What is Sup Forums opinion about serbs? Will you help them in coming war against muslim albanian invasion? They were protecting europe from muslims since 13th century. We must help our white brothers in fight, if we don't those muslim will come in our lands and then no1 can help us. Europe will be islamic state.

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Serbia is rightfull Albanian clay

you are delusional.

the original and still the best kebab removers

my dude, they couldn't even protect themselves

stop believing in memes

Well they won battle of kosovo and only they killed turkish sultan. They were 200 years fought against them. But we western pussies never helped them...

He doesn't know that Serbian motto SSSS means Serbs Sucking Sultan's Schlong

battle of kosovo was won by the ottomans lmaoár

also, please educate yourself

>they didnt win battle of kosovo and they bent their knee to the muslims
>nothing to be proud of desu

>have no county to call your own
>live under a muslim-dominated government
>the best kebab removers

Uhm no sweetie

That is fake vatikan history!
Funny thing that croats dont have language. And latter. They speak Serbian with different accent and use latin latter. They are fake vatikan made nation. And they are stupid, they still think that tesla was croat hahahah

except our language came first

Yes first after serbian language. There are more fake versions of serbian. Bosnian, Montenegroan, Macedonian...

MemeFag must be of the "smart slavshit" kind.
Also serbs, as slavs, as slaves are genetically altered mutts more like turkTurds than whites.

And funniest of all is that serbs free you from austro-hungary after ww1, and you were so thankfull that you expelled 500.000 serbs from their homes. You are doomed nation.

Show flag albanian cuckroach.
We fell against the Ottomans because they were a lot more powerful but we put up a good fight and when time came we were first to kick their muslim ass out of Europe 1804. its a shame that we did not expel Muslims from all of Serbian lands like smart greeks did.
What are you talking about boy more than half of Croats today speak a Serbian dialect.

We all know you are a serb hiding behind a meme flag

I don't like slavs but i admire serbs. And hate croats. My wife is from serbia and i can tell you they are not turks.


>that difference in content

Hmmmm... really makes you think...

love them
fuck albania

turkish shitskin in austria

He's fucking a roach and doesn't even know it.

Serbs won the Kosovo battle.

The proof is correspondence of the European Jews that the Venetians were, to the successor of Sultan killed in battle.

The letter delivered by envoy literally starts with:

"Esteemed one, we have received news that we consider very unlikely....".

The catch is that Ottomans tore apart remnants of Serbian Empire piece by piece, and the retards waged the war among themselves previously.

Altomanović, Branković, Lazarović, Hrebljanović etc.

Serbs couldn't recoup their losses, because it was just Moravian Serbia, a single successor state, while the Ottomans most certainly didn't win a total victory because they would have pressed the war to complete victory and not accept vassal status.

Ne pričamo tim jezikom.
Današnji hrvatski nema veze s tim jezikom.
Kreni čitati Vinodolski zakonik.

Those soyboys deserve to vanish. They are something like alt-right red pilled but still believes in fake vatikan history and everything they read on internet.

no opinion. nobody cares. Serbs are irrelevant

>have no county to call your own
their country is wherever they choose. they integrate.
>live under a muslim-dominated government
they also fight under a muslim-dominated government.
>the best kebab removers
because they choose death before converting. stupid but admirable.

Hrvatski književni jezik je nastao davno prije srpskog, pa i prva štokavska-čakavska gramatika izdana je od strane Hrvata Bartola Kašića 1604. u Rimu. Hrvatski jezik je služio kao osnova srbima za njihov jezik te njihov jezik dolazi u igru tek buđenjem nacionalne svijesti tamo sredinom 19. stoljeća kada se oslobađaju od turaka a te priče da je hrvatski jednak srpskom jeziku ostavite u jugoslaviji gdje mu je i mjesto. Iz političkih razloga bilo je oportuno jezik nazivati zajedničkim i promicati nepostojeću jedinstvenost hrvatskoga i srpskoga jezika, ili barem isticati genetsku srodnost rabeći isključivo dvoimeni naziv.

Entire Serbian army was annihilated. None survived. Of course then Serbs made up cool stories about themselves and how they killed a Turkish Sultan. Of course that is WRONG.

