Are you tired of getting BTFO Sup Forums?

Are you tired of getting BTFO Sup Forums?

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His right about that, but most of his other videos are emotional garbage. He should really listen to his own advice.

Isn't this the soyboy who reckons his soyboyness has nothing to do with soy? Poor fella, imagine being that beta?!

Not an argument

"Oy m8s, soy isn't the reason I'm a faggot I'm just a faggot all by me'self!"

That's right, it was a question!

stop posting this faggot. there have been like 30 threads about him in 2 days.

oh and fucking sage

We get it, nigger. I think you still don't understand Sup Forums. We troll. Everyone knows the evidence between soy and loss of testosterone is really weak. But we use it to troll leftist manchild vegans. For fuck sake, You still haven't understood the most basic internet rule.

>tfw allergic to soy from birth

feels absolutely great man

The soy part about soyboys is a meme. It's like neckbeards. They are a symptom, not the cause., except for maybe gyno, but I haven't seen the data.

That doesn't mean they aren't soyboys or that soyboys don't exist, any more than scientifically proving that neckbeards don't cause unwashed basement dwelling does.

Tofu twerps

Also, stop spreading your content on Sup Forums. The fact that you wasted your time making a video, and keep spreading your video on Sup Forums like an autist. The troll was very successful on you.

>leftists are convinced by evidence
what did he mean by this

That guy occupies that specific dead-zone between nobody and lolcow, which leads to a complete impossibility of deriving any amusement from him.

>Are you tired of getting BTFO Sup Forums?

I'll let you know when it happens.

Finally, he used actual evidence in his video, and his so proud of himself. Now, he keeps spaning Sup Forums with his video thinking he won some argument. Not realizing that soyboy is literally just a troll to piss people like him off.

So, estrogen doesn't have any effect on males?

He's right that phytoestrogens don't directly decrease test levels, but phytoestrogen does mimic estrogen. Also, look at what he doesn't tell you about one of the studies he uses to support his argument. Not to mention his fair is thin and he's flabby, probably not the person you want hormone advice from.

When you're so butthurt over a word you make a 30 minute video.

What a soyboy.

>31 minutes
>hcomboverguy looks to be made entirely out of soy at a glance

why bother watch it?

Are you tired of getting saged?

I think he keeps spreading his video. Can we fucking ban him or something. The dude is a fucken retard.

Soy isn't a meme, it's certain after seeing this guy

Getting mixed signals from that video.

>thinks Dark Souls 2 is good

kek, and I'm supposed to take this fag's opinions seriously?

>Posting your own content every day on a malaysian carpet weaving chocolate coin making board.


dark souls 2 has the most masculine weapons in the series

It's pretty funny how triggered soy boys get when you point out that they are, in fact, a soy boy.

stop oppressing me

I'll let you know when it happens

not about to watch all that shit since i'm not really all that invested in whether or not an internet insult gets "debunked"(???).

but from clicking around, this guy is responding to various comments and twitter posts he's picked out. that can't really be all that he's doing right?

i don't want to watch the soy boy video again.

>video of a guy who got famous of regurgitating criticisms of fallout 3

It certainly does, Estrogen levels have been going up in tap water for decades and at the same time testosterone levels are dropping, there could be a lot of other reasons for that but it's got a lot of actual scientists very worried.

>british flag
>Hbomberguy(Harris) is british
>a few days ago, an anglo shilled this exact vid, the same exact way

Hey Harris, it's called getting a job.

Anglo 2018.

Can you stop posting this genetically modified, soy gargling, mole rat? I can't refute this or any other of his videos because he doesn't actually make any arguments. Of course soy doesn't magically rearrange your hormones and make you grow tits. It's satire used to mock numales. He's literally debunking a meme. Anyone can do this, because jokes aren't grounded in facts and 100% truth. Anyone can take satire and approach it from an academic point of view. He riddles all his videos with terrible comedy sketches and jokes. You can do the same thing to him what he did to soyboy.


Lol I don't think soyboys are emasculated cucks because they eat soy, no they eat soy because they are emasculated cucks, otherwise they'd just be eating red meat.

It doesn't really matter whether A came from B or the other way around, the two are correlated, hence it's a meme.

I know that guy

>taking it seriously
>dedicating any calories to rebutting it
I think the term is "trolled"


Post details! email, address etc!

He looks really unhealthy. Is there something wrong with him?

>Muh Soy causes health problems

The irony, this concern is probably coming from a fat burger living in a country which has an obesity epidemic and a increase of colon cancer - enjoy your red meat if it makes you feel manly, you faggot.

The amount of soy a vegetarian consumes through vegetarian foods is minuscule to have any real effect on testosterone. It has already been proven with patients with severe acna outbreaks caused by high DHT levels, who tried to eat soy products in order to lower DHT levels, the soy had no real effect on lowering it, and they still had to use medical hormone balancers.

>increase of colon cancer
that's because of teh gay

This is not a politics thread
Self-promoting internet whore
This is not a politics thread
This is not a politics thread