Would Sup Forums die without pol?
Would Sup Forums die without pol?
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You can't kill an idea.
Sup Forums would be improved
Tested it on other computers. Either people there browse Sup Forums or Sup Forums is literally first Sup Forums recommended board.
Just to think how many journalists, politicians, and army officer got here and were redpilled by some neet virgin shitposting about lampshades.
Humanity would die without Sup Forums
It's one of the fastest boards for sure, so maybe.
Now for the real question:
Would Sup Forums die without /n/?
You tell me
Sup Forums would be slightly less garbage. More traffic degrades quality.
This is one of the most popular boards, but still a fraction of the sites traffic / posting.
Also y'all are aware this is a wastebin containment board, right?
destroy Sup Forums /fit/ Sup Forums and it would be done
newfigs don't know the history of our board, don't expect them to realize this
is that a turk?
I'd guess that Sup Forums has higher traffic than all other Sup Forums boards combined.
Absolutely. Sup Forums is the only reason I come here now.
OP is just mad that Sup Forums stopped a false flag happening at the super bowl.
>destroying our home
Do you really want us to spread far and wide, hmm?
No, but it is the top board most days.
Sup Forums is kill and turned into /s/ with a pint of faggotry.
Old /r9k/ is in ruins since the /lbgt/ cancer took over some years ago.
Oldfags from /s4s/ either died in their chairs or reached enlightenment since no one can make sense of them anymore.
Sup Forums is all what we got left :(
I'd just migrate to /mlp/ t.q.h.f.a.m
Sup Forums's Samson option is good in theory but shit in practice
I also blame reddit for this.
No, but it would be extremely painful.
it would be extremely painful
And it would be replaced with you know what.
for you?
If int and k goes away I die.
#youtoo, raise autism awareness guys.
>/my little Sup Forums
Sounds comfy desu
Sup Forums is love