What do you think of George orwell


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He didn't exist. Government made him up in order to "confess" what they'll do.

Government doesn't exist, (((they))) made it up in order to force the population to let them handle their cash

Possibly a slide thread, but I can't resist.
Genius visionary (this becomes more apparent with each passing year) and a genuinely brave, intellectually honest man. I've gone to lengths to read everything that he wrote that can possibly be found.
One of the people from history I'd most like to meet.

communist scum

I don't think we would get along in real life.

Redpilled socialist. Were he around today, he'd be on par with Jordan Peterson.

He was calling out Stalin for his crimes before most of the West, uneducated faggot. kys

Looks like Zappa.



>dude totalitarianism is wrong, it will ban arse-fucking and make you think that literary 2+2=5

There's nothing wrong with totalitarianism, it's (((who))) is in control.

I think you're missing the point.

Agreed, shame only 1984 gets coverage, animal farm to lesser degree. No one really talks about "Homage to Catalonia" or "The Road to Wigan Pier" in the same light

communist scum:

"Orwell set out for Spain on about 23 December 1936, dining with Henry Miller in Paris on the way. The American writer told Orwell that going to fight in the Civil War out of some sense of obligation or guilt was 'sheer stupidity,' and that the Englishman's ideas 'about combating Fascism, defending democracy, etc., etc., were all baloney.'[54] A few days later, in Barcelona, Orwell met John McNair of the Independent Labour Party (ILP) Office who quoted him: "I've come to fight against Fascism".

He is bluepilled as fuck and was wrong about nearly everything.

As more time passes, it becomes more apparent that Huxley's vision of the future is the true threat that we need to try to avoid.


He was a hero of the socialist movement.

He's a socialist, Sup Forums won't like him. Too many capitalist cock suckers here. The ones that do know of him will think he's 'based' because they vaguely know about animal farm and 1984, believing they were critical of socialism.

So Two Minutes Hate hasn't materialized, nor has 2+2=5, nor has newspeak? You're either retarded or never read Orwell.

His description of the future of one of endless wars while society falls apart was on the money.

>actual communism
go fuck yourself you fucking mutt
communism and its bigger category socialism have more offshoots than soviet dictatorship. Supporting any of them makes him cancer. He was communist scum, just in a different way than stalin was communist scum.

1984 was primarily about the Soviet Union, not the world. The world is only vaguely mentioned on 1984, but what mentioned told us it was divided on 3 regional blocks and that's happening today as globalism advances.
The best works of Orwell are not 1984 or animal farm, so don't comment if you're a retarded mutt that only read 1984 in high school.

>claims Stalinism isn't actual communism
So you are, in fact, retarded. Now tell us real communism hasn't been tried.

>combating fascism
he was redpilled in alot of ways, but was a blind western socialist, thinking that Eastern socialism was somehow inferior to the western socialist movement
luckily he's dead already

Good writer but a total dick about Kipling who has much better prose in my opinion


The official economic policy of the Bolshevik faction is State Capitalism. The system was implemented after the New Economic Policy in 1922.

At best before the NEP the USSR was "State Socialism" which is not a form of socialism that the majority of socialists support. After the NEP the USSR was firmly State Capitalist. At no point in the history of the USSR did they achieve any form of progressive Socialism or Communism.

He was also an excellent essayist.

Inane for the most part. Huxley's book was far more perceptive and nuanced and aware of what kind of totalitarian order human beings would willingly submit to (and even embrace). Only really prescient concept in Orwell was Newspeak, and most of his essays are contradictory dross.

>At no point in the history of the USSR did they achieve any form of progressive Socialism or Communism.
The memeflag retards are out in force this morning.

In the long run, the concept of a surveillance state where you fear your people is the complete antithesis to want you want if you are totalitarian.
The idea is to have your people be afraid of YOU, not of them. It completely defeats the point if it's the other way around.

A government will never be able to truly oppress a population. The human will to freedom will eventually triumph (as history always proves) and regimes will get overthrown.

The only permanent long lasting solution is to demoralize your people and break them down over decades and centuries so that concepts like freedom are foreign to them. Break their will so badly that even if you offer it to them, they will be so subdued that they will refuse it.

This is why Huxley was ultimately right. There is no need to monitor your people if the people are blissfully ignorant and don't care about how shitty their lives are.

T. Faggot

jesus christ
fucking mutt
communism hasn't been tried because communism as in the books is complete fucking nonsense which will not happen at all until maybe all our needs are completely satisfied (probably impossible)
That being said, one can be a socialist without necessarily supporting stalin or his practices. That's what I was saying you retard
Americans literally deserve to be gassed for being so stupid. How about you go back to sucking jewish communist cock you 56% mutt

what leftist works have you read? you seem very educated on what is and isn't communism so I figure you'd be able to give me a reading list to help me understand your perspective


>> Read Zamyatin
>> 10/10 review on metacritic
>> Make fanfic of it, but without the humor

He got a few things right, but the things you mention here were actually happening at the time (even Newspeak if you look at Churchill and FDR's attempt to butcher the english language for political purposes)--but on the overall thrust of things, Orwell was clearly wrong--the modern totalitarian state does not function by putting the boot down on the human species, but on flattering its vanity and appealing to its weaknesses so that it will embrace its own servitude (like in Huxley)

Anarcho communist whose immense butthurt towards stalin resulted in a mildly amusing fiction series.

