If even a tenth of the pizzagate energy was put into digging into russiagate, pol would be way ahead of the MSM...

if even a tenth of the pizzagate energy was put into digging into russiagate, pol would be way ahead of the MSM, but pol is so infested with Putin's shill army it cant focus on anything except bullshit like pizzagate. inb4 saged by putin shills.

Other urls found in this thread:


Cringy. Thanks for confirming that you're wrong and don't deserve to be listened to by spamming a bunch of threads though.

Enjoy page 10.


Clinton hurt Clinton and helped Trump more than the entire Russian government ever could.


We were into that. We knew the contents of the memo before publication, it was obvious from the "unmasking" hearings, and the "wiretap" tweet.
oh sweetie, "russiagate" now means how Dems used russia-provided info to make a fake dossier to trick a FISA court. We know about that.

If even a tenth of the effort put into Russiagate were put into digging into AIPAC and general Israeli influence over US foreign policy we could have half the government in jail and several former presidents for war crimes, treason, etc., but the swamp is so infested with kikes that it can't focus on anything except bullshit like russiagate.


Where would one even begin? There are hardly even any names to go on. It's just 'The Russians', 'The Kremlin', these imaginary distant bogeymen that somehow made Trump win. The whole thing is retarded and baseless.

You come home from hard day of work at glorious Soviet tractor factory.

Enter lounge and drink vodka. Cat sit on top of kitchen table, stare at you. “Stupid cat.” you say, “You look just like comrade Stalin fat ugly wife!”.

Early next morning, KGB kick down front door and take you to Siberian gulag for outrageous slur against Comrade Stalin beautiful wife.

In glorious Soviet motherland, even cat can be trained to report owner for spread discontent and tell lie about senior party members.

Cat receive Order Of Lenin medal and senior position in KGB; you receive 30 year hard labour sentence at Soviet re-education camp.

Life is just and fair under our beloved leader Stalin

The entire force of the federal government has been digging into "russiagate" 24/7 for the last two years and it's found bupkis

in:Russianpasta Wiki

Creepypasta/Russia spoofs

Skeleton Is Appear

Cat is Hero of Motherland

Pocketwatch is Break

Degenerate Murderer on Televisir

Siberian Pigsty

Mirror is Capitalist

Legend is being going like this.

You are entering bathroom and standing in front of mirror. Turning candles off and, while being in front of mirror, spinning rapidly, you chanting "Leon Trotsky" "Leon Trotsky" "Leon Trotsky" "Leon Trotsky", several times, while catching glimpses of self on mirror. It is said that eventually you be seeing image of Leon Trotsky on mirror.

Upon exiting bathroom you are being arrested by KGB for believing in existence of Leon Trotsky, whom party has proven never existed.

- Russia hacked thousands of U.S. officials, both Democrat and Republican.

- Russia has activated thousands of bots and paid trolls to spread fake news on social media, supported by profiteers.

- Russia has activated thousands of bots and paid trolls to spread fake support for Trump on social media, supported by profiteers

- Russia has activated thousands of bots and paid trolls to divide the Democratic caucus, supported by profiteers.

- RT and Sputnik News push state-sponsored propaganda through bots and social media to get it trending on Twitter, so it will go viral.

- Voter rolls were hacked to identify voters to target with disinformation.

- Trump was working with Russian disinformation outlets to validate news stories known to be fake.

- Russians were able to successfully flood social media and specifically target key demographics such as Christians or outspoken patriots with disinformation, then duplicate counterfeit versions of the same accounts they targeted in order to amplify the spread of disinformation. Like attracts Like.

- Russian disinformation and the Trump campaign effectively pushed the "election rigging" meme, while simultaneously engaging in the act of trying to influence the election by illegal means.

- Senator Wyden is seeking Trump's tax returns, and has the legal authority to subpoena them, if necessary.

- Russia uses business networks to influence political actors.

- Private American businesses that oppose the Russian agenda are being attacked using tactics designed to negatively impact their stock prices.

- Bots and trolls engage in "click fraud" (i.e. computer-automated visits to their own disinformation pages) to push them to page one in search engine results.

- Mainstream media sometimes unwittingly published Russian propaganda because it was "trending."

- The United States was completely caught off-guard, and had no mechanism in place to combat the Russian disinformation campaign. By the time people became aware of the campaign, it had achieved its objective.

- Russia successfully ran practice missions prior to executing the operation against the United States, in once case convincing a town that its chemical plant had been attacked by ISIS when it had not, by using text messages and social media targeted to their region and demographics.

