Why America do not recognize Taiwan if it is really freedom fighters
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we recognize it as a province of china
>not recognizing china as a province of taiwan
That belongs to China, nice try
What does Sup Forums think about us Taiwanese?
Taiwan is China done right. If the world were just, Taiwan would rule China.
how you can find any differents among chinks and subchinks?
I'd much rather live in Taiwan than mainland China.
Listen, I have nothing to do with Taiwan or China, but I've been throughout both. China is fucking miserable. Miserable people, shit cities (with shit gleaming parts), pollution that makes your nose bleed, shit health standards.
Taiwan is like a fucking breath of fresh air. However, it is a bitch to decipher that traditional script of theirs, and they don't really speak English outside of Taipei.
That might just happen one day
Who is "we"?
I don't want anything to do with these apes in China.
We use Toilets and they don't.
As easily as one can find differences among retarded slavs and demented sub slavs...
Basically chinks
Real Taiwanese or tourist?
>implying you are not chinks
Nice try.
One can hope. What a nice world we'd be living in. I just hope we're not entering the century of the bitter commie MGTOW CCP bitter Chinese beta male.
Is taiwan the most cucked asian """country"""?
Taiwanese chinks are soyboys and cucks.
You know Thailand exists right??
We let them get aids and die
Taiwan will be Aids center of Asia :^)
Aren't all the far right politicians in your country flaming faggots? lol.
How so? They're fucking 110 miles off the coast of China and they're fiercely maintaining de facto independence. They're practical people so they don't give as much as a fuck about de jure shit. It's a pleasant place with good food, low crime, social cohesion, and a general non-nigger attitude. They might be soyboys with how much fucking tofu they eat, but they're not really that fat, and they're not really cucks. Why would an Austrian give a fuck?
Leaving after 4 years next month. It's better than China and people are nice, but it's fucking gross. People spit in the sink and never use soap when they wash their hands, even after they shit. Also I've seen people prepare food on the fucking sidewalk.
Where do you live? I found the South to be kinda amazing but considerably more gross, much like redneck shit in the USA South. Just curious.
They don’t give a fuck about de jure shit? Those cucks will get easily triggered if you don’t address them Taiwanese, for which they voted a leftist female the president whose party is working in progress to claim independence.
Taiwan is number one i sometimes hear
Flaming faggots how so?
Taiwan Number One
You touch door knobs yet you worry about these.
The other candidate was a pro China nationalist and did Jack shit during his term of office as mayor.
We chose the better garbage of the two.
What? You don't know what you're talking about. "Taiwanese" is a very complicated concept over there. The kinda-Hawaiian Micronesian-esque motherfuckers think it refers to them, there's been about 5000 years of some kind of hybrid Chinese traders in and out I think from Fujian, and here's Hakka shit, then the whole wave of Han Chinese that swept over it all, and a bunch of other miscellaneous shit, including interbreeding with Japan and Korea.
I think they just are sensitive about not being CCP China-Chinese rather than being Taiwanese, at least as I understand it (which is not that well).
Taipei. Hualian is nice, gaoxiong is ok. The villages are the worst. Guy smokes a cigarette while he cooks your choudofu in gutter oil. All the houses and buildings coated in black soot. I will always love certain things about Taiwan, but I'm ready to gtfo
>Dat Chinese economic clout
>y---you touch doorknobs ! Totally cancels out our shithands and communal sink spitting!
I do know what I am talking about. It’s not 5000 years and shit. The chinks from mainland(Fujian), mainly Min(a group of Han Chinese, not hakka) started to settle massive in the late Ming-era. Sure there have been natives on the island, just like Indians.
I'm in Kaohsiung right now.
I admit most of the old twats are as disgusting as those monkies in China.
The younger people priorities hygiene more.
Did you know that the KMT Nationalist army of China suffered the second-highest losses of the Second World War defending their land from the Japanese yellow devils, which was exploited by the "brave and courageous" Mao Zedong so he could take Beijing from the weakened forces of the nationalist RoC?
Communists are thieving, lying scumbags. Never trust a word that comes out of their mouths. America did a great disservice to China by allowing the Communist regime to stand. 50 million people were killed as a direct result of Mao's retarded schemes and ideology. Do not allow this plague to infest and kill your country as well. And remember that McCarthy was right all along.
I hear you, although I mean, at least Taiwan is doing something about the Asian gutter oil epidemic. Like jailing niggers. And I've been through most of Taipei and New Taipei and it seemed to be rare to find places that give off the gutter oil vibe.