None of the Slavshits survived so how were they to tell anyone stories? Idiotic really.
What happened? Sultan was going around stepping on dead Serbs bodies and ejaculating furiously! Then a Seen who was still alive jumped out and ran his dagger in Sultans groin... May he rest in peace... Never trust a Slavshit. Destroy the head always.

Come. I'm not looking for a war , but I'll give you enough clay for you to rest your body in it, for eternity.

Nitko u Hrvatskoj nije pričao štokavskom ijekavicom istočnohercegovačkim dijalektom prije ilirskog preporoda.
Ne lupetaj.

Nisi lingvist, ne LARP-aj.

Bartol Kašić je izdao ilirski riječnik i ilirsku gramatiku, ne seri. Institutiones lingue Illyricae i Dizionario illirico-dalmatico-italiano

Cool story.

Ilirski rječnik je bio štokavski

>Fighting the Islamic State
Pick one and only one faggot

Koliko je smesna ta vasa lazna istorija hahahahah.PA KAKO MOZEMO DA IMAMO CIRILICNO PISMO A NE JEZIK MAJKU VAM GLUPU JEBEM. Nasa cirilica datira jos 3000 godina p.n.e a vase pismo? Pokupili ste od rimljana jer nemate svoje. Nikad ne mozete da priznate a duboku u sebi znate da su srbi starosedaoci ovih prostora a da ste vi samo jedan odlomak tog predela. Postojite isto kao sto postoji albanija. Samo da se otmu srpske teritorije i da se oslabi srbije jer jebani jevreji ne mogu da podnesu da smo stariji od njih.

Better than Serbian hero and saint myths. How can losers glorify losing this much I can't believe it!

I to je upravo dokaz da nije hrvatski.

Bartholomeo Cassio je bio pripadnik Kongregacije za propagandu vjere, u Beogradu.

Dobio je zadatak 1597. da napravi riječnik koji bi poslužio za protureformacijsko djelovanje u Iliriku.

U to doba, u Banskoj Hrvatskoj se govori kajkavska ekavica, i tako će ostati do Starčevića, a u Dalmaciji i otocima se govori čakavska ikavica.

Sam Kašić navodi da je jezik koji je uzeo za ilirski rječnik "bosanski", što ne čudi jer dolazi odmah nakon fra Matije Divkovića.

Implying they need help, just stop preventing them to fight and protecting muslims.

>They were protecting europe
They destroyed Europe, fify.
Nuke these parasites.

Stop giving those subhumans so much credit. The black Hand was a Albanian organisation

Well we rect you in battle of kolubara and cer? Do you remember? And they bulgarians traitors hited us again and we must retreat. BUT WE NEVER SURRENDERED.

>jer jebani jevreji ne mogu da podnesu da smo stariji od njih.

Jebeni srpski retardu, Židovi nisu neprijatelji Srba.

Štoviše, Srbija je bila mislim prva zemlja u Europi gdje su Židovi dobili sva prava koja su imali i Srbi.

Neprijatelji Srbije su Rim/Vatikan, London/atlanticisti i Nijemci, kroz povijest.

Prvi zbog religije, drugi zbog Rusije, treći zbog Jugoslavije i utjecaja Londona kroz Jugoslavije na blokiranje njemačkog utjecaja na Balkanu.

Slovene here, most of /po/aks unironically buy "le based Serbs removing kebab" which is ridiculous.
They were stirring shit even before they switched to portraying themselves as christian warriors defending the world against islamic invasion.

They stirred up shit in Slovenia, a peaceful catholic country, literary tried to invade it albeit failing miserably . Then they switched to chimping out Croatia, another chatolic country - for which they claimed was fascist, although Milosevic himself being a crypto-fascist. In Bosnia they raped, looted, killed, ethnically cleansed whole areas claiming they're fighting a "real muslim threat" - while unironically themselves being ISIS tier degenerates.

>t. a Bosniak in Slovenia

I really don't understand what is the point of your nonsense.

Serbs most definitely didn't start the separatism in Slovenia and Croatia, or broke down Yugocommieslavia.

Glupi hrvatski konju. Svi su oni jevreji luciferijani, satanisti. Ko vlada vatikanom? Vladaju jezuiti a oni znas vec kog obozavaju, ali ne hrista. Iz nekog razloga nas toliko mrze ali vekovima nas ne mogu unistiti. Niti ce.

totally cool

>nas toliko mrze ali vekovima nas ne mogu unistiti. Niti ce.

