On the 9th September, Sweden is going to have a general election. This may be the last chance Sweden has to stop itself from falling over the edge before it’s too late.
The Sweden Democrats are the third largest party in the Riksdag. They aren’t perfect, but they’re anti-migrant, anti-handout and pro-justice for rapefugee victims.
If we can get them into office, it’s not going to fix all of Sweden’s problems overnight- but the only other option is the NMR, a street movement set to get about 2% of the vote.
That’s not enough for this time around, and anyway, NMR is more effective on the streets. But if we can get enough Svens Redpilled enough to vote for SD, that’s going to have a knock-on effect after the election.
We need the SD to start putting Sweden right and push the overton window. And we have just under 9 months to make this possible.
/SWEG/- Swedish Election General
Other urls found in this thread:
Welcome to phase 2. Who’s up for some data gathering?
.We need a list of Swedish laws concerning immigration from 1970-now. It doesn’t have to be comprehensive, but it does need the breakdown of votes from the 2 major parties.
.We need a list of European mandates & regulations that Sweden has passed into law.
.We need a list of contact information for Swedish news outlets. DO NOT put it in the thread. Send them to me on twitter via DM’s or drop them off in the discord.
In the meantime, we’re going to need to format the information we already have.
.If you have a reddit/flashback account, we need to start mining information. Specifically, we need to create & bump threads asking people’s opinions on the EU. We’re going to need that data, and you’re going to need the practise.
.We also need to start trying to grab Pewdiepie’s attention. We’ve built up quite a collection of Skurt memes, & we know where to spam them. Keep tuned to these threads for more material!
Fifth gang rape in Malmö this winter. Makes me sick to my stomach.
benis. holy shit bongbro is that new?
This one is going into my wallpaper folder.
No, it was given to us in a thread some time ago. It's one of the images i put up if the thread's a little slow & in danger of archiving.
yeah thats weapons grade, good shit man.
how does one get invited to the /sweg/ discord?
We'll have security figured out by the end of the week. Once we do, the invite link will be back up.
mate your flag, a sven got changed to an ancap the other day. i think they burgered you.
It's ok, i'm using a VPN.
trips of fucking power friend, that is great news.
who is going with mynttorgsaktivisterna on the 10 februari this month?
Den 10 februari ska folk från mynttorgsaktivisterna demostrerar klockan 15:00-17:00
vid mynttorget, Gamla Stan, Stockholm
Sverige är inget land där vi ska ger flyktingar hus och lägenheter
medan svenska hemlösa ska frysa till döds under vinter eller gå hungriga på gatan.
Det är därför vi kommer att demonstrera mot invandringen, vi kommer bjuda på varm kaffe och kanske bulle också!
Du kan träffa mig där och lära känna kompisar och skaffa kontakter.
Alla är välkomna att hälsa på och har roligt med oss
mynttorgsaktivisterna info:
seems like a good place for the lads, is mining big over there? forgive me im still learning a lot about you.
I see nothing wrong with this, swedeshits are finally getting what they deserve.
Bumping, we're putting up more posters today
i know you 2 have some problems, but if you dont work this out. you are fucking next. do you really think the fuckers wont jump borders, thats exactly how they got there. nor you arent immune to this either. hans is literally the best of us, and you saw whats happened to him. and fuck you for making me say literally.
Jag har också en youtube kanal med aktivism och föreläsningar om många olika saker
så lika och subscribe gärna så att min kanal växer
Lassetvochfilm/min kanal:
hjälp att sprida om mynttorgsaktivisterna så kan vi göra detta till något riktigt stort!
Om ni har någon fråga så kan jag försöka svara det
the more north you go the more mining jobs we have
kek it's that one autistic finn with an extuingishable hate for Swedes. Might even be a proxyfag desu.
Ebba posters to put up in Sweden before the election (convince undecided voters that open borders are bad):
media.8ch dot net/file_store/36b1e094f3ab41384243dc0a2123ba619373c06049dc6839035c7767d1861081.pdf
original #120dB video (movement started in Germany):
they chose 120dB because it's the volume of common rape alarms that European women now have to carry in their pockets because open borders have filled their countries with foreign criminals and rapists
>is it wrong to use her as a "political pawn"?
so what are you supposed to do when a girl is killed by a migrant? refuse to talk about it because otherwise she is a "political pawn"?
#120dB mentioned Ebba, Maria & Mia by name (all three killed by migrants), the hashtag is exploding, it just got retweeted by Ann Coulter - a mainstream conservative with perfectly normie-acceptable optics who has 1.89 MILLION followers, pic related
if an opportunity presents itself you have to grab it
there is nothing wrong with saying Ebba was killed by open borders, it's the fucking truth
the media will only look bad if they try to sweep her under the rug
/nsg/ Made just for (you)
Get in here goyim
Vem av är sätter upp "Gör Sverige lagom igen"-affischerna i Lund?
hail victory, hail sweden.
I'm just glad more women are waking up and realizes what the politicians they voted for has done to them
protecting them is a powerful tool. as a former chad i can tell you they all eat that shit up.
bump for Skurt, Everchosen of the chaos gods
>as a former chad
Why former? What happened`?
