canned spaghettios you fat ass burger? lmbo

but dont worry nothing in this article is sourced so carry on.

Are you implying there’s something WRONG WITH BEING INFUSED WITH ESTROGEN?? REEE

I never know what to do here.
Am I better to drink Tap Water so?

what is it about the 1960s why did everything get so crazy in such a short period of time. Was it "lets wait until the war has blown over and everything has died down then we begin our slow and subtle revenge against the white man".

It’s in food containers too. We’re all fucked.

My understanding was the same. My water bottles are typically PET. I wonder if it's from the receipts?

how is it possible to claim statistical data with only 94 samples examined?

Does your area fluoridate the water?
For shits and giggles, look at rates of hypothyroidism by area and then compare that to a map of fluoridated water supplies.

If you didnt know about BPA by now you dont belong on Sup Forums

Buy a reverse osmosis filtering system for your home, get one of those nifty vacuum seal metal water bottles. Stop using plastic as much as possible. I wish plastic was never invented, I reckon we are going to be Bladerunner tier filthy in a century.

My understanding is no, but the sure as fuck bleach the hell out of it. I know noone who drinks the tap water because of this, and that birth control hormones are consistently found in the water.

More onions

here is something to deal with it, and moar

>not using glass food boxes to store your locally grown food


I fucking told you.

Well your mom is statistically a good lay, but the fact that I've only done 59 surveys doesn't make it less true.

buy this

What the author of the article wants to do is raise an issue.

Say, if they testing 90 kids for STDs/radiation exposure/heavy minerals in their system, and found 86% carrying, wouldn't that be alarming?

Your margin of error gets larger the smaller your sample size, but it's most definitely an alarm study and it should be expanded upon ASAP.

spend 50 dollars for a case of glass water bottles

Onions and garlic. Also, more onions and more garlic.

source: Avicenna.

Glass bottle + water filter.

War turned less ouvert and more psychological and biological. Hippies popularized cuckery and ingesting all kinds of drugs and probably faggotry

so why does this only effect some people then? do Chad's all secretly know to avoid plastic?

All of my tap water pipes are made of plastic.

No it isn't retard.
Food Grade Plastics in the USA DO NOT contain BPA.
Look up BPA and which plastics are which.
Most plastics that touch your food in the USA, are BPA free.

They compensate with testosterone producing lifting, most likely

Because humans aren't the same.

then why are so many men in the US chopping of their dicks?

BPA absorbed via the skin stays in the body longer than BPA ingested through food and water.

>What happened?


theres much more packed in plastic than just water. And then there are cans, also covered with shit inside.

Atrazine is a pesticide, it's not from plastic. But if your bottled water is from the tap then yeah it probably has atrazine in it, at least in the states.

the kikes and big business treat us like fucking lab rats. they can put anything in food or water and shit back, watch the results, and never be punished for it...

why people don't riot over this is beyond me. instead we riot over God dammed football games

Get a bpa free jug (3 gallons is best imo) or better yet glass or ceramic and fill it with water filtered from a machine, then remineralize it. Drink it from glass containers. Eat lots of crucifers and citrus fruit.

Those drugs at the bottom right will not increase test. They are for estro management only
And do not fuck with them

Well, that's gay.

oh gee, I wonder what this thread is about.

Andrew Breitbart was right when he said about the jews fleeing Europe that settled America. They saw the American dream and they dispised it and infiltrated it.

Not price of bottle, the price killer is the logistics

These things are ubiquitous, they are in soap, shampoos, cosmetics, washing powder, packaging, clothings, etc...

Basically unless you go live in the woods like a peasant of the XIXth century you can't avoid them.


Peanuts are categorized as Legumes. Are you sure that's dangerous?

>Breitbart would remain "proudly and playfully Jewish" throughout his life

"I'm glad I've become a journalist because I'd like to fight on behalf of the Israeli people... And the Israeli people, I adore and I love."

This was to replace a toxic sealant they used to use made from cats guts, the fucking irony being the new stuff is making pussies of us all. It’s Garfield’s revenge, that fat arse feline cunt

Yeah that is a classic baby boomer move. My baby boomer father does the same thing and will not hear otherwise

Docanon here. Those meds can actually be relatively safely used to raise T levels. Theyre used off label worldwide in patients with hypogonadism and low sperm cound. google SERM. Tamoxifen being the most powerful of them, but messes with IGF-1. Clomiphen is free of that but have awful side effects. Well actually both of them cause quite often awul side effects. The skyrocket your testosterone, but mess with estrogenes, and most ppl dont feel physically well on them (mood issuses,libido, eyesight, nausea etc). You may add to them aromatase inhibitors (AI) like anastrozole or letrozole, or just take them alone. Both of them AI and SERMs are quite safe to your hormonal axis (contrary to roids). And you may have luck and not feel any side effects. Google for yoursefl user, gather data (ignore broscience), and decide.

so what do you think of my own self made pastebin. Can I add other, safer ones to the medicine list? Nolvadex seems to be the safest of them all, but I saw briefly how in the long term it has ever increasing complications. But its benefit is that it also doesnt affect cholesterol levels. People also theorized that garlic and onions have a similar effect as to blocking the plastics, but in my view it still is too loose science. Would rather have something that is specifically made for this purpose.


shit, I meant the graph in

>the article states its found in all tin and aluminum lined food cans as well
>but dont worry nothing in this article is sourced so carry on.