Otišli ste pod mač u 20. i 21. stoljeću.

Ti si dovoljno glup da smatraš jezuite i katoličku crkvu suradnicima Židova.

Zar nisu? I jedni i drugi sluze sotoni. I jedni i drugi su satanisti. Koja je razlika reci mi?

Black hand and Mlada/Young Bosna were actually British puppets.

The same circles that organised Sarajevo assassination would later on launch a coup that would overthrow Axis-aligned Yugoslavia government.

And the Austrians were more than itching for a fight with Serbia, General Staff had planned for a war with Serbia since 1905, and the Austrians delivered an ultimatum they considered to be unacceptable by Serbia, and were positively surprised when Serbia accepted it with just a single correction in one of the demands.

Ne kužim kako štovavsko narječje može biti srpsko kada nisu imali nijednu gramatiku prije nas, niti imaju toliko jaku književnu povijest kao hrvati. Bartol Kašić je rođen na Pagu, iz hrvatske je obitelji i hrvat ga je učio pisati i čitati. Kakvo protureformacijsko djelovanje u iliriku? Poslan je od strane Jezuita da predaje u mjestima u hrvatskoj okupiranim od turaka, dakle, na hrvatskom jeziku predaje lokalnom stanovništvu. Srbi su dobili jezik tek 1814. pojavom vuka karadžića koji se služio hrvatskim djelima i piscima kao inspiracija za standardizaciju srpskog jezika

'vaše' pismo je proizvod bugara, nemoj srat

Ne. Jezuiti su doslovno militarizirano krilo Katoličke Crkve, osnovani kao vojni red, stroga hijerarhija, za borbu protiv konvertiranih i prikrivenih muslimana, Židova i inkviziciju i prozelitizam u pravoslavnim zemljama.

t. krajina srb

Of course Serbs weren't considered "separatist" because Serbian nationalists knew that it was Yugoslavia that held territories of potential Greater Serbia within a single state which would eventually become more centralized in Belgrade. So naturally they labeled everyone who opposed them as "separatist".

Nigga the Turks themselves said he died during the battle, they also say that the battle was a stalemate that went slightly in the favor of serbia, which is why there were survivors to tell the tale

however, the losses were too great and eventually the kingdoms collapsed (what with the entire nobility being killed in the battle)

>What is Sup Forums opinion about serbs?
this video captures it very well

>Ne kužim kako štovavsko narječje može biti srpsko kada nisu imali nijednu gramatiku prije nas

To što si naveo kao "hrvatsku" gramatiku je prema riječima samog autora "za najrašireniji i najljepši bosanski štokavski govor". Čisto da te uputim što je bosanski govor, potraži djela fra Matije Divkovića i pročitaj što je fra Matija Divković rekao na kojem jeziku i pismu su napisana.

Bartol Kašić nije napravio rječnik i gramatiku za Hrvate, već za potrebe obrazovanja jezuitskih/katoličkih službenika za nauk vjere u nekatoličkim zemljama. Zato je i djelovao u Beogradu.

>niti imaju toliko jaku književnu povijest kao hrvati.

A ti si pročitao srpsku srednjovjekovnu i novovjekovnu književnost? Znaš kako je izgledao srpski narodni jezik?

>Kakvo protureformacijsko djelovanje u iliriku?

Ono zbog kojega je poslan u Bosnu i Beograd, i zbog kojeg mu je naređeno da sastavi ilirsku gramatiku i riječnik, od Rima.

>Srbi su dobili jezik tek 1814. pojavom vuka karadžića koji se služio hrvatskim djelima i piscima kao inspiracija za standardizaciju srpskog jezika

Od kud ti ovakve idiotarije? Znači, prije Vuka Karadžića ne postoje Srbi, srpski jezik, niti srpska usmena i pisana jezična baština?

Jesi li uzeo Vinodolski zakonik? A srednjovjekovni, čakavski ikavski hrvatski?


Jebala vas tema i diskusija jel ima neki bolji nacin da danas gubite vreme

>Black hand and Mlada/Young Bosna were actually British puppets.
>omplying Great Britain isn't just an other Albanian colony

>Of course Serbs weren't considered "separatist" because

Because Serbs weren't separatists in Yugoslavia and didn't want it to dissolve.

