If you made some new memes, post them. If you like the new memes, share them.
TOPIC: Ending degeneracy
Let's get to work
Let's go back to facebook instead.
who is girl to the left
>this is the power of r/t_d
well gosh golly gee willikers
Yeah, don't contribute anything, just continue to be a worthless faggot for the rest of your life.
Boomer memes will turn away the demographics you need to be appealing to. Contributing trash like this is counter productive to people you need to influence (gen z) so infact I've contributed a lot more doing nothing.
piling trash onto the trashpile that is the internet is an effortless job these days and there isn't the slightest semblance of a pattern when it comes to what takes off or what people resonate with
Making a picture that says "DONT DRESS LIKE THIS" is the autistic screeching from the older generation that propels younger people to dress like that in rebellion. There is no humor or cleverness to the image and can't even qualify as a meme. It's merely an image with preaching/lecture stamped on it.
Oh I see, if it doesn't meet your level of critique then it's wrong? Go back to your wrongthink bureau, reprobate.
go back to facebook, and keep that cancer contained to your boomer politics group
Funny, you whine like a bitch but I don't see you posting any image macros in the thread, faggot.
Sup kike?
good job telling yourself to read someone else's reply you daft, uppity chink
These remind me of the memes that stoners make to make fun of boomers that y’all negatively about pot. These all seem ironic
Jewdar is really going off on this leaf.
Talk* by y’all. I’m phoneposting
This is actually a good idea
no, it's just some whiny cunt that wanted to shout "r-reddit!" and short-circuited when someone actually replied to his bullshit
Autists like you enjoy pissing and moaning about things, but that is the only thing you do. What the fuck do you know about demographics? What the fuck do you know about anything except bitching?
Go fuck yourself.
86% bitish
Memes are a truffle, there are certain conditions that make truffles, and you can do things to make truffles grow, but to this day, nobody has found a way to reliably farm truffles.
When r/t_d tries to make memes, they end up with a bunch of corporate adult garbage, and what would you expect?
Memes just sort of happen, to try and except a meme goes against how the system works.
This. You're giving them an enemy to unite against.
>hurr durr muh facebook memes are so effective
You like them because you already agree with them, if you want them to be convincing to others with who are neutral/against what you're trying to push and take off organically you have to make them entertaining. America is already doomed anyways, ignore me and continue pushing people away with your autistic middle age leftist tier screeching about things you dont like.
All this leaf does is whine. Whine like an old man in a deli that charged him too much for his matzah ball soup. Do you know who else whines like that?
I know who does.
This one will provoke woke SJWs to rage.
You don't belong, you've been absolutely fucking clear on that. You want to come here, and have us incept your memes for you, just like the entitled faggot boomer you are.
for someone so self-assured they're right, you certainly have a strong need to prove it
>heheh! JEWS!!!! amirite guise? hehe!
If you're not going to put in the effort to actually tie him to semitism, why even bother?
why did you switch from the leaf proxy to the US one, kike?
Remember the quote about calling the jew names, and 'jew' being the only one that seems to stick? Thanks for the open signal to your heritage.
I want a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets -luda
the thot on the right is pretty hideous, needs better execution though
What kind of garbage thread is that
You're a major faggot OP, saging your shit, this is BBC spam-tier of worthlessness
See, you're making demands of Sup Forums, that's jewish. You can't just bring out the jew card for nothing. I know you're a antifa shill.
congrats on the most autistic way of describing memes ever. memes are a truffle will never catch on. fuck off, trump will never retweet you
How about this one?
We need something that is like the IOBTW but anti degeneracy.
Some thoughts:
>Shames women for dressing immodestly
>Shames parents for dressing their children immedostly
>Shames males for letting women dress immodestly
Make comparisons to whores, sluts and prostitutes etc.
>Promote women who dress modestly, praise them
>Praise parents who dress their children modestly
>Praise men who support women dressing modestly.
I was thinking for a poster to have to prats/halves.
On the left half it shames degeneracy, immodesty, on the right it praises modesty, natural femininity.
Would be great if any artists or other contributers could help.
This should be on the same level of the IOBTW campaign.
Also things that promote marriage, virginity, family etc would be great too.
Something like the OP image.
We need more Nordic Women in the world
This is shill poison pilling you. The Trap on the left is not attractive, nor the thot on the right.
useless if they're whores/roasties
mine too
can we make a lot of these memes - just less tit in them
normify people a bit
unjew them
if you slomo filmed this this guy shot point blank with a large caliber rifle his face might no normal shaped for a split second
all women should wear hijab
Should be barbaric.
You don't understand propaganda...
You have to make some impact or it does not work.
was about to type this. "Criminal" might work as well, or 'savage' perhaps. 'Degenerate' is known and frequently used on Sup Forums but much less outside.
Nice a solid e. Like I give a shit what women enjoy though
now this is memeposting
This isn't very believable, such a small percentage of men have a dick over 10 inches that its not really feasible for the majority in a sample of women to have experienced it in order to denote it as their preference.
nah I've seen worse. must be German (soviet rape baby).
But that's patently untrue. Those women are both attractive. It's just that the first one is "pretty," and the second one is "hot."
Your meme will never gain traction if it's just patently, blatantly wrong.
>The first one's mildly degenerate and the other one's completely degenerate
Fixed that for you.
>t. trap
In case any of you dumbasses dont know, people keep changing this chart and moving the cluster to the right with bigger and bigger numbers.
Improved it for you.
>Improved it for you.
Thanks, Schlomo!