In skurt we trust.
i chose to be a man of the cloth, the chaos cloth. im in this for survial, for everyone. im not going to condense 15000 hours of research and observation into a single post. but i gave up everything for this.
Lmao we're reaching levels of autism that shouldn't even be possible
yes we are, im going to to do my absolute best for you over the next 8 months because i see a fire burning within you. when my chains are removed, i will fuck shit up in the normiesphere.
bump for wagecucks getting home soon
Has anyone gone out with flyers today?
The 7-klöver is basically saying everything SD has been saying all these years non-stop. A poster pointing this out to people is important I think. That the 7-klöver does ANYTHING for votes. Whores!
Going to Malmö again this week to put up some more. Keep at it, sveanon!
The politicians here just say whatever people want them to say, they never do anything.
Stuff like that is bound to cause coup
Are you the same user who put flyers in Metro papers?
This one is important
Hell yeah
Couldn't help but to smile when I read that, was Bong-user coming too?
Bong-user? The guy who starts the thread?
I'm sorry if I don't understand, but I went alone to Malmö to do all that.
Nice to see that I'm spreading joy. Hope to spread some anger among the cucks
I thought he said you'd go to Malmö together with some other user?
Aha. Maybe it was the brit. He said he was going with some friends. Not me though
Use my redesign instead. I have it in a vector format in PDF too, but I keep getting accused of a bunch of shit when I post a link to that.
Anyway, the link in the QR code was truncated as much as possible to reduce the size of the QR code, but I did render it with the maximum error correction, which makes it possible to read even if parts of it are damaged. I recommend that you try scanning the code yourself just just to check that no one is trying to pull some shit.
Malmö is at least better than St*ckholm which is the source of most of Sweden's current problems.
önskar jag kunde komma. Önskar lycka till från Västerbotten
Norci (moderator on sweddit) is constantly removing threads about politics that he doesn't like now, just a heads-up
yeah we should do something about it
Gods... these normies make me fucking sick.
>notices EU flag for "European"
Jag vet, har varit inne där och diskuterat lite med dem. Plågsamt.
As an immigrant living in Sweden, this thread scares me.
you have to go back
Good. You shouldn't have come there.
Why? SD doesn't want to deport good hard working immigrants.
I'm not here legally and I've been on welfare for 3 years.
watch out
As long as S wins next election I won't have to worry about farbror blå
Great larp
>he thinks I'm joking
Whatever man life is sweet when you don't have to work and swedes take care of your expenses
>Troll detected
>Executing ignoreandmakemoreposters.exe
Why afraid? You have another homeland you can go back to.
This one, however, is ours. I'm sure you understand, given the current situation.
So you come here, loiter around, eat our food and live in our homes, costing us tax money that we could use to make our land better for future generations.
I'm actually really curious about how you think about this, if you're seriously not larping.
My question to you: How do you live with yourself? How do you justify being a leech to yourself and your own conscience?
Please be honest. I just want to know.
he said "farbror blå" that is in no way immigrant language. he's a larper.
Good catch.
I feel dumb now.
svensk skriver man med litet s hallåååå
Rikssvenskan ändrades Januari 2017
The faggots are trying to make things difficult for the alternate media by not allowing them to print court cases to use for stories. Only the mainstream media will be allowed, if this gets aproved.
Remember the mission. Make posters concerning laws changed or put in place around immigration. All the way back to the 1970s
I hate Arabs, I'm a slav so I'll literally be on the frontlines fighting the arab menace while Sven is drinking his daily ration of Somali semen.
Fucking "Jimmie" will never get the vote, he's a weak Whiney faggot, and everyone standing in line behind him is worse.
SD as a party is full of incompetent retards that are riding on the waves of JUSTIFIED anti-arabism.
Sweden needs LEADERS.
Even if SD wins by a miracle, Without leaders the pendulum of society will swing back to Extreme progressive leftist politics and any function SD will have will be reversed and effectively barred from politics for decades
ska berätta om en nordisk stöd grupp som jag såg någon månad sen på Nyhetsmorgon.
Man var tvungen att ha ett skägg som var minst 4cm långt för att gå med. Gruppens mål var att hjälpa utsatta människor som behöver hjälp i relationer. Mer gick dem inte in på.
Det intressanta biten var att när dem skulle ta en gruppsbilds kor med gruppent vid ett landskap. Så höll dem uppe en svart flagga med nån vit text som symboliserar deras grupp.
Det var en normie svensson som såg detta & fick panik, ringde polisen direkt och trodde att det var isis som hade börjat härja i sverige.
Jag tror vi kan använda detta, skapa något liknande, för att skapa mer raslig kontrast & hets i sverige. Vad sägs?
Finns det någon som vet vad gruppen heter eller ha hört talas om vilka jag menar?
Shut up, Kevin
I'm just saying Sweden needs a populist LEADER.
Let's start a meme war
Haven't heard of it. Can't it be a bad thing to associate a friendly swedish organisation with isis?
We had one of those, fat lot of good he did.
Can Sup Forums still do meme magick after the Kekistan heresy?
Malmö is Sweden's asshole
That's why we got to fist it hard, with flyers
Jag vill skit gärna rösta SD men pallar ej att Nordiskbögfront kommer bli så jävla styva och komma med sin jävla propaganda.
Men lilla Jimmi han diggar jag