I can't believe we actually get shitposters here trying to downplay a classic lefty environmentalist problem because it just happens to confirm suspected hormonal development issues.

Plastics being introduced into the foodchain is a fucking problem. Especially in the ocean. We know this, the left loves to bring this up, the left is supposed to be driving banning plastic bags to save the fish.

But now because the evil alt-right is also against shit in our food, the left must immediately turn around and shovel it in their faces. Oh boy do they ever love soy! Oh boy plastic containers are great! I fucking love BPA so much I'll heat up these containers first just to prove how much of a nazi myth it is that plastic is bad for you.

Are people fucking insane?

If the alt right makes doggy dick sucker an insult we'll have a slew of articles talking about how the love of man and dog is natural and how dog cum has unexpected health benefits.

gass the cats.

>I never know what to do here.
>Am I better to drink Tap Water so?

Just use glass and metal containers. I don't understand why everyone suddenly loves plastic anyway.

The BPA in plastic containers is released with heat - the trouble is people don't know how often the shit in your supermarket is exposed to heat. A whole truckload of Coke bottles sitting outside in the sun or on a hot loading dock before it's put into the fridges where you think it's a nice cold drink.. congratulations you're drinking leeched plastic.

Canned food is the same, because it doesn't need to be refrigerated I can guarantee you it spends time in trucks or loading docks exposed to heat and sun.

The only things that you can be more confident doesn't get heated is food that must be cold for food safety. Meats in plastics, dairy products.

I don't know what the quality of tap water is over there. Here we have better tap water than the bottled stuff so you're an idiot if you ever purchase it.

Well I can tell you there's literally nothing wrong with loving your dog...

He is always right but made to seem totally off his fuckin gourd to normies to desensitize them to the reality. If they were ever confronted with real genuine undeniable proof of his conspiracies they still wouldn't be able to bring themselves to believe it because they heard it from him first

>Behind plastics is big oil
>behind big oil is jews
>behind Jews are cats us sing parasites to fuck our brains and plastics to castrate us!

eternal leaf

>t. Cat double agent

>a study with a sample of 94 people is making headlines
I bet undergrads made this study as their final year project.

Really? I eat onions and garlic every day, did I accidentally save myself from the homopocalypse?

This. Where do you think the phrase ''corporate fat cat'' came from? Makes you ponder.

You might have, user. Onion and garlic are strong antioxidants. They remove free radicals from your blood.

And yet samples of 2000 for populations of almost 1 billion are acceptable for polls

Polls which don't reflect the populace at the voting booths lmao

t. I don't understand sampling statistics.

94 is pretty good for a primary investigation. Nothing to sneeze at.

Polyester fabric is made from plastic so avoid it as much as possible. Try to wear as much natural fabric as your budget allows. At minimum, make sure your underwear is 100 percent cotton or silk because it's not healthy to have synthetic fabric rubbing against your crotch all day.

Didn't know this. Thanks for the tip.

DESU, if Jones didn't come off as a bit unhinged, he would have been suicided long ago. Now, the powers that be feel they can disregard him because they are under the belief that enough people think he is crazy, thereby discrediting his own platform.

>trannies lie and fake it
>kikes put chemicals for gender-bending

Pick one and one only Sup Forums

Wait, why would it matter if it goes in the dishwasher or not?

They want sex deviants.

Just Ban BPA

Ban BPA.

Our terrible government allows many awful chemicals. Ban them.

heat makes the shite leak from the plastics and contaminates the whole wash

With all the cleaning chemicals and drainage wouldn't it not really matter? Does it really stick to the plates etc?

Am I gonna be gay, my mom does it too.

Yes. BPA isn't used in bottles.

>avoid potatoes
any particular reason for this?

Back in the old days, the Good Ol USA was able to put all kinds of liquid in glass bottles. Maybe, if we all banded together with the kind of purpose as getting a man on the moon, we could return our stuff back to when it was good, glass bottles, 100% cotton sweatshirts and sweatpants, no more glyphosate / Roundup in the food, etc etc. No more poison shit everywhere. Just give us the high quality.

>With all the cleaning chemicals
those aren't healthy either
>and drainage
>Does it really stick to the plates etc
dishwashers are notorious for leaving soap residue on the dishes

Sup Forums has always said the same thing
>it is a mental illness
If tranny insanity is linked to hazardous substance then it only reinforce what Sup Forums always said.

>dishwashers are notorious for leaving soap residue on the dishes
Well, my dishwasher never does. Visibly anyway.

Lol this is a bunch of bullshit. Athletes use plastic bottles all the time and drink from plastic cups and they're more manly than anyone on this board will ever be. Same goes with bodybuilders.

I myself have been drinking bottled water for nearly 20 years now and I get pussy more often than you post on this board, ahah