This is new Sup Forums

just delete this board

Lmao its time to give some old niggers some cardiac arrest.

>this is Sup Forums
>screenshot from reddit


This board is fuckin boring since the election I really doubt most of them are still here. Probably went back to their cooking and Reba McEntire subs.

Kek/kekistan and pepe frog ruined everything. This place was not too bad until frogfags shitted up the place.


This is why gore gets posted. To get the fucking Boomer housewives out of here. They come here to absorb the young male energy since their husbands are off fucking the interns

>in their 40's
you realize older millennials are pushing 40 now right?

>I told my 32 yr old son about muh chan. His comment was Holy fuck dad that's the darkest place on the internet. Told him to grow the fuck up.

Top kek, what a B A S E D Kekistani. We should all go to his reddit and give him some reddit gold.

All I see is normies getting redpilled and trying to assimilate to the Sup Forums culture. Where exactly is the problem?

>Sup Forums is one person


Normies get out.

I blame the mods. We use to have enough shock porn and BLACKED to chase off the normies. Now they prune that shit. We also need more Jew and nigger hate threads. That is the hardest pill for the CivNats to swollow.

Who did you think was making all these "mommy" posts?

>directs them right to /ptg/
Well at least they're contained.

You know how to stop this, Sup Forums.

>We should all go to his reddit
fuck right off and die

Gen X, bro.
The invisible generation.
I'm about 40 this year.
Everyone talks about boomers, millennials and GenZ, but no one remembers Gen X.
We exist and, for the most part, we lay low.
I only got redpilled because I was in that in between spot where the leftists hadn't taken over.
I was taught to love free speech, love freedom and love my heritage.
That's where Gen X grew up - the vestiges of what America was like back in the 50's - 70's.
Many Gen Xers are like me.
We know what's up.
We exist and we're not loud about our presence.

Bro, I know that feel.

Were the 80’s Cool?

I, for one, welcome any woken elders. The more history you understand the more you can predict the future. These people are living databanks of reality as experienced by actual humans.
And fuck if they can blend in at all they're better than most of you underage faggots anyway.
>t. 30s

/nsg/ Made just for (you)

Get in here goyim

So this is where all those ancaps are coming from.

Shills are getting desperate.