How did it turn into something that brought the average small town/rural American community together into Israel worshipping cuckery?
What happened to Protestantism?
The scoffield bible
Don't fall for pol generalizations
Most Protestants and evangelicals do not follow an idea that the state of Israel is God's continuing kingdom, even though a number of popular televangelists have preached around that
Scoffield Bible and dispensationalism is a good answer
Google Liberal Christianity
It's a long story but when the protestants broke away from the church and interpreting the bible on their own they basically took the old testament way out of context and this gradually led to judaizing.
Egalitarianism leads to the death of everything good, because it is contradictory to the fallen nature of man.
Protestantism has proven it isn't strong enough to defy modernism. Mark my words, the next Pope will organise another council and make the Church conservative again, it will be one of the last conservative bullwark in the West.
I hope so.
What has led you to this reasoning?
>make incredibly important knowledge and wisdom available to peasants
>Surprised when it goes to shit and they get manipulated
Jesus Christ it's a fucking mystery
Honestly, most bishops and cardinals aren't happy at all with Pope Francis. There is a pretty good chance cardinal Sarah will be the next pope, if he outlives Francis. Cardinal Sarah will most likely be the best pope we've had in almost 100 years. He's from Africa, where Catholicism is of the most conservative sort in the world. This man knows what must be done, he sees the damage liberalism is doing to the Church. If any man can fix the Church, it must be him.
Same thing happened to mainline Protestants that happened to the Catholics. Communist infiltrators infected their schools.
It's the other way around. Egalitarianism was explicit in Protestantism from the beginning - just read the bible, you can make Christianity whatever you want it to be.
Stop making more -ism words.
It was all the catholic immigration from Ireland and Germany that cucked America. Not the protestants
Keep telling yourself that, heretic.
>people who had no power to cuck anyone cucked america
How exactly did Catholics lead to pic related?
Everything that occurred in your country is almost entirely the natural outgrowth of Protestantism: the grubby materialism, mass watering down of doctrine, throwing out rational thought for feelings, and so on. Protestantism lowered Christianity to the lowest common denominator and that's exactly what you got.
>calls others heretic
>worships a pope and prays to saints
literal pagan
redpill me on the scoffield bible
>implying protestants aren't more pagan when they've effectively created a million different Popes leading the lowest common denominators for money.
It was just a popular commentary that had a dispensationalist slant, I don't think it was nefarious only mistaken
>To pray means 'to ask'
>TIL it is heretical to ask someone to pray for you
>TIL we Catholics worship the Pope