Is China the Next Suporpower?

China has the best probability of becoming the largest economy and forming a conventional military power that will come on par or near par, with the US, over then few decades.

Currently China is the biggest contributor to world economic growth. Larger then both Us and EU combined.

Technically that should make China a superpower roughly comparable to the US.

Meaning the world would once again become multi-polar. However unlike the multi-polar of the USSR vs US; this multi-power world is not foreseen to be adversary in nature like the USSR-US one was.

China has no desire to become the world’s policeman and unilaterally intervene in the internal affairs of others. The anticipated role of the UN was to act as the spokesperson for world body on matters of concern to most and many nations.

So far the UN has largely been hijacked for geopolitical reasons, when the past and present reigning superpowers sought dismiss or deflect the UN’s role.

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Chunks are dumb and worthless without white inventions they can steal

And Yet they practically colonized Eastern North America seaboard and are colonizing Australia and Africa as we speak. They are on the way to become world's 1st GDP in 10 years. What do you say to that?

You mean western seaboard right? There aren't very many of them here. Lots of Vietkong and Zipperheads, though.

I say to that that their love and envi my culture and gook pussy is literally thrown at my on every university I go to

What about Hongcouver though? Full of Chinks.

you knock up a gook, your kid isn't going to be white it's gook. What does a race with a population of a billion and climbing give a shit that it gets some good genes?

>forming a conventional military power that will come on par or near par, with the US, over then few decades.

They really love white men for some reason true, but the Chinks are still largest danger for Occident.

I can't presume to speak for the problems Canada is facing. Anyways, Chinese can't really innovate but by virtue of having 1 billion plus people and not being a total shitshow like India they will have the biggest economy. Military will probably lag behind though.

You are right, Chinese military is already superior to US power.

They can sink all US pacific fleet in 10 mins, and reach continental US within 14 minutes with nuclear warhead.

Not without spellcheck

Har har.

I'll take "China has no force projection" for $500, Alex

What game show are you refferencing? And who is Alex?

That video is retarded, in the first 2 minutes he uses a concept art of the SR-72 for the Chinese missile.


Dude, even in fucking Korean war a PLA fucking curbstomped US army. IMO THIS was the biggest humiliation of American military to date, not the fucking Vietnam, because Chinks actually managed to push back and outmanouver US military on open ground, unlike NVA.

What does that have to do at all with what I said?

I thought someone is going to rebut what I said.

The PLA didn't curbstomp the US Army at all. They actually lost almost 50% of their standing military force during the battle of Chosin Reservoir. McArthur wanted to push the slopes back passed the Yalu river, which the President wouldn't allow because we didn't want to set a powder keg for another world war.

Uhm... Chosin was a US failure. Chinks still had millions more of troops and retook entire North Korea with US being unable to take it back.

Chosin was a failure in that McArthur was under orders to not start shit with the chinese and so we pulled back and away from the yalu river which is why the chinks decided to come at us in the first place. China almost lost everything in that engagement alone, and it was by the grace of uncle sam that Mao had a chance to come up on his destiny

So explain to me how the fuck was USA not able to retake North Korea in 1951-53? In WW2 America had 12 million people under arms fighting succesfully on 2 ends of the world, and in Korean war it failed to defeat hordes of peasants with shitty gear.

>So explain to me how the fuck was USA not able to retake North Korea in 1951-53?
I just told you that our leadership didn't want to start a third world war by attacking China within their borders. McArthur was relieved of his command because he wanted to nuke the Yalu River six ways from Sunday to create a border of fatal radiation so that US forces could destroy any remaining chink forces and finish their work in the peninsula.

So to answer your question we didn't take NK in 51-53 because we didn't feel like it was worth setting a precedent that you should sling nukes over some shit tier conflict like the NK war.

China also won the last, decivise battle.

>305 losses for the burgers
>32k for the chinks

as I said, we ditched our expedition into NK when the chinese decided that we were too close to their border on the Yalu, and so they attaced us and we slapped their shit in a fighting retreat so as to avoid world war 3

Look at the difference between North and South Korea. Fuck China.

And Yet China is becoming world's biggest power.

Kinda hard to be a superpower when your arable lands are turning into desert and you're a net importer of food.

They've been saying that about China for 30 years fyi

It’s unlikely that china will grow enough to survive the crash of the west. In an ideal scenario they might become a local power, but they’re too dependent on western money.

I hope you’re kidding. Freaking india would probably beat china.

