Why don't homeless people/beggers just get a job?

why don't homeless people/beggers just get a job?

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you think they beg for free?

Because then the guy who's job they took would become a homeless begger.

mental illness mostly.

That IS their job.

Begging is a job.
>Beg people for money: Leech off people with money.
>Work for boss: Leech off people with money.
Literally no difference. Begging lets people feel superior while working for a boss lets them earn money more efficiently.

Hey, wait a minute. I see what you did there.

Give them your job

Begging makes much more than minimum wage, and no taxes.


It's the same mental illness that gets them kicked out of shelters.

In my area at least, most beggars aren't homeless. If you watch them long enough, someone will come pick them up and drive them home after the rush hour traffic dies down.

>Implying homeless shelters for men are any better than living on the street.

>Go to nearby city.
>See 3 beggars despite begging being illegal (which is the main reason there aren't more).
>Two of them are university students begging in their free time not even 5 minutes from the campus.

I want them all to be killed they are the biggest issue in my city by far considering we are 90% white and have more east asians than any other group. I leave my flat and instantly get harassed by old alcoholics and spice addicts smoking pipes on a main high street.

Why don't they just get a house?

>Houses cost £30k at minimum.
>That's two years of high quality begging without including upkeep costs.
>Building structures is only allowed on your own land with a government permit.
It's easy enough to put up a shack or move into an abandoned commie flat in Poland but over here in the lawbound world it's not so easy.

begging literally pays more than wageslaving

maybe if the buissness owners paid a fair wage people wouldn't beg

Also a lot of beggers are doing it for drug/booze money.

indeed or they should just build one.

fuck off paco

>lawbound world


Like if there are jobs in this economy. Kys OP

The stupid nigger was pretending to be blind and the guy pretended like he was gonna kick him to see if he was faking it

Wouldn't a blind person sense that kick tho?

People can still hear someone getting ready to kick them.

You can also be mostly blind and see only vague shapes and movement without being totally blind.

>too much anime.

No but really, imagine you were born blind and had to go through life like that. Wouldn't your other senses sharpen?
You can still hear and use your sense of stability and location(that thing in your ear), it works almost like a radar

work sucks.

I’m surprised people who aren’t boomers ask this.
>play online vidya
>always some faggot asking for gold
>why are you even playing?
These fagots are the potential beggars of real life.

With what sensory organ? his fucking nose?

>Spice addicts

My intelligence is rated in the top 99.99 percentile of the general population. I extremely doubt a homeless person would be capable of doing the highly qualified and demanding work that I do.

Because the minimum wage outlaws all jobs they could do

The ruffling of pants, slight gust of wind hitting face, sound of wind (maybe?).
Small things that accumulate.


>shitposting on 4chunks
some job user

Can't get a job without a car or address.
Can't get an interview if you smell.
Can't get a confirmation if you have no email or phone.

90% of homeless people are completely insane

10% are junkies

So you're so dumb only 0.01% of the world population is dumber than you?

Also top notch bait

Some are crazy.
Some are depressed and have given up.
Some have lost all faith in the social contract.
Some are just shitbags.
How you treat them is how you show your quality.

This applies only to white homeless. Nigs and meds are doing it as a full time job. Gypsies have it down to a science

Because of mental health issues. They aren’t capable of sustaining behavior that can benefit them in society.

Depends on where you live. Out West they've made tons of incentives to be 'homeless'. It attracts all the junkies who know they can get high and have all of their basic needs met if they just move to a leftist dystopian city. And as a result, we've got tons of junkies shitting all over our sidewalks.


"hey boss, can you hire this other guy instead of me"

Begging is a full-time job jackass.
Just look at people camping popular spots.

Also, jobs, trips to job tree, simply pick etc etc etc

hiring mangers are racist, you dumbass


Haha night night notion aka anti jew

begging is their job

you can find jobs off the books, Its nigger work, but its a job and pays ok. i was basically a lumberjack off the books for some time cutting tress removing them or chopping them up for fire wood.

Coz 1st world beggars actually make more money begging than getting a job

maybe they can't...? (most of them at least)
ever thought about that, patrick?

Answer me honestly, would you hire any homeless or disabled? Me neither.

Also, they have a job. Begging is quite a booming industry.

>implying homeless shelters for men exist

Do you want some money, some food.
Cold out too, isn't it.
Why don't you get a job?
>I lost my job
Why? You drink? Insider trading? Just joking.
What's you name? Speak up!
Get a goddamn job Al!

And yes, it's not fucking USSR where you could be picked off the street by some militia guy and be send to do some cheap ass job for 15 days.
Now the employer won't even look in your side if you don't have some bullshit degree and prior experiences/recommendations even for a FUCKING JANITOR application which will land you a 200 euros a month.

There is, though, an epic story of a hobo who actually managed to land his ass into university here.

Capitalism, with a money supply controlled by (((them))) involves maintaining a certain amount of unemployment as a balance against inflation. Full employment requires fascism or something similar.