- The GOP primaries were influenced by Russian disinformation, and Marco Rubio was specifically named as a target.

- Vladimir Putin will continue to attack the United States in this manner.

- Vladimir Putin wanted Trump to win, but if Trump lost, planned to continue to attempt to discredit Hillary Clinton.

- "Trump Honeys" (i.e., scantily-clad young women appearing outside of Trump campaign events in Trump regalia) were hired and deployed all over the country by front companies to influence Trump support using a classic "honeypot" scheme.

- Fake crimes by refugees, specifically rapes, were fabricated by Russia and spread throughout NATO countries.

- Russia is actively working to influence ALL far-Right political parties throughout NATO countries, and executing operations similar to the one in the United States to discredit political moderates throughout NATO, on an ongoing basis.

- Putin will continue unless we take positive steps to fight back.

Everyone else is reporting it too, and there's information about the Kremlin launching the same disinformation cyberattack against Ukraine, too:


Right-wing conservatives are absolutely certain that Yuri Bezmenov was right about Putin's KGB deliberately deploying Kremlin disinformation to destroy America during the Soviet days.

Right-wing conservatives are equally absolutely certain that Putin's FSB cannot possibly be deploying Kremlin disinformation to demoralize and sdestabilize America today.

The Kremlin is launching cyberwarfare attacks against the US, stealing sensitive data, hacking US servers, launching disinformation campaigns and trolling social media with web brigade armies and Putinbots.

Trump has instructed Tillerson to be "good friends" with the same treacherous perpetrators attacking us and trying to destroy America, meanwhile the far-right TrumDumpsters are cheering for it. In fact, they are on their knees worshiping the Kremlin and taking turns sucking Putin's cock.

The anti-Kremlin conservatives and leftists are probably the only patriots remaining in America now.

Thinking that 'sage' is downvoting is the mark of the real shill, fuck off OP.
Also Sage.

>small part of the fbi is the entirety of the federal government
the more you know...

>too prove you're not russian, bomb russia

Oh gee, since I care so much what you think...

>if even a tenth of the pizzagate energy was put into digging into russiagate, pol would be way ahead of the MSM

I've actually put a lot of energy into both but there is a lot that simply does not line up with the Russiagate scenario the way it is being played out

basically my conclusion is that Trump is working with the deep state to attempt to become the biggest double agent in history

thats the only thing that makes any sense, if they simply wanted Trump gone he would have died from indigestion or had a heart attack or 24 hour deadly cancer by now

>Clinton hurt Clinton and helped Trump more than the entire Russian government ever could.
and they "were" friends

they were working together, only 3 times in history had one party held the white house that long, it was pretty much impossible for any democrat to win after 8 years of Obama, they threw in all the SJW shit to make sure

>1 post by this kike-D

comey is such a shill faggot.
>The DNC says it cooperated with the FBI, providing information on the server through a third-party vendor.The FBI provided no comment, but then-FBI director Comey said it was an appropriate substitute.

page 2 motherfucker ahahahahah!

how do we know the Russians weren't performing these acts on contract from actors within the US government?

You have be mentally retarded. Americans care more about the eagles winning the superbowl then they do your obsession with putin's cock

"This memo is going to paint the FBI in a bad light" said the swamp monster chest deep in feces from the sham Clinton investigation.

oh man, that is pizzagate tier thinking, Trump is only as smart as his tweets ffs

>deep state
The "deep state" is a Kremlin invention to fabricate suspicion between Americans and their government. Of course Brietbats and Fox are parroting this conspiracy theory. The stupidest people on the planet have already fallen for it.


true, but the fact remains Putin is winning and Trump is helping

>how do we know the Russians weren't performing these acts on contract from actors within the US government?
Yuri Bezmenov warned us about Moscow inventing these kinds of lies to get Americans to turn against their institutions. It's the Kremlin's "demoralize and destabilize" disinformation campaign

If there were any truth to Russia gate, pol would be 40 fathoms deep into it, problem is, there is literally nothing there, just like the polls before the election and the MSM's ultra confidence that Hillary would win. It is all fake and behind the empty talking head is nothing.
On a side note every time we dig, we do find collusion, but its really fucking over the DNC and this so called deep state more than Trump, so would you like us to keep digging? I am sure there is at least a few nefarious items we have yet to discover about the Clintons.

zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-11/how-Sup Forums-mcfooled-john-mccain-buzzfeed-and-cia-believing-trumps-golden-showers