>Is China the Next Suporpower?
yes it is guy from the 90s. in just 10 years it will catch up to your standard of living and build its own companies but you will still have a outdated world view and think they will be relying on outsourced labor for 2 decades

by the time you even realize they may be competitive they will eclipse america. dont feel bad our military generals are living in the past and think 30 american subs mean anything. thats not even a appetizer for WW3 with china

China fucking OWNS the west, and US is its bitch with China owning majority of American debt.

So? That’s even more of a reason why china is dependent on the west.

no tanks, no trucks, just donkeys, and they pushed you all the way back.

Oh shut the fuck up you nigger. I don't need you shitting all over my thread.

Oh, and don't think that once China takes over Africa they will treat you niggers better than whitey. They will fucking enslave you bugs.

>pushed you all the way back
why does everyone seem to ignore the tidbit about how we never intended to make a stand against the Chinese near the Yalu? If we had really wanted to, we could have made the yalu the DMZ. That risked war with the USSR so we didn't.

Come on now, be nice to the Larper

Americans hate each other, Europeans hate each other and the Chinese are Chinese, take a wild guess

Go to bed fin you are fin ished

Kane lives

But you are comparing deaths from a war at a time when China was at it's absolutely poorest and the US was at it's peak in power and wealth.

Majority of U.S. debt is held by the American people.

>China next supapowah
>Fucking 60:1 in a war against guys that know what the fuck they were doing

Good lord I get erect just thinking about how they'd get slaughtered today. Their military is all about politics and brainwashing rather then drill and war games. They'd be hilariously fucked up in a war with the United States.

And just as I said, it was by the grace of uncle sam alone that the Yalu river isn't an irradiated wasteland for the next 100 years. US/UN forces took 95% of north korea like it was nothing and that was just a mere police action in the grand scale of the US war machine. If we had committed an actual sizeable number of troops with the intention of keeping the chinks out, we could have.

Real question would be, was China made to be the next SuperPower and if so who would profit from it.


China becoming a world power and America becoming nationalistic would be the best possible outcome for the continued peace on this planet.

'Not in my world!'

I don't know but they're definitely onto something

They have more soliders than Americans have citizens so...

china banned cryptocurrencies today

the rest of the "free" world did not.

most of the free world is in debt with china.

do you see where this is going?

That'd be great if we were forced to invade their mainland instead of, say, blowing them to hell from the sea or the air till they surrender.

How in the fuck China taking over west could even benefit the kikes? The reality is, that kikes are fucking terrified of China. They are working 24/7 to undermine their economy, but they can't do shit. They can't infiltrate China because 99% of Chinese are HAN.

China has serious issues. NW region is lawless with the ugurs. The debt they have are crushing. The financial divide betweencities and rural area is creating tension. China will have to war soon if they want to distract from the starvation their people are suffering from. Too many issues and I see them civil war or collapse in 20to 30 years the latest

They already have Mach super missles which can sink US fleet tho.

no i dont im literally a brainlette with economics

Listen you
We have ships, ENTIRE SHIPS, dedicated to fucking up missiles. The Aircraft Carrier has dedicated anti-missile weapons.

China has roughly 200-300k more troops than the US does, except china has to dedicate a good portion of their defense spending on keeping all of their neighbors (who hate them) (a lot) in check, as well as brutalizing their population to keep them under control.

hypersonic missiles aren't all they're hyped up to be, and if you did manage to sink one of 10 or so carrier strike groups, you'd be sinking a few hundred acres of US sovereignty. that kind of shit will cost you your entire navy and more



did SAMs make aircraft obsolete when they came around?

But guess what? They fucking can't due to:

A. Shitty gook tech. Their engines for their latest and greatest aircraft was stolen/secretly given by the Russians.

And B. All the other reasons I mentioned above. China cannot into war, it has not seen combat for over fifty years.


China already is the next super power.

Nope, but what is your point? HSM are NOT sams.

Sinking an aircraft carrier is not that difficult, as the gommies have prepared to do that for even longer that US has prepared to defend its carriers. Then again US has other routs with which it can hurt china.

the speed of light is faster than mach what the butt ever dude

china manipulated their currency to gain a foothold as an economic powerhouse. their plan falls to shit if everybody drops the dollar and moves to another currency. nobody planned for that because it was insane to think, however, almost out of nowhere comes cryptocurrencies. almost as if heaven itself made a play against china.

why do you think they're fighting so hard against. they lose their power. not entirely but end up on an equal playing field.

You usually don’t put aircraft near missiles so I suppose so. I wish I had an image of that f117 that the serbs shot down.