If you like Hualian, I know what kind of guy you are, I'm not surprised you'd want to GTFO of Taipei. I kinda thought that people in Gaoxiong always talked too much shit about them being the best at whatever rather than letting their food/goods do the talking. Even though it looks like a post-Soviet hellscape, I found the food and goods in Tainan to be better than Gaoxiong. But I do like that goofy beach out there with the spikes i it, with food shit and some 15 second ferry ride, I forget whatever the fuck that is.
You might be right about the villages, but I'd still say it's nowhere near China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia-tier, where I was legit worried about signs about fucking land mines, rabies, plague, and shit.
Godspeed to wherever comes next. I visit Taiwan about once a year mostly to eat and take pictures. When I'm there, things look noir as fuck, especially in the rain, but I can see why you'd get tired of it. It is somewhat dirty.
Who do you think you are?
>Republic of China
>People's Republic of China
Same country is having a political dispute. Get your shit together or mainland China will put you into ashes in WW3.
fuck you
I dunno nigga. Wikipedia says:
>Around 6,000 years ago, Taiwan was settled by farmers, most likely from mainland China
I have no reason to doubt that. And the shit right across the pond is probably where they came from. So suck a dick.
Anschluss when? Can’t wait.
Deutschösterreich soon?
hello, i caught my son browsing this internet website.
can you please sum up this forum for me in 10 words?
My son is leaving for Guangzhou tomorrow (a city in china).
Take care.
do you think the younger generation can save Taiwan?
Go. the. fuck. back. home. you. chick. dick. sukin. cunt.
Gay AIDS nigger epidemic, pro-suicide pan-furry 2D waifu neo-nazi (((forum)))
What's the main difference between taiwan and the rest of (((china)))?
How're women there?
Do you see taiwan existing in the future? Honestly I'm kinda sad about macao and hong kong
It’s clearly commits propaganda to legitimize their claim. There was no practical regime under Chineses until Zheng Chenggong defeated The Dutch and drove them out of Taiwan. Read this, en.m.wikipedia.org
>communist propaganda
>How're women there?
Speaking as a typical burger, great. A lot of places in Asia have just a few types, but Taiwan has everything, skinny, extra-gooky, kinda-mixed-with-micronesia-looking, thick glasses and B cups with hello kitty backpacks, Japan-tier ripped business-skirt corporate whores, thicc NEET women, sub-thicc but athletic, chicks that are 4'2 and reading a book on a park bench. They've got it all. They're all introverted as fuck, though.
Taiwan pretends it is still China and that it will retake mainland tomorrow. They don't want tot be recognised as a country.
You certainly sound like a chink and I'm thinking you may be a bit biased, particularly since the majority of chinks are from a certain commie place.
I have studied sinology, and just happened to read a lot more about China than you burgers. As I said, “5000 years and shit” is a communist propaganda to legitimize their claim on Taiwan.
Older generations were under Nationalist Party's pro China education.
They sucks ass, basically.
Nationalists turned them into political puppets.
It's slightly better now but still need more improvement.
At least I think we are of same origin but different ND don't want anything to do with them.
They think we are the same but want to nuke us (Speaking of their shit logic).
I've never heard anyone claim to think that way.
>arguing about which chinks overtook which chinks on some chink island
So to recap, you sent me a chink article, about a chink occupation, on a chink island, which has probably been chink in nature for thousands upon thousands of years. Wikipedia says 6000 but that's a Taiwanese plot due to an abundance of evidence you have not provided (and probably will not provide).
Go fuck yourself. The fucking island is 110 miles off of the coast of China. There's every fucking reason to believe this island has been chink infested since time immemorial.
These fucking chinks, I tell you. If we could just get them focused on the right things, the world would be great.
>See, there’s this big country you might have
>heard of called “China”. Well, it’s actually The
>People’s Republic of China now. There was this
>dude called Chiang Kai-Shek. He was head of
>the former Republic of China. Some
>Communists, led by a dude called Mao Zedong
>decided Chiang Kai-shek sucked. So, the had
>themselves a war. Mao one and Chiang fucked
>off to the island of Taiwan. Mao was pretty
>hardcore so he said: “No fucking way dude,
>Taiwan’s China too.” But Mao wasn’t stupid.