I always forget how big of a problem spice addiction is over there. I watched a documentary on it a few years ago that shit is actually really really bad

there are tons of companies that hire all the time because they have such a high turnover rate of new employees because the jobs are hard work. So people like in op's pic don't even bother doing them since they're lazy.

Pic related, a shitty ramp agent job for a company called Menzies I had 2 years ago, had to bust my ass in Florida weather for 8.50 an hour. They had new employees I had to train every week, then were gone the next.

>books for some time cutting tress removing them or chopping them up for fire wood.

Right now checked the vacancies list. Literally everyone:
1) Expects you to drive car
2) Expects you to have experience in this field of work
3) Expects you to bring your inventory and other shit (the only exclusion was the company that is affilated with government)

And, knowing the local job market, I am fucking sure that for all these hemorroids, the guy working as lumberjack receives a little bit more than minimal wage because why the fuck not go full cheapskate, if you are at it.
I am still wondering at how much of pretentious and cheap twats are empolyers during this decade here.

I noticed that if you cover up the top half of this it appears to move quickly and if you cover the bottom half it appears to move really slowly

>work as a cashier
>local begger ask me to change her small money
>abbout 100£ worth of change
>tfw its like 5 times more then i make
i just cant deal with the shame i would feel asking people for money if i can work

How fucking stupid are you burger?

I am a substance abuse /mental health therapist (in the United States) and have a bit of insight into this -

What I see is 25% mental health problems that people refuse care for, and 75% substance abuse problems that people refuse care for. There are people shoveling money at this problem, but there will always be homeless people because a lot of it is a lifestyle choice (at least in the US) . The sad truth is that almost everybody who wants to get off the streets can.


They're fucking addicts of one type or another, even gambling. Shelters (if they exist) kick them out when they fail the drug test. Also, they don't ever think enough to question their situation or decisions, being born victims.

Never make the mistake of thinking others have the same values as you.

t. was genuinely homeless and lived in a shelter for four months

I've seen beggers get more money in a single day then working a day at a minimum wage job

To beg is a job.

It's probably hard to get a job without an address.
Or a bank account.
Or probably anything.

I also imagine smelling bad would be bad for work performance.

Begging pays much better.

you can make good money as a beggar. Think $30,000 yr tax free.

We should send the IRS after them for tax evasion, make them useful for once

Because they're hooked on the skag and mentally ill

Of course! My CoO haki is the greatest.
t. Katakuri

>beggars more money than working a day at minimum wage job

umm, that's only because the good beggars clear the cup out to make you think they are broke. some days(good location,etc), these dudes make more bank in a day than than a minimum wage employee makes in a month.

>there are two types of people: those who see and those who are 100% blind

the fewer illegal immigrants there are, the more jobs will be available to actual citizens. They may be low wage, but it's better than nothing.

Shaman healed his blindness in milliseconds, this is truly a power of melanin magic

Because they don't want to be a slave to the global Jewish banking system

Wow thanks for explaining the gif what would we do without you

Yeah, because nobody had jobs before cars, deodorant, and the internet.

Fucking moron.

Beggar here. I panhandle because it pays more than minimum wage - a LOT more. About $20 per hour if you're downtown. And I get to sit and do nothing. On top of that, I collect welfare, as I'm unofficially unemployed. I'd lose 2/3rds of my income if I get a real job. What I want to know is, why don't more people panhandle?

No one needed those things when it was legal to go out and hunt for your food and build a house with your bare hands. We have had our rights taken away and our only means to survival is inside the financial system and failure to comply means that the government will send thugs to beat you.

>why not more panhandlers?
competition? also, it's always awkward when you approach an intersection, and there are two panhandlers fighting for first dibs.

First of all, not every blind person is 100% blind. The majority have moderate or severe vision impairment and less then 20% of them are completely blind. Having said that, the best way to deal with beggars is don't give them money. How hard is that?

nobody would hire them

There is ZERO reasons for an able bodied (and even handicapped) persons to be unemployed at this point in time.
Perhaps pedos and felons may have a tough time finding employment, but that's the punishment for committing a felony and fucking kids.

Fuck off you literal kike

I'd be homeless too, if the only alternative were working manual labor for 8.50 and no guaranteed upward mobility.

What we should really do is make jobs that guarantee the position to the highest score. Say, a series of algebra tests for a 13.50 position using said algebra skills.

in-house testing > resumes

Don't worry bro, me and you both

unless beggars start taking credit or debit cards, they are shit out of luck with me.

well he's LARPing that he's blind
that's sort of a job

are you retarded?

Because they reek like shit, did ya know that ?

too red-pilled (the real red-pill)

Would you hire some shit smelling vagrant walking into your business that had stains and rips in his clothes?

>6 gorriion flag

Jewish shill forgot proxy.

Unironically this. Probably too big of a redpill for most of Sup Forums unfortunately.