Holy Shit

Something just occurred to me:

watching porn is training men to be cucks.

Think about it: you are watching another man fucking a woman, you are not fucking the woman and are instead jerking your dick to the visual.

This might be the motivation I need to stop using porn.

What about hentai?

Watch solo women and lesbians.
Haven't seen a dick in porn in 10 years.

and the reason why you're posting it here has nothing to do with the ongoing raid on pol by racemixers to 'trigger' us with thier stupid niggerdick porn.




Fart porn master race checking in. No men involved whatsoever.

No wonder Im so alpha.

That means you're getting cucked by women

what about pov?
what about solo pov porn?

I read vanilla hentai for the plot. Not even joking.

yep. literal brainwashing.

>Haven't seen a dick in porn in 10 years.
Me neither. Only tentacles.

That's part of it. The other part is encouraging women to be whores, open borders, cucking men, and getting BLACKED. Women are increasingly growing up watching very rough sex and being brainwashed to hate the idea of forming a family and motherhood.



Its a little deeper than that.
You scroll through videos looking for a woman you find sexually attractive, and then you watch some alpha fuck the shit out of her.
And the camera angle is often from the side in the room. In the area where a cuck might be sat.



Like you're watching the bull but up close.

>asking about porn
>dog reaction image

It's dog blowjob time tim, don't forget aboot putting maple syrup in your dick

he is very practising. it's just that he wants to make that impressions that jews are israelites and live according to a bible

Porn is a fantasy and you're supposed to insert yourself into that fantasy. Black dudes fucking White chicks is pretty cucked shit to jerk-off to though.

what if you only watch soft porn?

Wow, aren't you a sharp one. Of course it does.

no idiot, you use your brain to imagine that you are in the perspective of a character. children can do this, it's not hard

I'm sure you will use your brain to imagine that you are in the perspective of Jamal fucking your wife.

Brilliant logic, according to it VR porn isn't cuckolding?

>not watching solo chicks

that's training you to be a neckbeard and faggot

Perfectly acceptable if it's not NTR.


POV is not cuckolding.


vr is the great equalizer like sexbots

I've been no fap for 5 days now

I have no desire to look at porn

but how do I get a woman to fuck?

Reminder the girl in the OP posted a thread on Sup Forums and has a husband who is a literal cuck.


NoFap is the same kind of scam as Bitcoin. You can't cash out.

So what, no one is forcing those white sluts into porn. No reason to blame a jew in this case.

More than that: it is demoralization and subversion of culture. Infidelity, incest, emasculation of men, instant gratification are promoted while warping traditional views. Taboos and perversions cannot be normalized or further degeneracy will become the new taboo leading to further rotting of the culture and society.

This image is disturbing on so many levels.

If you're white then just forget about it.

Women are all about dat BBC these days

What about POV porn?

9 out of 10 scientists say cuckolding is good for you

leave your pc
lie to women about yourself

This is why you faggots needs to implement "no-fap".

>Jews owning the media and porn industries have nothing to do with media and porn.
>Recurring behaviors directly connected to the world don't matter.
>Brainwashing doesn't affect anything.
t. Fucking Retard

welcome to babys first
those are still daughters and sisters

I'm pretty sure I would just turn into a rapist.

James Deen is an absolutely scumbag.

watching porn is stopping me from raping

then you should have been culled in the womb


raping is a part of animal biology tho

as is murder
as is thieving
as is pedastry
as is homosexuality
as is any forgiveness of wrong doing convenient for you
control your emotions or hang yourself and save me the rope

fucking a woman that has nothing to do with you.
It's like the word has no meaning anymore.

nigga i will dress you in lingerie and fuck your faggot ass. you ain't touching me.

What about lesbian porn though?

Was watching tough crowd with Colin Quinn, the episode with George Carlin, and I am paraphrasing

>porn is a woman starts undressing, tantalising the screen pleasing herself while looking into the camera, and she sort of becomes your girlfriend, then a guy with a big dick comes in and fucks your girlfriend

That show and his comment was based.

Then wouldn't you be cucked by a wamen?

And that is why your country is in the hands of the enemy, your job is to get these bitches to bow before you user, are you telling me you have been bested by monkey's?

When you watching porn you asociate yourself with male actor, like it's you fucking all that bitches. Cucks don't asosicate themself they just like when somebody fuck their wives.

Thats why you only watch Dildo, and Solo POV dummy.

I can't understand why you would fap to 3rd person porn being able to access 1st person POVs

Watching porn really is bad, for various reasons. I encourage everyone to modify their hosts files.
If only Lena Paul wasn't so darn pretty.

I see this topic posted so frequently and it´s gotten really laughable.
I don´t think porn is an addiction or a "degenerate" thing consuming you and your glorious masculine powers. I think you´ll grow out of it.
Remember when you were 14 and jerked it to a Gwen Stefani music video on MTV? Did it break you and leave you a empty, rotting hull lacking all motivation and responsibility?
Just don´t go overboard with your wierd blacked thing and you´ll be fine, I think.

> blonde girls getting whipped cream shitfarted down their throat by a BBC

only a patrician would know such joy.

Reminder that yall faggots.

Porn is for betamales.

>This might be the motivation I need to stop using porn.
You will discover POV porn