How about that?

Are you really trying to disprove the fact that Slovenians and Croats literally declared war on JNA, Yugoslavia and wanted independence?
Are you genuinely retarded to negate the separatism?

>Serbian nationalists knew that it was Yugoslavia that held territories of potential Greater Serbia within a single state which would eventually become more centralized in Belgrade.

Last president of Yugoslavia - Stjepan Mesić.
Vote on JNA 4-4. More than half of army command, non-Serbs.


>this thread

Serbs are the niggers of Europe and literal Turks.

Watch this

this is just sad
now I see why niggers and Serbs try to take other peoples history

Ja te volim anone
no homo

This is irredeemable trash-tier.

Zeta in Epirus, "Bosnians", "Bolghars" and "Albans" in Kosovo battle?


ironically muslim Bosnians were behaving more "European" than Serbs back then.

from the video:
>a group of serb knights break the lines of the sultans bodyguard to assassinate the turkish Sultan
this goes against what you said

I respect them

I believe that to be a myth. It sounds like fiction.

A letter of Florentine senate (written by Coluccio Salutati) to the King Tvrtko I of Bosnia, dated 20 October 1389, Murad I's (and Jakub Bey's) killing was described. A party of twelve Serbian lords slashed their way through the Ottoman lines defending Murad I. One of them, allegedly Miloš Obilić, had managed to get through to the Sultan's tent and kill him with sword stabs to the throat and belly

Not someone I trust to write history but that's just me. I don't believe Nobles would risk their lives. Not just one but 12?

>I don't believe Nobles would risk their lives. Not just one but 12

KEK. You're a brainlet.

In Medieval period even the magnates and kings fought in battle, especially when it was existential matter like foreign invasion.

Fought in Battle≠Suicide mission

They are the good guys and it's the croats that are the scum of that region that kicked off the Yugoslav wars.

I like having them as our neighbors. I don't know if they like us though.

Do you have any idea how many dukes, magnates and kings fell in battle in Medieval period?

Nobility would uphold their name and honour, fight on the field of battle.
They were brought up and pampered with the single responsibility being to train and prepare for war, and flock to the banner of the liege when called.

Germans organised Yugoslavia break-up and USA and UK jumped on board to curb expansion of German influence, overtaking the operation and taking command and control of newly-created states.

At present, Croatia was hijacked by USA/atlanticists from initial German sphere, while Slovenia is firmly in German anus.

Albanians fought the islamic invasion more than others. And being ''christian'' does not make you white automatically

Bosna nije bila isključivo zemlja nastanjena srbima, zašto bi bosanski govor označavao srpski jezik? Matija Divković je također bio hrvat i pripadnik hrvatskog stanovništva u bosni te je bio katolik. Sva originalna štokavska djela/gramatika su pisali hrvati u hrvatskim naseljenim područjima, te se i pričao štokavski u južnoj dalmaciji te djelovima slavonije, pa jebemu mater valjda polažemo pravo na štokavsko narječje u pičku materinu

>we wuz vincha n shiet
holy shit i'm embarrassed for this much amount of larping

u juznoj dalmaciji, slavoniji i bosni nisu zivei li hrvati. hrvati su ziveli na priobalju severne dalmacije i na ostrvima i pricali cakavski


Jesu živjeli su, srbi su došli tek tamo u 17. stoljeću na područje današnje hrvatske pod vodstvom vašeg svećenstva

cakavski se nije pricao nikad ni na jednom od spomenutih podrucja, pricao se doduse scavavski koji je bio stokavski sa primesama cakavskog. ali nikad se nije u tim predelima pricalo onako kako se pricalo na priobalju i po ostrvima, a jasno je da se radi o dva razlicita jezika


>Bosna nije bila isključivo zemlja nastanjena srbima, zašto bi bosanski govor označavao srpski jezik?

Zato što to što ti zoveš Bosnom je Turska Hrvatska, a ne Bosna, tada.
Prostor oko rijeke Bosne je Bosna.

> Matija Divković je također bio hrvat i pripadnik hrvatskog stanovništva u bosni te je bio katolik.

Zašto je Matija Divković pisao srpskim/sarpskim pismom i jezikom, kako ga zove?

