What the fuck should I do Sup Forums

I was a motivated student. I tried for med school after my baccalauréat and failed, despite getting close to having a passing grade into second year.

I doubled another year and failed also.

I got depressed, went to a psyward, and was put on meds. I stopped them soon after.

It's been 4 years and I still feel like fucking shit. I just don't know what to do. I was bornin 1994, recently turned 23. I'm not dumb, I'm hard working when I need to be, but I just feel so fucking lost right now.

All my former accointances are living the life while I'm still at the starting point.

What the fuck am I even supposed to do now. I tried nursing, dropped soon after because the job is livin hell, an poorly remunerated (not like in the US at all, here it's an underpaid profession).

Please help.

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>What the fuck should I do Sup Forums

>All my former accointances are living the life while I'm still at the starting point.
yeah give it 10 years and observe how many of them become fat slobs. your life isn't over yet mate.

Clean your room.

Stop focusing on your career watching all these lonely people around me deppressed as fuck over not having a partner and not having kids is very sad. Stop focusing on a career that will give you money and go do stuff that will give you internal happiness.


It's clean as fuck senpai

DOn't serve me that peterson babble, i'm past the point of hearing pseudo-intellectual babble

Try again? What's with people giving up so easily here? It's like none of you niggers can handle failure.

fuck off mut nigger.

I wish I knew, I'm in similar shit