Goku said goten and trunks can't join the tournament of power because they won't follow strategy

>Goku said goten and trunks can't join the tournament of power because they won't follow strategy
>The tournament starts with Vegeta , freiza , 17, 18 and Goku going off on there own to fight any random opponent with little strategy

WTF i'm mad

Roshi and tein still allowed to join

Goku's a fucking hypocrite

DBS is a sick joke

Dragon Ball series always had shit writing , I don't know why anyone is supprise

The entire team was picked for marketing reasons

Not to ruin your hateboner but thats not what Goku said. He said they were to straight forward and inexperienced to be able to fight in such a setting.

This arc has made Goku the worst character in dragon Ball

Still they would have done better than bringing tein and roshi

At worst they would have been doing the same thing Goku is doing right now

At the time, Goku only knew the rules didn't allow for flying
he didn't know flying would literally be disabled.
It's pretty easy to see Goten and Trunks flying almost immediately and being disqualified.

Besides, if they HAD gone with those two instead of Roshi and Tien, then right now the only ones following the plan would be Krillin, Piccolo, and Gohan.

Not to mention, we finally got a big set of fights with tons of characters and only THREE of the main saiyans are in it. 3 humans, 2 androids, and 2 non-saiyan aliens.

goten and trunks probably would've headed straight for jiren

goten and trunks would go off and do something stupid and get kick off the stage from there incompetence

yet he thinks they are mature enough to fight majin bu

They're more likely to listen to plans then Goku and Vegeta

Freeza was right.

Final solution to the monkey problem when?

Goten and Trunks would have literally get thrown off at the first few seconds or so.
They only,what,fought against majin buu a couple of times and got their ass kicked?

Except those ones are stronger than trunk and goten. Also this

Yeah for like a second then run off and do something stupid look at the super buu fight again where they were just fucking around and wasted time for there fusion

Goten and Trunks screw around too much and when Gotenks comes out they suddenly lose the ability to take a fight seriously even more, as seen with Buu.

Once again proving English Goku superior to grannyshit Goku

Ironically, Goten and Trunks are much more cohesive than the rest of the U7 gang. They don't have Goku and Veggie's MUH SAIYAN PRIDE but at the same time they're not complete cucks like Gohan

They weren't included because of their fusion:
1. If they get knocked off that's two less participants
3. 30 min time limit = being animated in SS3 (no way toei has that kind of money) for the majority of the ToP
6. We'll get to see marron achieve SSB level in the intermission episodes prior to the end of the ToP

That's what I like about Gotenks.

Goku meant gotenks will play around with his opponent while the rest of the fighters won't have this problem.

Spamming mass ghosts all over the entire fighting arena would cause mass hysteria and a huge distraction the other fighters could have capitlized on.


>goten and kid trunks are so shit and unpopular that they wont even bother making them fight in super
buu arc was a mistake

They would've insulted Zeno-sama and gotten U7 penalized somehow.

Ghost spam is the best move in Dragon Ball canon

Prove me wrong

the reason we didn't like them is because they became super saiyan too fast. then they just go and make the bargain sale super crew for this arc

That's the best in-series logic explanation, but the real reason why they aren't in the torunament is because Goten and Trunks are just not popular with the fans.
>3 characters voiced by the same old granny going yelling and going ATATATATATA
>Trunks's VA only sounds good and natural as Future/adult Trunks
>The only time the two boys have done anything of importance in Superwas for one episode (filler arc where Vegeta jobs AGAIN and his clone becomes a bad guy)
>They joined the fray against Frieza in Super but barely made an impact, defusing as Gotenks almost immediately after nutshotting Ginyu

Trunks was a necessary character no matter what after Cell arc, but Goten was a mistake.
Actually no, continuing Dragonball after Cell was the point of no return.