When can we ban guns and finally stop the bloodshed
>but..but muh gubment
o yeah because your assault rifle can stop a drone
When can we ban guns and finally stop the bloodshed
>but..but muh gubment
o yeah because your assault rifle can stop a drone
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Should ban americans from this board and the world and it would solve most of our problems
>How many Americans need to die
All of them.
newfag leave
You can't stop americans from being americans
How many women need to be raped before we ban minorities?
How many times does this picture have to be posted?
OP is the only American that must die.
Your troll: 0.1/10
If we banned niggers from owning weapons, all of our problems would be solved.
All of them
/nsg/ Made just for (you)
Get in here goyim
Firearm ownership does not correlate with intentional homicide rates.
maybe i dont care about school kids in america.
maybe i dont give a fuck about country music fans.
maybe i want tyrome to kill his neighbors and family members
OP kill yourself please.
6 million, but the number will keep going up so whats the point
All of us.
Hopefully all of them.
I'm not giving up my firearms to please a leftist.
Yeah let’s ban guns. Do you not realize that the most corrupt politicians are the only ones trying to ban them? Isn’t that strange, huh.
if you could get robot arms that can transform into guns that are flame throwers would you do it?
The kind where any fence-sitters can watch anti-gunners get BTFO.
Not strange at all!
All of them
Once all niggers are dead then we won’t have violence problems and everyone can have guns and it’ll be great.
You can't ban guns in the US, not effectively anyway.
In the UK we did it and the government paid market-value to the owners of every registered weapon in the country. Thing is, we've never really had a gun culture in the UK, so it wasn't a huge amount.
Even then, we've still had mass shootings, and gun crime (violent gun crime at that) has CONSISTENTLY risen since the blanket ban.
In the US, there are so many guns, that even if they were totally banned with laws as strict as the UK (we have the strictest gun controls in the world - to the point our Olympic shooting team has to train abroad) it wouldn't work.
There are simply too many guns and its too ingrained in US culture for it to work.
Shootings would be the same, and all that would happen is your already bursting prisons would become even more over-crowded because you'd be locking people up for simply owning a gun.
Watch the video. LISTEN to the audio.
The OP is actually pasta.
Yes liberals are actually this lazy.
>Thing is, we've never really had a gun culture in the UK
Is this a joke? It used to be commonplace for Brits to walk the streets of London with small caliber handguns in their pockets.
More like Jew-lianna.
You retards are relentless with this ban all guns shit , its ignorant and just plain stupid
Reminder that unless both sides give something up, it's not compromise.
Drones can't patrol Street corners.
Resistance doesn't have to win, to reduce propensity for malevolent action.
The left wants to commit shootings to create pressure to outlaw guns because the public having guns is a bulwark against their tyranny.
They hope taking guns provokes conflict and the turns the right into bad guys like them.
I like my natural arms and I like the firearms I already have.
>How many Americans need to die before we ban all guns?
All of them.
all of them starting with you
Every single Democrat and leftist