>Chiang had a lot of friends who didn’t like
>Communists and Britain still had the lease on
>Hong Kong. So Mao said: “We’re gonna chill
>over here and get shit togther, but don’t you
>fuckers think we aren’t watching. Taiwan’s ours
>and we’re waiting for Hong Kong to come back.
>In the mean time we’re gonna kill a bunch of
>people, build a big ass military, and make some
>nukes. Don’t fuck with us. Oh, and fuck you.”
>Then China sat around killing people, building a
>big ass military, and making nukes while they
>ignored everybody. Then a dude called Nixon
>came along and said: “Come on Mao, we’d like
>to buy some of the shit you’ve got over here. We
>won’t fuck with you and yeah, we’ll sell some shit
>to those Taiwanese folks too, but we’ll never
>recognize it as a separate country. There’s just
>one China yo.” Mao thought that was cool and
>stopped ignoring everybody.
And that is how the US’s “One China Policy” happened.
Pls make yourself rational before you type. There was no administration under any chink before Zheng Chenggong, though there had been chinks on the island. And chinks who were not the majority hadn’t settled the whole island, they cornered themselves mainly in the southern coast area, while the natives occupied the rest of the island.
>There was no administration under any chink before Zheng Chenggong
Here's the thing: your definition and my definition of chink seems to be irreconcilable. Whatever the fuck happened 6000 years ago is, as far as I'm concerned, chink in nature. Even the Japan/Micronesia route is chink enough for me. Let's not forget how close Taiwan is to "Japan". Scare quotes because, really, is Okinawa Japan or "Japan"?.
>And chinks who were not the majority hadn’t settled the whole island, they cornered themselves mainly in the southern coast area, while the natives occupied the rest of the island.
It's like a fucking fractal of chinks, each arguing with each other for chink supremacy. I won't be a part of it. I give zero fucks about it.
I will say, however, that whatever Taiwan has done has worked, and I respect their culture, way of life, and general attitude of non-niggerishness. If I had my way, Taiwan would rule all of China, and as a burger, I'd prefer for my government to kill/nuke every single CCP fuckboi rather than let a single R.O.C citizen die. That being said, I hope it never comes to that and that Taiwan enjoys de facto independence as long as we have on this miserable planet before the big asteroid strikes.
>Hong Kong
>Literally can't say bad things about your government
>Literally can't rule yourselves without mainlanders' approval
Am I wrong about any of this?
The whole gender thing is tiring, I agree.
Really, the may you define “chinks” makes Okinawa more “Chinese”.
>de facto independence
I didn’t say it’s bad. But the commie chinks swear to invade Taiwan, if Taiwanese chinks dare to declare independence. What do burgers? Will you interfere? You signed the Taiwan Relations Act to maintain the peace.
>You signed the Taiwan Relations Act to maintain the peace
Maintain the war, asshole.
Thanks, I'm going to need all the luck I can get in my new destination. Some Taipei alleys can look neat at night, and when it rains you can get some blade runner vibes. Have you seen the MRT video of the janitor that started shit with the American and called his Taiwanese girlfriend a prostitute? Hilarious
PRC has direct legitimacy through Sun Yet-sen.
no, plz post, lol
for the good of Sup Forums
Taiwanese women are some of the hottest in the world. If we could only exchange them for niggers and spics.
Don't worry guys. We'll liberate Taiwan (again) for you. Lot of people still speak Japanese so it'll be less of a hassle for us.
Im taking the winning side, not the side of soyboys and race traitors.
Modern China is a 90% Han ethnostate with state capitalist policies that does what the people here want Trump to do. It doesn't let itself be ruined by gibs and it doesn't give a shit about islam. It is 100% pragmatic, focused on long term like genetic engineering and automation. That's also cool shit like railguns and hypersonic glide vehicles that have the neighbours scared.
Unlike cucked Taiwan who gets shit weapons from US for high prices and gay marriage. That's what you get for voting in a crazy cat lady feminist. Also, there's an actual brain drain because talented Taiwanese go to China for more pay, lol.
This is Chiang Kai-shek.
Amending the constitution, when?
You fucking bow-legged, snaggletooth nips are too stupid to realize what a great ally Taiwan could be for Japan. Fucking amazes me how stupid Asians are.
You dumb motherfuckers are so shit at helping each other that God-fearing 54% burgers have to sail halfway across the globe to help out LITERALLY THE NEAREST FREE DEMOCRACY.
You are all fucking retarded. A modern, democratic Japan (which you supposedly are?) should have been first helping Taiwan, but as usual you niggers are nowhere to be found, with the exception of having wet-T-shirt contests with China over some stupid rock you created a crisis over.