>Trump is only as smart as his tweets ffs
he's got a history of being able to outsource brainpower when necessary, but the way this is looking is that Trump was planning on being a fall guy candidate for Hillary and then he was going to go do a TV show about his run, contracts were already signed, but even if Russia did assist in advertising the trump campaign nobody assisted it more then MSM, Trump had the best ad campaign since cocaine

but since you know so much about counter intelligence tell me what this means? I think it's a big scam, a national spectacle scripted bought and paid for, either that or the power vacuum left by the lack of macho Bush sons and lack of planning has allowed Trump to fill the vacuum, even if he doesn't want to,

the main question is, obviously this is being primed for Trump to start feeding Putin intel, will the data be good or bad

I'm thinking bad since the media is playing along, if Trump was actually a Putin asset they would have just killed him and said it was a heart attack or he'd get really sick from choking on a chicken bone at 4 am while eating ice cream and jerking off

Did Donald Trump Commission Russia’s Hack of the US Election Himself?
By patribotics Posted on Apr 23, 2017

Sources linked to the intelligence community say that Donald Trump accepted laundered Russian money which, through shell companies, supported Russian hackers as they attacked America – and then supported Wikileaks and Julian Assange as he published the results of those hacks.

Donald Trump’s link to the hack on the US election appears to be far more direct than anybody thought – with Russian money, washed into his campaign, paying for Russian hackers who attacked both state voter registration databases and the DNC. Trump also appears to have had direct personal knowledge of the propaganda botnet used by Russia.

>The "deep state" is a Kremlin invention
FDR and Dick Helms invented it, there are books about it, although their term was "shadow government"

>bullshit like pizzagate

First day on the job shill?

low effort shilling

the fact that we HAVENT found anything on it is proof to us that its bullshit

OP is a faggot.
The demoncrats are rotten to the core and their evil minions have corrupted our law enforcement and intelligence system.
There is no way the FBI and the Justice Dpet should have given shillary a pass on that basement server.

I, for one, would love to see what the Russians and everyone else pick off that server. And I, for one, would appreciate some proper justice served in this case.

>Yuri Bezmenov warned us about Moscow inventing these kinds of lies to get Americans to turn against their institutions.
the soviets have never had any trouble infiltrating our government, the first known instance being in 1913, by 1944 the soviets had taken over entire sections of the US Government including the FDA, we weren't even aware of this until a high value defector was murdered, the CIA was created mostly to combat the threat of soviet infiltration, they were infiltrating us so we had to infiltrate them, but this is all being done using the British espionage tactics so probably it was the UK who hired Russia to infiltrate us

>have corrupted our law enforcement and intelligence system.
the entire purpose of these things is corruption

riiigghhht and Mueller has zip nada zilch ok then

Fuck off, glow in the dark c.i.a. nigger.

>If there were any truth to Russia gate, pol would be 40 fathoms deep into it,

not if pol is actually run by Putin's shill factory

I think Mueller will release his findings at the funerals of Trump, Hillary and Obama he'll read the findings relevant to them

Dick Cheney said he was the leader of the shadow government, so that can't be the same thing you're talking about.

Kremlin-run Sputnik has been calling this nefarious Illuminati-meets-OpusDei-meets-Bilderberg Group "deep state" for 4 years, suggesting that federal agencies have some underworld operation going on within them. This is complete horseshit and the people who fall for it should be IQ tested immediately.

Tell me this isn't the instagram of a child trafficker.


None of this shit is new. The memo is just telling us what we sussed out a fucking year ago.

>not if pol is actually run by Putin's shill factory
this place is run by US intelligence and LE, remember when the government closed down and all the cuck porn disappeared,

could be Russians too, doesn't really matter

maybe it was Russians hired by democrats?

Hey, look someone identified the real problem.
Well put, user.


Do you really think that Mueller isn't investigating Steele?
Litterally foreign influence in the election.
You fucks sound desperate.
Keep shilling.

>Dick Cheney said he was the leader of the shadow government, so that can't be the same thing you're talking about.
Cheney was like 14 when it was invented, it's an office and yes during the Bush years Cheney was the top shadow guy, during Obama it was Clinton hence Obama's record for ordering more executions than all other presidents combined, you think Trump will attempt to beat his record? it's a lot of work causing that much trouble and the guy is old I don't think he has it in him.

This meme flag douche took 3 pages of text to say what we already knew and discounted. Putin and the FSB used social media to put out fake or misleading news (according to liberal fact checkers anyway).
No shit. You know who else does this shit? Everyone else. Clinton had CTR, shareblue, and others spamming media with her lies.
Here is what won it for trump. Trump mad people genuinely proud to be Americans and promised to bring back the good old days.
Clinton promised that fucking white people are assholes, america sucks and will be punished and the noncitizens will be doing the punishing.
The fake news stories were for the rabble to chat about.

