Remind that only rural and uneducated folk voted for Trump. City people voted for Hillary.
Remind that only rural and uneducated folk voted for Trump. City people voted for Hillary
Philadelphia is truly a beacon of civilization
daily reminder that this kind of ppl can just go an legally purchase guns and ammo
hahahah I love a good chimpout. Looting and riots put a smile on my face
How does horse poo taste like /mlp/?
TFW you likely shit posted with Norm MacDonald on Sup Forums and didn’t even know it
What we he have eaten if they lost?
Human shit
>filled with degenerate people that are dependent on the government system for their survival.
Of course city fags vote bigger government. Their lives depend on gibs and the system. That is why you don't want to be there when system collapses. You prove nothing op faggot
So you're saying Hillary voters are losers. Sage.
>in all fields
>yankees are shiteating faggots
and no one is surprised
This is the white population in the US that thinks theyre worth preserving.....
Yet she still lost.
Thank god I'm not like these people.
praise kek
one of those moments I can safely say, thank god I'm Californian
The point of OP's post was to illustrate that city people, the ones who voted for hillary, are shit eating shitholers. But that went over your head.
City folk = illegals, low iq non whites, foreigners with no loyality to the country and the benifit dependent. Yup I can see that
Still mad 2 year after
>daily reminder that people can legally do something legal
wtf I love being helpless cattle now
I'm sad that more people aren't getting this because, damn, direct hit on urban inbred retards lol.
Enjoy your horse shit
Honestly Philadelphia does not seem like a real place to me.
Those chimp'ing out are the trump supports who came to philly to be part of the celebration but are too emotionally unstable to not get so excited they resort to shit earring.
But why?...
I wonder if it tasted good
city horse hit ?
Would be better if he were a cute girl
>Tfw college graduate and voted for trump.
Gas yourself OP.
everybody drives a horse in philadelphia.
maybe he got it off his lawn
Football fans are literal idiots. Anything new?
and the best part is the fact that he didnt actually win anything...
OP is using sarcasm
The urban people vote Hillary and eat horse shit
Mmmm.... shitty
Shit; that's some good eating.
>sadsacks and urban monkeys voted for the loser who lost to Donald Trump
>muh Russians made it happen, and Skelator with help from Molar Ramm and the league of ultimate ebil. Honest. Ask CNN.
Who owns the horseshoe?
Like magic.
yankees taking 'shit eating grin' literally