>Sva originalna štokavska djela/gramatika su pisali hrvati u hrvatskim naseljenim područjima,

Vidim da si odlučio ne pročitati što sam pisao u prethodnim postovima.
Bartol Kašić je čakavac koji je poslan da sastavi priručnik za izobrazbu jezuita koji će širiti katoličanstvo po nekatoličkim zemljama.
U predgovoru svojem djelu Institutionum linguę Illyricę libri duo doslovno piše da je on jezik UČIO, da je to jezik susjeda, i da je dobio NAREDBU da učini tako.

Zatim, u predgovoru djela Ritual rimski iz 1640, stoji ovo:

Jere svaki človik svoga grada govor i besidenje hvali: Hrvat, Dalmatin, Bošnjak, Dubrovčanin, Srbljin...Ovim dakle načinom odlučih ja pismo ovega Rituala ili Običajnika istomačiti naški, bivši ja govorio i općio s ljudmi od razlicih rusaga slovinskih hodeći po svitu, i ja sam njih ovaka govorenja razumio i oni su moja (krstjani, Rašijani, Srblji poluvirci i Turci)
"južna Dalmacija", kako je zoveš, nije Dalmacija. Dubrovnik i dubrovačko primorje nije srednjovjekovna Hrvatska i tamo je govoren štokavski cijelo vrijeme.

Štokavski u Slavoniju je donesen naseljenicima iz Bosne i Hercegovine, od 18. do 20. stoljeća.

Navedi mi srednjovjekovnu i novovjekovnu hrvatsku štokavsku ijekavicu,umjetnička djela i dokumente. Pa ću ja navesti zapise hrvatskog koji nisu štokavska ijekavica, a iz tog su perioda.

acording to monastery records
almost the entire female serbian nobility became
monks, indicating that they were widows

you're an idiot

adulthood is realizing Croatia makes more sense

Any Serbs bro to sell a full auto m70?

Pogledaj kartu Nemanjićkih posjeda. Od Stefana Nemanje nadalje.

Dubrovnik je priznavao srpsku vlast, uključujući i cara Dušana, a uzdržavao je srpske manastire u Svetoj zemlji i na Hilandaru sve do 17./18. stoljeća.

>Dubrovnik je priznavao srpsku vlast, uključujući i cara Dušana

>come here
>nobody has posted this yet

Ovo je već mitomanija

>Štokavski u Slavoniju je donesen naseljenicima iz Bosne i Hercegovine, od 18. do 20. stoljeća.
postojao je slavonski dijalekat koji je starostokavski, ali se nikad nije govorio tamo u vecini sve do kolonizacije stokavaca iz bosne. cela kontinentalna hrvatska se pre svih migracija koristila kajkavicom, koji je takodje zaseban jezik

Zato što su trgovali solju, zlatom i srebrom, iz unutrašnjosti, kojom su vladali i kontrolirali srpski vladari.

Iz istog razloga je Dubrovnik bio na strani muslimana Osmanlija a protiv kršćana Venecije i ostalih, jer su im ekonomski interesi i egzistencija bili takvi, vezani za zaleđe.

>all these antiserbs

oh boy i certainly like making shit lists

Listen filthy Serb. Nobody likes you, all you do is start shit, and you were raped by the turks until half of you became moslems. Nobody else cucked to the turks. The Hungarians, Croatians, Austrians, Romanians, and all others resisted while Serbs betrayed their fellow christians and went over.

Ever since then you feel inferiority and guilt complex for cucking. Serbia was a shithole, serbia is a shithole & you are the violent niggers of europe. I am glad nato bombed you and took kosovo. Hope they do it again faggot.

>pic related serbian army circa 1600


>ovo je već mitomanija

Koji točno dio?

Granice vlasti Nemanjića?

Povelje Dubrovčanima od Nemanjića?

Plaćanje godišnjeg poreza?

Financiranje manastira?

Plaćanje naknade zbog protjerivanja pravoslavnih svećenika i dolaska katoličkih u zadužbine Nemanjića u Stonu i na Mljetu?

Reci, ajde.

You beat me to it. LE BASED KEBAB REMOVALISTS XD helped the t*rks conquer the Balkans, including themselves, because apparently cuckery is a force older than time. For this, they should be shamed eternally.