>suggesting that federal agencies have some underworld operation going on within them
of course they do where the fuck have you been you just show up or something?

they're the biggest strongest deadliest gang in the world, they have the most guns they sell the most weapons they sell the most drugs and they kill the most people

>Putin and the FSB used social media to put out fake or misleading news
they do this every year and we never talk about it, exposing an intelligence breech is a really bad idea unless you are trying to obfuscate

why are they handling it this way and why is media pushing the Russia thing so hard it sounds like a lie?

>- Russian disinformation and the Trump campaign effectively pushed the "election rigging" meme,

Your diatribe should be a drinking game.
>Everyone drinks when you read 'bot'!
Give it up shill.
You are soon to be unemployed when the DNC goes bankrupt.

There is no indication of this other than wishful thinking.

Dirty cop Mueller will say that would be "outside of his mandate".

Pic related is pretty much irl

>Russia put out 300K in political Social Media adds and it magically beat out Hillary’s 1.2 BILLION campaign coffers

Even if it were true, it only proves how utterly fucking retarded her campaign was run. Alas, it’s not the reason she lost. She lost because Trump is a fucking stud muffin whose only flaw is that he’s too nice.

like what exactly?

Wow... Your delusions are so vivid. Where is the proof for ANY of it?

>Clinton had CTR, shareblue, and others spamming media with her lies.
You mean has.

Yuri Bezmenov talked about all the things Democrats have done. Your shilling sucks. 0/10. No Soros-bux for you.

They are pushing to keep their base alive. They can not admit their core message of fuck white people did not work. They are pushing the identity politics but like the Golem of Jewish scripture it will turn against them. In many ways it has, as even their own saviors are being caught up in #metoo bullshit and this is white womens fault.
These over educated but real life ignorant ass hats just don’t get it. There idiot base may want guns and mommy government to take care of them but most people don’t. They want a job and purpose. Clinton did not give them that.

>Thinks Pizza gate is conspiracy
>Also thinks Trump and everyone around him are Russian agents hell bent on destroying the US
Please kys

The democratic party will cease to exist within the next 7 years. Their madness, hysteria, and corruption will finally be their undoing.

>Here is what won it for trump.
The Electoral College. Because the majority of American voters did not vote for Trump.

>Trump mad people
Trump convinced them America wasn't great

>genuinely proud to be Americans
I was already genuinely proud to be American. If these people couldn't be proud without a "reality" TV celebrity huckster claiming they were, then they still aren't today.

>Clinton promised that fucking white people are assholes, america sucks and will be punished and the noncitizens will be doing the punishing.
I understand on Sup Forums we're all supposed to invent reasons to hate Hillary, but I'm pretty sure she didn't promise any of that.

>Give it up shill.
That's so original. Did you come up with that yourself?

>implying Sup Forums doesnt already know everything
>implying russia retardation is the actual truth
I'm gonna use a tenth of the amount of rope on you that I use on others

>Where is the proof for ANY of it?
That was the sworn testimony from the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Uhhh yeah no. That FISA warrent was being renewed, meaning that famous trump vetting sure caught that c.page was ALREADY under a warrent. You fuckin partisan hack

When this scandal is fully revealed the Democratic Party will be essentially destroyed. And at the rate it's going, it won't take 7 years.

because no one has presented ANY concrete evidence of Putin doing anything, other than some Russians buying facebook ads there really isn't anything there, the FBI never even saw Hillary's servers, they just took Crowdstrikes word for it.

Kys shill

dam russians and their collusion tho

>The democratic party will cease to exist within the next 7 years. Their madness, hysteria, and corruption will finally be their undoing.
They're going to be a much bigger threat. They've cleaned house, removed the corruption at the top, promoted activist groups - all the things the GOP desperately needs to do. Generally we have to outspend the Dems 2 to 1. In that regard Trump has made it easy since every stupid thing he does is a big laugh and a headline. But the tax cut means the corporations owe us campaign cash for this legislation. So we'll definitely have the money, but Trump is a loose canon. Pence is going down with him because of Flynn.

dream on, comrade. Your degenerate pervert mafia criminal hero has finally run out of hair spray

>a bunch of google street view and word association

>russian probe
>classified documents and communications

It would literally be a circle jerk hand waving session if pol looked into it.

No, I disagree.
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. Abraham Lincoln

>They are pushing to keep their base alive. They can not admit their core message of fuck white people did not work.