Last time China saw war they kicked the shit out of USA in Korea, and then in 1978 went on to curbstomp Vietnamese who were giving America shit for 7 years.

my point is that just because the chinks have a hypersonic ASM, it doesn't mean aircraft carriers are obsolete. besides, hypersonic anti-ship missiles are absolutely intercept-able. We can intercept ICBMs which move much much faster, and anything hypersonic is gonna be easy as fuck to detect.

A carrier's best defense is its offensive capability, and the US has no less than 10 aircraft carriers available to them at any time.

I thought people shilled cyrpto because no one bought their crypto and they were trying to off load their investments into dumbasses as a ponzi scheme but you're implying that cryptocurrencies are reals and not feels

They don't have hypersonic anti ship missiles, and I dont think you know what hypersonic means.

Unless you mean the CGI video that uses the SR-72 and says that China totally has them prototyping which means clearly they have them right now.

China has yet to make a scram jet that can survive lower than the high stratosphere, how the fuck do you think they have low alt anti ship missiles?

Watch China uncensored video you dumb fuck, Chris Chapnell already explained it all.

Russia has very good anti-ship missiles so it’s reasonable to assume that so does china.

>China beat Vietnam

Literally what the fuck have you chinks been smoking.

>went on to curbstomp Vietnamese

But that's wrong, you fucking retard. Vietnam actually pushed into Chinese territory by the end of the war.

>kicked the shit out of USA in Korea

Citation needed. They surprised us, is all. Once we got back on our feet we curbstomped those slants back north of the parallel.

>share contiguouslandborder with country you're attacking into
>get shit pushed in by a country with a mult-thousand mile/kilometer logistical train
>forced into stalemate after 1,000,000 casualties after inflicting only a few tens of thousands of your own

They didn't kick the shit out of us at all.

>no country has hypersonic anti ship missiles
>Russian prototypes are mach 2

>chinks have hypersonic anti ship missiles because they are attempting to make one

China is a zillion dollars in debt. Begging Trump for trade deal just to make enough to pay interest on the debt and feed people. Nobody was fooled by their puppet kim ding dong rocketman

In five years the medium age in China will be 50 years. An aging population will demand more internal assets. China also has internal strife from provinces that wish to break away. China also has pissed off neighbors that will stealthily sap its military resources and foment internal corruption within China. That brings us to the next big superpower - India. Soon it will be the most populous nation on Earth. It has a medium age of just 36 years, already manufactures 1 of every 3 cars made in the World and is filled with very bright and very competitive people. India will be next superpower because U.S. will be engaged in next big war itself and that will be to its south, not in Asia.

>tfw the US controls the 1st largest navy, 1st largest air force, and 2nd largest air force

we're all going to war
this time with the financiers

They did though?

Americans spit us straight in the face in the name of israelis. I think its about time we join other european nations who wants to kick USA out of europe. I wouldn't hesitate inviting thousands of Chinese chicks to Poland.
On top of that we would benefit a lot from the New Silk Road.

Confirmed troll. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.

most cryptocurrencies do not and can not function as a currency or a store of value. 99%. Bitcoin is the only one that has passed all the tests people throw at it. so you're right. the inherit tech behind bitcoin, specifically, now and in the future is what will be the backbone for whatever new crypto currency we use. be it bitcoin or some shit the IMF and jew bankers fork and decide to impose on the world.

>poland wanting to be invaded again

>I wouldn't hesitate inviting thousands of Chinese chicks to Poland.

I also wouldn't.

They were saying Japan was going to own the US back in the 80s. Do they? No.

China's economy will go down sooner or later. Things will probably get pretty hilarious when that happens, knowing the Chinese...

Where did the meme that China can't innovate come from? They're currently behind the West but are catching up quickly in cited papers and patents. By 2030-2040 they'll at least rival the US in scientific output.

well im supportive of the proof of concept
I would happily welcome the final solution

>china manipulated their currency to gain a foothold as an economic power

I made over 200million dollars, while China was pretending they had an economy. They propped up the stocks for years. You literally could not lose. Anyone with half a brain got out before the obvious crash. They will never recover.

Are you English teacher Sexpat or butthurt Honk Konger on trip to mainland?

>Things will probably get pretty hilarious when that happens, knowing the Chinese...
just avoid large crowds and if you hear tanks, get the fuck outta there

Are you Eng teacher sexpat?

I also don't think they are innovative. But they have fucking massive numerical adventage.

I wonder where they got that idea from

No one in finance has any clue how the chinese banking system even works, it's unreasonable to assume that their debt statistics can be compared to western countries.
Their banks do appear to run on extreme leverages (like everyone else) and their levels of private debt are comparable to the US/Japan during their respective crisis debt/asset bubbles, but the thing about China is that the government could probably force the banks to cancel the debt.