>not answering any questions
Again, two questions:
1. Can you say bad things about your government? We all know you can't, really.
2. Can you rule yourselves without mainlander approval? We all know you can't, really.
But go ahead and make a bunch of noise over some other shit. Great!
money,recognizing taiwan would mean pissing of china, and since china is the bigger market, the USA just forgets its ideals about freedom in favour of making money through trade with the red chinks
>the only country defending Taiwan against commie China
>the USA just forgets its ideals about freedom
Sure, that's why we're the only ones defending Taiwan? With actual military hardware? What the fuck is Germany doing besides allowing its own citizens' rapes on a daily basis?
>race traitors
Because immigration population affects foreign policy and a lot of Chinese are in favor of Taiwan simply being considered a province of China.
Sure they can shit on commies, I talk shit and post memes about CCP all the time with my mainlander frens on QQ ,WeChat, Weibo and Tieba. As long as you don’t do IRL stuff, commies could care less about you. It’s not North Korea tier.
You're basically westernized coastal north east Asians. Other then that your country's people don't stand out as much in global media unlike Japan and South Korea.
> Implying Germany is any different
restore holy roman empire?
>As long as you don’t do IRL stuff
So you can "speak", you just can't speak by doing anything, like for example, advocating replacing the political structure.
So what is "speech" to you? It's not the same speech I have, that's for sure, because mine includes "IRL stuff".
Any speech that doesn't include "IRL stuff" isn't free or, in my opinion, speech. Speech is "discourse delivered to an audience" and I get to pick my audience, not my government.
>It’s not North Korea tier.
Fuck you, you piece of shit.
The question was about why the US does not recognize taiwan as the legitimate china, to which my answer was that the USA wants to have access to the chinese market. That does not mean that the USA does not have other interests in east asia.
I didn't say that
but when?
Yes, but I don't see the need to fulfill your puppet fetish. I know what really happened in June 4 1989 Tienanmen, for one.
And we're ruling ourselves quite well here, the big man doesn't do much unless you're actively pushing race traitor degeneracy like "umbrella revolution".
Yes, han gan. Race traitor is what you are. Someone so weak and pathetic they had to ask for foreign help, and still lost against fucking peasants, lol.
You really have no idea the ethnic makeup of Taiwan do you? Just sperging false political science thoeries that like a drunk burger.
Taiwan isn't a nation, it's contested territory that is sometimes convenient to treat like a nation to some people, nothing more.
new flag?
as soon as possible
>advocating replacing the political structure
If you want to get shot by commies because you wanna lose your pathetic life, why don’t you try?
You burgers think free speech can change something? It almost makes me believe that twitter and Facebook stop cencoring us anymore.
>recognizing taiwan would mean pissing of china
Literally my country recognizes Taiwan and helps with its defense, regardless of the fact it pisses China off
Trades with China anyways. China can have its beta orbiter "nation definition", USA has its Chad trade system.
Taiwan is formed from losers: foreign-backed cucks who lost against peasants, got mad and exterminated the local aboriginals, and now trying to poison the well (declare independence because they no longer had a chance to retake the mainland) but can't because their mom won't let them (US will withdraw their protection if they try).
A bunch of losers is pathetic enough, but now they engage in further degeneracy like gay marriage, political infighting, SJW social activism, and being anti-nuclear to the point of having fucking power shortages (because they shut down their running nuke plant) and going back to coal. That's retarded.
>us "allies"
>not beta orbiters
>I don't give a shit who you are, let's trade
>largest trading partner on earth of most countries
E pluribus unum
>If you want to get shot by commies
>you wanna lose your pathetic life
>Thinking Facebook is anything other than a company
Let me ask you something: if saying something can get you "shot by commies", what is the point of life?
If "free speech can['t] change something", why live? I mean it. I would rather be dead. I'd rather "easy way out" people like you also see the errors of your ways, and it appears you are already, to some extent.
providentiae memor
(muh greater saxony)
>angry about people who are self-determining
>angry about people who have a fairly free democracy
>angry about "losers"
Who is the loser here? In my opinion, HK is a much bigger loser. Please educate me why HK is freer in any way than Taiwan, and how its (((democracy))) is in any way real.
it's been 70 years since KMT lost the civil war, get over it already cucks
join us now while you still have some leverage, or go extinct in 50 years from jewish degeneracy. either way its win-win for us