Why avoid it?

he invented electricity and the ray gun, was a credit to the slavs.

Huxley is right in the long run, but most steps along the way to Huxleys image are Orwellian in nature, but as you've said, give it long enough, and no one will recognise them as freedom depriving in any way. Huxley is right in the future future, Orwell in the present future.

1984 was incredibly bad written. Don't know why normes like it that much.

Good writer.
Retard political philosopher.

He wrote cool worlds, good characters and exciting plots. But his political and philosophical universes always suffered major logical holes and his infference is a most too simplistic.

He's good for teenage literature and his philosophical stance is Harry Potter tier.

Commie who came to Spain to fight for the commies, got a bullet and left.

Typical anglo.

I enjoyed the "breaking of a character" theme, but the political moraling were utter meme-tier. The book gets waay more praise than it deserves.


Also, it seems like he's glorified by americans for the same reason as Locke is, for their ability to be intellectual retards.

He was very Orwellian.

It just looks visionary cause he seems to have some view of the future. But when one knows the truth, it becomes void: published in 1949, Orwell didn't manage to get a view of the future but took what happened a few years ago. 1984 IS NOT A DYSTOPIA and was never supposed to be, it was even supposed to be call 1948 but the publisher thought it was too close and preferred 1984.

Typical bong hero. They worship those Hitchens retards too, so not much has changed. If you attend the Proms and yammer a bit of blighty gibberish, the bongs are always in.

To be fair, our entire higher education structure has been subsumed by the left. I learned about 'Animal Farm' in high school, very much with the lesson that this was a book written by one of the *good, real* communists about those *bad, fake* communists.
Of course we read no Heinlein, Vonnegut, Rand, etc. because they were "such bad writers"... But by golly we read 'The Color Purple' and 'Their Eyes were Watching God.'
This is US education now.
Don't be surprised that most of us are retarded.

>To be fair, our entire higher education structure has been subsumed by the left.

To be fair, what kind of person decides to become a teacher?

He who can't do, teach.

usually becoming educated about the world tends to make you a leftist so it's no surprise academia is full of them

This was meant to be in reply to:

He names the jew in his book 'Down and Out in Paris and London'...multiple times in fact.

from one jew offering his daughter up as a prostitute to Russian soldiers, and in another instance talks about how a french jew ripped off a senior by taking his life savings before reporting him to the police upon which the old man dies of a heart attack.

Agreed. I still think the overall writing was enthralling, even though what you said is true.

I'm sorry to hear that. Heinlein is in my optic the complete opposite of Orwell.
Heinlein wrote shit flat characters, had boring (if not lack of) plotlines, but his universe and the philosophy therein was consistent and his philosophical preachi ngs in Starship Troopers were beyond fiction.

Hated the USSR, but was definitely Communist

I didn't have a single teacher under the age of 40 that had wanted to be a teacher, and they openly admitted this. Most had plans of being famous writers or thinkers, and (luckily) they got a teaching cert while in college.
Interestingly enough, from my generation not a single one of my peers that wanted to be a teacher became one: they all got into the program and decided it was dark and creepy. Many of them liked the act of teaching and the idea of helping kids become adults: neither of which is happening. And the peers that became teachers had originally had plans of being famous writers and thinkers, and luckily got that teacher's cert...
So the cycle continues.
(On an interesting side note: every year I was in high school, at least one teacher was busted for banging a student or something similar, and it wasn't a big school. None got in any trouble ever.)

Meanwhile in the real 1984 ...

Shut the fuck up toothpaste, communists has been tried and failed its implementation enoough times already, history won't end with a communist uytopia, deal with it.

Who's on the left?

/nsg/ Made just for (you)

Get in here goyim

>bluepilled as fuck
>thought poofs were pathetic pansies

>he's glorified by americans for the same reason as Locke is

I really don't think the Americans who go on about Locke have even read him; his political philosophy is not just simple-minded, but incredibly dull as well--and his tabula rasa "empiricist" philosophy is even worse.

Locke didn't actually have much of an effect on the American founders at all. That which they didn't take from Rome and from their own precedents (english common law) was mostly from Montesquieu rather than Locke.

There used to be a time in the UK (not that long ago) when to be a "Master" (teacher equivalent back then, but when serious teaching was valued and respected) at a good grammar school required an Oxbridge First (at a time when this was actually very difficult).


ITT: Huxley fags because he basically had cp in his Brave New World. oh and he was waaaaaay more edgy then Orwell.

Fuck that Orwell is based af