I get what you're saying but statistically they were going to lose whatever they did, but this shit certainly didn't help them so maybe there was no option for survival of the party, all these people work together and it seems to me this is a mindfuck that is trying to sell you a war

>Because the majority of American voters did not vote for Trump.
they will never allow you to know how many people actually voted for who, we will never get to the bottom of the truth in the vote count, but the trends discovered we have to assume were rampant

>removed the corruption at the top,
you cunts still have Pelosi and Schumer, a few others I can think of who absolutely have to go before there is even a hope, Paul Ryan has to go also

>has finally run out of hair spray
don't worry he has plenty of fried chicken and penis pump left

guy used to smoke crack, not even lying I have pix you think those are worth something?

Didn't we all?

America hacked the Canadian election. And I can prove it.

Comey needs to answer for his crimes


probably true, but there seems to be a lot in the public domain that MSM is ignoring, like all the condos Trump sold to Russians for money laundering. Like behind the scenes at Trump's 2013 Moscow Miss Universe. Like Trump's longtime bodyguard's sudden 'retirement'. Like Trump and Kushner being bailed out by oligarch money after 2008 crash. Like Trump appointing Putin's #1 choice Tillerson. Like Trump's corrupt Cyprus money launderer banker being appointed commerce secty. etc etc

jeebus fuk this guy is worse than any mafia don or al capone, not even mentioning his pedo parties

I am all for Russians controlling the US because it’ll probably turn out better than Israel controlling the US

I might believe the Russia gate if the narrative wasn't so fucking retarded.
>November 6th
Trump: These poll numbers seem fishy and I may request an inquiry into the results if I lose
Democrats: The election isn't rigged stop being paranoid
>November 7th
Trump: These poll numbers seem fishy and I may request an inquiry into the results if I lose
Democrats: The election isn't rigged stop being paranoid
>November 9th
Trump: Woo I won
Democrats: Wow, clearly the election was rigged by Russia

You figure that if Russia rigged the election there would have been some murmurs about it during the election cycle instead of it remaining completely unknown until Hillary lost.

Are you fucking serious? The one thing we can count on is the MSM looking into these claims. If there was something there we would read it everyday on CNN.
THERE is not thing there but ad buys on Facebook and shit.

What the hell are you talking about? I haven't seen any pizzagate shit hit front page in over a month but we are CONSTANTLY having stuff show on front page disproving the russiagate bullshit.

you're the fucking shill, OP. i bet you're literally with shareblue or something. this will ALWAYS be a Christian, pro-putin, pro-assad board. fuck you

>Because the majority of American voters did not vote for Trump.
The majority of voters didn't vote for Obama over Hillary either. Where was your rage then?

OP, I charge you with being a gay pedo-loving faggot


>electoral college
>sob sounds
Take away California and she loses the popular vote. The whole reason for the EC was to prevent this very scenario.
>she did not promise to kill whity with brownies
Basket of deplorables remark. Most of her rallies her constituents had similar messages to white mans time is up. As well as policies like affirmative action.
>I am already proud to be an american
I am sure you were at the last pride parade.

>they will never allow you to know how many people actually voted for who
"They"? You fell for one of those debunked conspiracy theories, didn't you?
The carefully measured quality of our Supervisors of Elections for actual election day votes is well over six sigmas of accuracy (about 4 in a million errors)

>but the trends discovered
You're feeding off deliberate misinformation and you lack the critical thinking skills to figure it out.

You’ll never win with a leftist base that acts completely deranged. It’s exploited on both sides, yet only one gets any attention. Some of us have lost long time friends to liberal propaganda, the same propaganda that is spouted out of the mouths of leftist politicians and media. These people are completely lost. If it’s understood that far right groups are reactionary, why the fuck do they keep feeding it? The left have made themselves to look like lunatics in the eyes of average citizens.

OP better watch it. Undermining the idea of a deep state is dangerous. If there’s no shadowy group of Federally employed renegades abusing their authority, then people might get the idea that Democrats, and Obama in particular, have it out for them. Remember the deep state insulates BHO from the Cincinnati IRS outlaws who targeted Tea Party groups. If there’s no deep state then, Eric Holder armed the Mexican Cartels as part of Obama’s policy goals. The deep state is that body of Wilsonian experts that make no one accountable for the crises and scandals that might otherwise hurt the electoral chances of politicians.

I have no idea what Schumer has done, but the half dozen or so Pelosi "scandals" all turned out to be debunked lies. This is what I'm talking about. If they really are such bad people, why can we just tell the truth about them? Apparently the truth vindicates them so we craft lies and slander instead. That's not the party of Lincoln.

>Take away California
Why would any reasonable person do that?